CNN Interviews Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul Who Says: "Stop The Swine Flu Hysteria!"

Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
CNN interviews "Outrage" director Kirby Dick. No, really... that's his real name.
"You can't swing a dead cat in Washington without hitting a gay person."
Apparently, Washington, D.C., Capitol Hill and politics are full of closet homosexuals.
That explains a lot. I've been saying all my life that politics is "gay".
That said, Republicans and Conservatives need to get a grip and realize that homosexuality is a non-issue. America has come to terms with it and it can no longer be a political issue. I'm sure some of my fellow "conservatives" will slam me for saying that, but it's the truth.
Get over it and let's focus on some issues that matter. Americans have become tolerant of sexual orientation and thank goodness. That is, truly, freedom. Yes, our founding fathers were Christians who presumably disapprove of homosexuality, yet they also advocated personal choice, freedom of expression and personal liberty.
It's a fact worth recognizing if we truly wish to regain power in politics and government. Freedom of choice is tantamount to the liberties expressed to our citizens via our Constitution.
More proof of the Liberal mentality in our schools. The student did nothing wrong, yet was yelled at for 10 minutes for watching the "wrong" news.
Teacher told student that Fox has "conservative views" they are trying to push on people.
This is what the Liberal Education system is pushing on our children! It is very real and entirely despicable!
Why? Because the Teachers Unions are in the pockets of the Democrats and vice verse. Another reason why America's education system continues to slip.
Our teachers are not interested in educating. Like our politicians, on both sides of the aisle, they are most concerned about self-preservation.
As such, many teachers are brain-washed by the Liberal establishment and have grown to push their ideology onto their students.
Unless presenting both sides of any given debate, politics should be left out of grade school and high school. Teach the facts; not opinions.
Mike Huckabee answers questions only "Red Eye" can ask! Huck mocks guest Alan Colmes at every chance!
Miracle on the crapper? You can't make this shit up!
The pilot of a small airplane was able to walk away after its crash landing was cushioned by a bunch of portable toilets near Tacoma, Washington.
The book was intended to help children cope with disaster, but it's probably a good idea to remove this from the website.
Can anyone explain why FEMA thought it a good idea to have children color images of planes crashing into the building? Seriously, that seems like a bit much.
The Pew Forum recently conducted a survey which shows that 54% people who attend religious services at least once a week support the use of enhanced interrogation (torture) compared to 42% of those who "seldom or never" attend church.
I'm going to take a leap here (and anger some Liberals) and conclude this: those with higher moral standards understand the need to protect the safety of America more than those with lower morality.
The religious attacks in the comments from the CNN "faithful" are priceless.
President Obama abruptly interrupted today's White House Press Briefing to "do the job himself" and report his conversation with retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter.
I was kind of hoping he was going to fire Gibbs on the spot, but then again, I would miss the circus clown in action everyday with the press corps!
Morale at the CIA is reportedly at an all time low as a result of the recent developments and memos released by the Obama Administration.
Laura Ingraham filled in for Bill on tonight's "The O'Reilly Factor".
Bo Dietl of Beau Dietl & Associates posits the question for The President.
The question about Obama's children begins at the 2:40 mark.
Judy Shepard, mother of Matthew Shepard and executive director of the Matthew Shepard Foundation responds to recent statements regarding her sons death by Rep. Virginia Foxx and shares her perspective on the new hate crimes bill in Congress.
The measure passed 249-175 over the objections of conservatives, the Associated Press reports.
The bill -- named for Matthew Shepard, the gay college student who was beaten to death in Wyoming in 1998 -- is a stronger version of a bill that died two years ago under a veto threat from President Bush.
Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten, tortured and murdered in Wyoming. His story is portrayed in the play and film "The Laramie Project".
Personally, I disagree with "hate crime" legislation because all crime can be considered "hateful". Does it really matter why someone is murdered? Murder is by definition a "hate crime". Is there really any need to complicate the laws?
That said, Rep. Foxx's comments are truly "despicable", insensitive and shameful.
President Obama's "My Bad" moment at swearing in ceremony for naturalized citizens who had served in the military to attain citizenship.
He tells the audience "please be seated" prior to a PA announcer telling the crowd to remain standing for the National Anthem!
What a goofball! What kind of President simultaneously insults our National Anthem and uses the phrase "My bad"?
House Republicans are using images of the Pentagon burning on 9/11 and President Obama's "bow" to the Saudi leader in a video that accuses the president of making America less safe in his first 100 days.
House Minority leader John Boehner asks the American people a tough but incredibly important question after Barack Obama, his pre-9/11 mindset and a radical leftist, Democratic-controlled Congress celebrate Obama's first 100 days in office.
House Republicans are using images of the Pentagon burning on 9/11 and President Obama's "bow" to the Saudi leader in a video that accuses the president of making America less safe in his first 100 days.
But the new video has already created blowback from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – whose meeting with Obama is also featured in the video – with one member of the caucus claiming use of the image is “racist.”
The video is part of a new offensive by Republicans, who are in the midst of a party rebranding effort, to question the Obama administration's national security policies.
“What are Democrats doing to keep us safe,” Republicans ask in the video, titled “Day 101,” released Thursday morning.
Complete with dreary background music, the video challenges Obama on his decision to close Guantanamo Bay and release memos detailing the Bush administration’s policies on torture. The video also shows Obama's handshake with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, airs a bunch of headlines and news clips about CIA interrogations and flashes of terrorist training videos.
The image of the Pentagon in flames on 9/11 appears for just an instant at 1:14 in the video, and it’s spliced with images of flag burning protesters and other violent footage from the Middle East. The video also flashes on a still photo of Obama meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – and the image is spliced in between the Chavez handshake and the flag burning.
Noticing this shot, the CHC sent a vehement statement to POLITICO this afternoon.
“The video posted on Congressman John Boehner’s official website is a completely inappropriate message for the leader of the minority party to send to the American people,” said CHC Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.). “It’s disrespectful to the hard-working Latinos across the nation, serving in every sector of our economy and on our military’s front lines. The CHC demands an apology from the Minority Leader for this insensitivity and that the video be removed immediately.”
Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, also a member of the CHC, was even more outraged: “It is not only inflammatory to the Latino community but the singling out of a groups for that
categorization is racist.”
House Minority Leader John Boehner defended the video today, saying it was perfectly fair game.
“What is the overarching strategy?” Boehner asked. “I’m trying to push the administration to describe what their overarching strategy is.”
And Boehner spokesman Michael Steel says the imagery was appropriate: “The events of Sept. 11 happened. Pretending they didn't won't make America any safer. And ignoring the facts would be even worse."
"The president changed his mind after saying over and over and over and over again, and his top aides said over and over again that he wasnt going to do this, I want to know who changed his mind, because thats probably the real President of the United States. Do you suspect as I do that somebody influenced him and got to him and said change your mind and he just did it?" Hannity asked Coulter.
"I would like to know who the real President is because I dont think it can actually be the teleprompter, but I think what pushed him into this was the entire mainstream media screaming that this is torture, torture, torture," Coulter replied.
Coulter used claims that insects were used in interrogations to make light of the fact that detainees were tortured. "I dont think anyone should be able to talk about what happened at Guantanamo without there being a little picture of a small caterpillar maybe on the side of the screen," suggested Coulter.
"That was one of the tortures. One was supposed to be afraid of insects . The CIA interrogators requested to put an adorable little caterpillar in his cell with him, she mocked. This is the sort of insane, wussie interrogation procedures they are engaging in."
Coulter says that interrogations were too mild since Obama banned harsh techniques. "We are being laughed at throughout the Arab world. I mean, if they are actually reading these memos, they cannot be very afraid of being captured because it is such wussie stuff that is going on or was being permitted at Guantanamo," said Coulter.
Hannity equated the release of the torture memos to the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame. "There was so much made over Valerie Plame and Valerie Plame putting her life and Joe Wilsons life [in danger]," he said. "The media is now going to release the names. Doesnt that put their lives in jeapordy?"
Coulter agreed and continued to make light of the interrogation techniques approved by President Bush. "They are using torture techniques, using implements that were manufactured by Fisher Price for things that people pay to have done to them at Six Flags," she said.
“You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know, under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it -- whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.” --Barack Obama, January, 2008
Rep. Michele Bachmann recently pointed out Obama's "cap and trade" is really a tax on everyone for the use of energy. She said it will boost unemployment and drive businesses and jobs overseas to countries like China and India that don't have such a tax. In addition, she correctly points out that energy costs will double under the "cap and trade" energy tax.
Team "O" is getting ready to join the international "climate change" fleecing of tax dollars and jobs in America.
Recently, Fox News obtained a UN document which details how a "climate change" plan will use fake science to induce a massive worldwide redistribution of wealth in an attempt to control the global economy.
A new study from Spain illustrates the economic detriment of the country's "green jobs" plan. For every so-called "Green Job" created, at least 2.2 jobs from related industries are lost. Net result: thousands of job losses at the expense of appeasing radical environmentalists.
A recent Heritage study suggests that Obama's "Cap and trade" energy plan may cost upwards of $7 Trillion. "
Cap and trade" programs have killed jobs in California and the European Union.
The CBO estimates that "cap and trade" generally decreases revenue to the Federal Government, leading to an increased deficit.
Obama's "cap and trade" energy plan -- which he said last month he would sign -- may cost over $2 Trillion and up to 4 million jobs.
Cap and trade bills are nothing short of a government re-engineering of the American economy. With its aggressive targets to reduce emissions from fossil fuel use, it would put the nation on a path of serious economic harm not justified by any benefits.
Not to mention, science has yet to show that "cap and trade" will actually do anything for so-called "climate change".
CNSNews reports:
The congressional Democrats’ cap-and-trade plan to tax carbon emissions could cost every American family as much as $3,100 a year and is equivalent to a “declaration of war on the Midwest,” Republican lawmakers told this week.
But Democrats disputed the Republicans’ cost figure and said the plan can be accomplished without imposing a net cost on the American people.
In general, under cap and trade, the amount of carbon that energy producers emit is capped. They can exceed that cap through the purchase, i.e., “trade,” of carbon permits. The money for those permits would be collected by the government and presumably redistributed under a system still being crafted.
“The reality is the cap-and-trade legislation offered by the Democrats amounts to an economic declaration of war on the Midwest by liberals on Capitol Hill,” Chairman of the House Republican Conference Mike Pence (R-Ind.) told
“We are going to increase costs on every American with this plan -- and the other thing we need to keep in mind is the millions of American jobs we are going to put at risk if we impose this new tax on American industry when our competitors around the world will not,” House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told in a press conference on Thursday. “It’s pretty clear.”
Both Pence and Boehner have said they estimate that, in total, the Democrats’ cap-and-trade legislation could cost each American family up to $3,100 a year. While lawmakers are still finalizing a cap-and-trade bill, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) recently introduced the draft of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.
According to Boehner's office, the $3,100 number is based on a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study released earlier this year that examined cap-and-trade legislation from 2007. Republicans believe the new legislation for 2009, in its final form, will be similar to the 2007 bill.
“We took MIT’s own estimate of a key cap-and-trade bill from the 110th Congress (S. 309), cosponsored by then-Senator Obama, that said S. 309 would generate $366 billion in revenues in 2015,” Boehner's office told “We took MIT’s own number – $366 billion – and divided that by the number of U.S. households. … Using this formula, you get roughly $3,000 per household.”
But Democrats deny their legislation will cost the taxpayers anywhere near that much money, and some said the legislation’s goals it can be achieved with no net cost to the taxpayer. Further, one of the MIT study’s author’s disagreed with the Republicans’ interpretation of the costs.
“That is nearly 10 times the correct estimate, which is approximately $340,” wrote MIT Prof. John Reilly, one of the authors of the disputed report, in an Apr. 1
letter to Boehner.
In reference to the $3,100 figure, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, said, “That’s not true at all.”
“In fact, the Environmental Projection Agency estimate says that it will be about $40 or $50 per family per year,” Waxman told
Waxman was referencing an EPA study of a “discussion draft” of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, the Waxman-Markey plan.
“They [Republicans] are taking research and wildly misrepresenting it,” Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, told “It is not true remotely.”
Blumenauer and Reilly also said that Republicans are not taking into account the point that the federal government plans to return to the American people part of the money paid by corporations for the right to release carbon into the atmosphere -- and that the government also plans to provide Americans with goods and services funded by the cap-and-trade program.
“They are misrepresenting research and it assumes that this money is not going back to communities,” Blumenauer told“Part of it will come right back to individual families, part of it will be used to strengthen the environment. … We want some of it to be spent to help communities with issues of transportation, the natural environment, energy conservation. There are lots of things here that are going to come right back to individuals and their communities.”
“It is very likely that the net cost when we are done with this is going to be a net positive cost because we already waste more energy than any country in the world,” he said.
“I have the idea that they [the American public] should lose nothing,” Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, told“If you are in the tax system, you should be reimbursed. If you are not in the tax system, it could be a check every month.”
In his letter to Boehner, Prof. Reilly wrote, “We assumed in the analysis we did that the revenue is returned to households.” Reilly also noted that the cap-and-trade plan would reduce the number of jobs in fossil fuel industries, such as the coal, natural
gas, and oil industries.
“The higher energy prices encourage reductions in energy use by increasing the payback on improvements in energy efficiency, and through such investments households can avoid paying more for energy,” wrote Reilly. “Jobs and wages in fossil fuel industries are likely to decline but job opportunities will increase in industries that produce alternative energy sources or that provide ways to save energy.”
Republicans who spoke with defended their $3,100 estimate and argued that it is unlikely that money going through the hands of the federal government will make it back intact to the taxpayers.
“Anyone who thinks you can pay $3,100 to the federal government and thinks you can get that money back completely in services -- like I said -- he may go to M-I-T but he is an N-U-T.,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) told
“No, there is no chance this will not add to the net cost for taxpayers,” he said.
“This MIT study was pretty clear in terms of what this professor thought on the costs,” Boehner told
Justice David Souter announced yesterday he will retire this year.
Here is the flashback video from a Democratic Primary Debate.
To me, it sounds like he wants a judge who will rule on emotion rather than fact and that is dangerous. He wants someone who knows "what it means to have the system not work for them."
What the hell is he talking about?
The Atlantic puts it this way:
Somewhat opaquely, Obama, a constitutional law lecturer, has said that the single most important qualification his appointments must possess is empathy for those who are less fortunate. In September, Obama told an audience that he is "committed to appointing judges who understand how law operates in our daily lives, judges who will uphold the values at the core of our Constitution."
GM's First Vehicle under the Obama Administration looks a lot like his Presidency so far; falling apart at the seams!
I have posted this separately from my previous post on this subject due to its graphic nature. After watching these, I cannot understand how this can be considered anything but terrorism.
This disgusts me. I want this perpetrator prosecuted to the fullest extent of Dutch Law; whatever that may be.
I read earlier that the maximum penalty for this crime is 30 years in prison. That does not seem harsh enough to me.
Last night on MSNBCs Rachel Maddow show, Princeton Professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell discussed President Obama's first 100 days.
Harris-Lacewell, an associate professor of politics, says that even though they (Blacks) aren't supposed to really say it out loud, Blacks are "pretty excited that Barack Obama has not been shot at in his first 100 days."
Then she goes on to proclaim that most African Americans who have achieved Obama's level of success typically have often been subject to violence.
Obama's level of success?
I'm sorry, but exactly how many Black Presidents have there been in America again?
Umm... I'm 99% sure that Barack Obama is the first.
Remember, we are a "nation of cowards".
She defines success: "So its a new day in America that the guy is still giving press conferences 100 days later."
Am I missing something?
President Obama will get his first crack at nominating a Leftist Liberal Radical Activist Judge to America's highest court to replace retiring Justice David Souter.
NPR reports:
NPR has learned that Supreme Court Justice David Souter is planning to retire at the end of the court's current term.
The court has completed hearing oral arguments for the year and will be issuing rulings and opinions until the end of June.
Souter is expected to remain on the bench until a successor has been chosen and confirmed, which may or may not be accomplished before the court reconvenes in October.
At 69, Souter is nowhere near the oldest member of the court, but he has made clear to friends for some time now that he wanted to leave Washington, a city he has never liked, and return to his native New Hampshire.
Now, according to reliable sources, he has decided to take the plunge and has informed the White House of his decision.
Souter's retirement would give President Obama his first appointment to the high court, and most observers expect that he will appoint a woman.
The court currently has one female justice — Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is recovering from cancer surgery.
Obama was elected with strong support from women.
An Obama pick would be unlikely to change the ideological makeup of the court. Souter, though appointed by the first President Bush, generally votes with the more liberal members of the court, a group of four that is in a rather consistent minority.
More than 100 anti-torture activists marched to the White House on Thursday to protest against US detention policy.
They also voiced anger against what they consider to be the governments refusal to punish those responsible for torture.
An anonymous source also told ConservativeXpress that these people have no jobs and may be on welfare. They also believe a land of "Happy Little Clouds and Rainbows" and perhaps "little green elfs."
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Miss California Carrie Prejean continues to be attacked by the Alinsky-inspired MSM for daring to have Christian values and not support the extreme same-sex marriage Left Wing agenda.
Anyone know of any women's rights groups defending this woman yet? Nope? Didn't think so. The character assassination is becoming Palin-esque.
The liberal media hypocrisy grows every day. The woman was asked a question and she gave an honest answer from the heart and soul. Why won't they leave her alone?
I have infinitely more respect for Miss Prejean than I have for Olbermann, Perez Hilton or any other Left Winger criticizing someone with spiritual conviction.
I really hope Sean goes through with this. He can get advice from fellow Fox News employee Steve Harrigan or Vanity Fair's Chris Hitchens.
I'm sure waterboarding sucks, but how can Hannity let Olbermann get the satisfaction of "winning"!
Even better; Sean should challenge Olbermann back and say forget the cash, how about they both undergo waterboarding and compare notes.
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay appeared on "Hardball". He cheefully makes the above comments and Matthews cannot stand it. "Why are you smiling," asks Matthews sarcastically.
It's okay to drool and slobber and tingle all over Obama, yet when DeLay makes a case for the rise of the GOP at Obama's expense, it's not okay.
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday he would tell his family to stay off planes or subways to avoid swine flu, prompting his office to go into damage control and the travel industry to complain.
Asked on NBC's "Today" show what he would tell members of his family if they asked him whether they should get on a commercial airliner to Mexico in the next week, Biden said:
"I would tell members of my family -- and I have -- I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now."
He said the problem is that "when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft."
"I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway. So from my perspective, what it relates to is mitigation," he said.
Rep. Michele Bachmann blasts President Obama for not being receptive to Republican ideas and then criticizes the Liberal's tax and spend mentality and "moral implications" the ensuing debt load places on younger Americans.
Commercial ships working pirate-infested waters should be protected by an armed corps of senior officers backed by government forces, Maersk Alabama Capt. Richard Phillips told Congress Thursday.
Let's see if Obama can round up support from the International Community. Doubt it. And I doubt the U.S. Government will do much either.
Robert Gibbs explains the Advisory:
POLITICO reports:
The White House is issuing a health advisory outlining "protective measures" to anyone who traveled on President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico, after a member of the U.S. delegation is suspected of contracting the swine flu strain on the trip.
The individual – an advance security staffer for Energy Secretary Steven Chu – fell ill with flu-like symptoms while there and appears to have spread the flu to three members of his family. All three have tested probable for swine flu, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.
Gibbs, who did not name the security aide, said he did not work closely with Obama, didn’t fly on Air Force One and is back at work at the Energy Department.
But the staffer was at a working dinner Obama attended with Mexican officials April 16. The aide “was asked specifically if he ever came within six feet of the president and the answer to that was no,” Gibbs said.
WASHINGTON (AP) - A member of the U.S. delegation that helped prepare Energy Secretary Steven Chu's trip to Mexico City has demonstrated flu-like symptoms and his family members have tested probable for swine flu.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Thursday that three members of an aide's family are being tested to see if they have the same strain of swine flu that is threatening to become a pandemic. The aide worked in presidential advance, which is responsible for planning and preparing trips.
Gibbs said that Secretary Chu has not experienced any symptoms. The spokesman also said that President Barack Obama also has had no symptoms of the virus and doctors see no need to conduct any tests on his health.
A deadly car crash claimed the lives of 5 spectators at the Queen's Day parade in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. 12 others were wounded in what authorities suspect was an attempted attack on Queen Beatrix and her family.
Warning: More graphic videos are here.
Excerpt with English subtitles, full video below:
From Radio Netherlands:
Queen's Day celebrations in Apeldoorn ended in tragedy, with five people killed and 12 injured, five of them seriously. Just before noon a man deliberately drove his car at high speed into a crowd watching an open-topped coach carrying the Royal Family pass by.
The driver is a 38-year-old Dutchman. The public prosecutor says the man told police the target of this attack was the Royal Family, a crime punishable with a maximum jail sentence of 30 years. The public prosecutor has ruled out terrorism.
The car missed the royal coach by 15 metres and came to a standstill when it crashed into a well-known monument. The driver was injured and had to be cut from his vehicle. He was arrested and taken away for interrogation. He is in hospital and his condition is critical.
Sean Hannity recently told actor Charles Grodin that he would accept an offer to be waterboarded for charity.
Keith Olbermann challenged Hannity's sincerity by saying he would contribute $1000/second to charity.
It remains to be seen what Hannity decides, but last summer, Vanity Fair's Christopher Hitchens agreed to undergo waterboarding.
Having never been waterboarded, I'll refrain from commenting on Hitchens' reaction, but his experience look pretty tame and mild compared to Fox News' Steve Harrigan's waterboarding demo seen here. Harrigan endures for worse tactics, yet unlike Hitchens, Harrigan believes it is not torture but merely an "efficient" way of getting someone to talk. Maybe Hitchens is just a liberal light weight and Harrigan is tougher. I don't know, just saying.
Read Hitchens' article "Believe Me, It’s Torture":
What more can be added to the debate over U.S. interrogation methods, and whether waterboarding is torture? Try firsthand experience. The author undergoes the controversial drowning technique, at the hands of men who once trained American soldiers to resist—not inflict—it.
Former General Janis Karpinski, who was demoted over the Abu Ghraib scandal, calls for clearing convicted guards of abuse. She says recently released memos prove that the soldiers were following Pentagon orders and are therefore not guilty and "deserve their lives back."
For once, I actually agree with Olbermann. Rep. Foxx should indeed apologize.
Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten, tortured and murdered in Wyoming. His story is portrayed in the play and film "The Laramie Project".
Personally, I disagree with "hate crime" legislation because all crime can be considered "hateful". Does it really matter why someone is murdered? Murder is by definition a "hate crime". Is there really any need to complicate the laws?
That said, Rep. Foxx's comments are truly "despicable", insensitive and shameful.
I happen to love "The Family Guy" and appreciate the show's penchant for pushing the envelope.
As a conservative and free speech advocate, I am against all things "Politically Correct". As such, I am not offended by the Hitler joke. Distasteful? Perhaps. But consider the source.
That said, it is at once hypocritical, amusing and I suppose truly "fair and balanced" that Fox Network would attack its Fox News sibling.
Local 97.1 FM radio host Dana Loesch fired up the crowd outside Fox High School in St. Louis.
Here's some video from today's Tea Party Protest in Arnold, Missouri:Dana Loesch from 97.1 Talk FM and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit Blog led the cheering crowd during Obama's visit to St. Louis to celebrate his first 100 days of destruction.
Great job Dana and Jim! Obama needs to hear from the "other 46%"!
Bill-O says President Obama is not "enchanted", and that he bloviates so much, his press conferences should have a shot clock just like in the NBA.
Guest Bernie Goldberg calls news conferences "snoozers" and classifies use of the word "enchanted" as "metrosexual".
A parody of Steve Miller's "Jet Airliner" pointing out the lunacy of the Obama Administrations fly by photo op. Written and sung by The Lord of Mirrors.
Again, if we can't laugh, what's the point. The incident is not terribly amusing, but this song parody is.
During his staged speech in front of drooling media sycophants, aka press conference, President Obama was asked about his involvement in rescuing the auto industry and he responded: "We Don't Like Meddling In the Private Sector".
He also says he doesn't want to grow government!
Hahahahahahaha! Wow, what a jokester! Seriously, who does he thing he's kidding?
A visual review of President Barack Obama's first 100 days in office, as captured in images by The Associated Press.
For better or for worse, here is 100 days of history in the making!
President Obama answers waterboarding question during tonight's staged speech in front of slobbering Obamanites...I mean, his "press conference".
Babble, babble, babble...
He sums it up and attacks Bush Administration at the end of the video.
I don't see His High Coolness struttin' his "swagga" with motorcycle dudes!
Sarah is so much cooler than Barack!
CNN anchors, Kyra Phillips & T.J. Holmes, slobber, drool and giggle like little school children bragging about the Cool President. Warning: References to Billy Dee Williams and Shaft.
No joke. Anyone going to call the PC police on CNN? This is the second time in a week Holmes has used the word "swagga". Earlier this week, he called Obama a cool "Brotha with Swagga".
President Obama takes aim at Fox News and "folks waving tea bags around" during his Missouri Town Hall Meeting celebrating his first 100 Days.
He just doesn't get it, huh? What kind of President singles out a news network like that and criticizes his own citizens he is supposed to serve?
Because Fox News doesn't slobber, tingle and drool at his very presence makes the network consider him "not popular"?
Sure, Beck and Hannity have taken aim at the President, but it's no worse than MSNBCers Matthews, Olbermann and Maddow targeting President Bush. The rest of Fox News continues to be pretty fair and balanced in my mind.
Just released excerpts from 911 tapes show New York and New Jersey residents were terrified by the sight of a huge passenger jet and an F-16 fighter plane whizzing around the State of Liberty Monday.
Swine flu's no laughing matter but here's proof that no matter how tough it gets some people will always put a brave face on a crisis.
In Mexico City people have begun decorating their swine flu face masks in a bid to raise a smile in the gloom.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says federal officials recognize that dealing with the spread of the swine flu virus will be "a marathon, not a sprint."
The man-made virus has officially killed a toddler in Texas. Napolitano said yesterday that the cost of closing the border is not feasable.
I ask; what is the cost of loss of life?
The White House says an inquiry will take place into a photo-op that happened Monday over New York City. The cost of the photo-op is now more than $300,000.
I still find it hard to believe that President Obama, Rahmbo, Robert Gibbs et. al. had no idea this stunt was planned. It's like Johnny Cochran's "Chewbacca Defense". Chewbacca is a wookie, but he lives on Endor (home of the Ewoks); it just doesn't make sense.
The price includes over $35,000 in jet fuel. I demand the White House pay a "cap-and-trade" tax on these carbon emissions.
Highlights of politicians, pundits and TV and radio personalities slamming Obama over the first 100 Days!
Thanks to leftist for the wonderful compilation!
The "Hoot-Smalley Act"? Never heard of it. But I wonder if that bill was as disastrous as the asinine Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. (For the record, President Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Act, not FDR.)
For the record, I love Bachmann, but come on!
I have been saying from the beginning that there is something suspicious about this virus.
Why else is Janet Napolitano the point man?
Could it be that we are not being told the truth about swine flu? As the virus spreads, more and more people — and even a few virologists — believe H1N1 is a human-engineered pathogen. On April 25, the journalist Wayne Madsen wrote:
Our Mexico City source said a top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission “vectors” that suggest that new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon. The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents.
Past swine flu outbreaks have been spread from pigs to humans, who then passed the flu on to other humans. However, with A-H1N1, there have been no reported infections of pigs. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), A-H1N1 has gene segments from North American swine, bird and human flu strains and a segment from Eurasian swine flu. Costa Rica, Brazil, and Peru have issued alerts to check all incoming passengers from Mexico at border crossings, airports, and seaports for symptoms of the swine flu.
DHS Chair Janet Napolitano and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack took pains to avoid using "swine flu" or "pig flu" today, opting instead to call the virus by its given name "Obama's Flu", H1N1.
Look. I don't care what they call it, but let's fix the problem before it becomes a worldwide pandemic!
You can put lipstick on a swine, but it's still killing people! Overseas Immunodeficiency Operation? What is it with these people?
U.S. officials want 'swine' out of flu name
What's in a name? U.S. pork producers are finding that the name of the virus spreading from Mexico is affecting their business, prompting U.S. officials to argue for changing the name from swine flu.
At a news briefing, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack took pains to repeatedly refer to the flu as the "H1N1 virus."
"This is not a food-borne illness, virus. It is not correct to refer to it as swine flu because really that's not what this is about," Vilsack said.
Israel has already rejected the name swine flu, and opted to call it "Mexico flu." Jewish dietary laws forbid eating pork.
The Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health also objected to the name, saying the virus contains avian and human components and no pig so far has been found ill with the disease.
And there is growing sentiment in the farm sector to call it the North American virus -- although disease expert Anthony Fauci told a Senate hearing the "swine flu" designation reflected scientific naming protocol.
For U.S. pork producers the swine flu name has hurt, forcing government officials into the position of stressing that American pork is safe to eat and that other countries should not ban imports.
Pork, soybean and corn prices have fallen in the last two days, "and if this continues, obviously you have significant potential, which is why it's important to get this right," Vilsack said.
At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there was also talk of stripping the "swine" from swine flu, which CDC acting director Richard Besser said was leading to the misapprehension that people can catch the disease from pork.
"That's not helpful to pork producers. That's not helpful to people who eat pork. It's not helpful to people who are wondering, how can they get this infection," Besser told a briefing.