Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
A Polish zoo has invested millions in the largest elephant house in Europe. Hopes were high that Ninio would sire a whole herd, but he's showing a lack of interest in females that could cost him his place at the zoo.
No kidding! Wow, maybe Obama isn't stupid; he just doesn't care now that he has created the United Socialist States of America (USSA). Who cares that we're broke, right? That will only simplify to the neo-fascist version of "kind" communism the President is seeking!
President Obama tells C-SPAN that, "We are out of money now," when asked about the enormous deficit he created this year. Barack Obama will quadruple the national deficit in his first year in office.
In a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: "We are out of money."
C-SPAN host Steve Scully broke from a meek Washington press corps with probing questions for the new president.
SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money?
OBAMA: Well, we are out of money now. We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we've made on health care so far. This is a consequence of the crisis that we've seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades.
Here's the deal; no one ever said waterboarding was supposed to be pleasant. It's not supposed to be fun and the whole point is to "simulate" drowning!
That said, I still don't care what you want to call it -- I support anything that gets terrorists to sing in order to protect the security of America.
I'll say this; Mancow has balls and Hannity really dropped the ball by not putting his money where his mouth is.
"The average person can take this for 14 seconds," Marine Sergeant Clay South answered, adding, "He's going to wiggle, he's going to scream, he's going to wish he never did this."
With a Chicago Fire Department paramedic on hand, Mancow was placed on a 7-foot long table, his legs were elevated, and his feet were tied up.
Turns out the stunt wasn't so funny. Witnesses said Muller thrashed on the table, and even instantly threw the toy cow he was holding as his emergency tool to signify when he wanted the experiment to stop. He only lasted 6 or 7 seconds.
"It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that's no joke,"Mancow said, likening it to a time when he nearly drowned as a child. "It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back...It was instantaneous...and I don't want to say this: absolutely torture."
"I wanted to prove it wasn't torture," Mancow said. "They cut off our heads, we put water on their face...I got voted to do this but I really thought 'I'm going to laugh this off.' "
Last year, Vanity Fair writer Christopher Hitchens endured the same experiment -- and came to a similar conclusion. The conservative writer said he found the treatment terrifying, and was haunted by it for months afterward.
The President speaks at the US Naval Academy Commencement in Annapolis, Maryland, and reminds us that our military is made up of hundreds of thousands of individual stories, each guided by a common set of values. He connects his admiration for the service of sailors and Marines to the values he espoused yesterday at the National Archives. May 22, 2009.
In an era when too few citizens answer the call to service — to community or country — these Americans chose to serve. And they did so in a time of war, knowing they might be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Yesterday I visited the National Archives and the hall that holds our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. I went there because as our nation debates how to deal with the security challenges that we face, we must remember this enduring truth: the values and ideals in those documents are not simply words written into aging parchment, they are the bedrock of our liberty and our security. We uphold our fundamental principles and values not just because we choose to, but because we swear to. Not because they feel good, but because they help keep us safe.
Translation: The Bush Administration operated under a different "value" system than that ACLU-influenced Nancy Pelosi wing of the Democratic Party. So, classy Obama feels it necessary to call out his predecessor yet again!
Because when America strays from our values, it not only undermines the rule of law, it alienates us from our allies, it energizes our adversaries and it endangers our national security and the lives of our troops.
Again, another Bush attack.
It’s a promise that as long as I am your Commander in Chief, I will only send you into harm’s way when it is absolutely necessary, and with the strategy, the well-defined goals, the equipment and the support you need to get the job done.
Same as above.
Because as my wife Michelle has come to see in her visits with military families across the country, when a loved one is deployed, the whole family goes to war.
Mr. President, please don't insult out intelligence and mention The First Lady in the same breath as the military -- you know, the lady who only became proud of her country when it became clear she was going to become First Lady.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi brushed aside reporter questions to elaborate on earlier charges the CIA lied about using waterboarding on terrorism suspects. The speaker says she will say no more on the matter.
Fumbling, bumbling, stumbling...."Not be distracted from it in this distractive..."
Police have released surveillance video showing a sheriff's deputy slamming a man head first into a wall, leaving him in a coma. The 29-year-old had been pursued by deputies after a witness wrongly identified him as a suspect in an assault.
What is going on with police in this country?
A sheriff's spokesman said was "a tragic accident." A lawyer for the family of 29-year-old Christopher Harris said the video and witness accounts show the Edmonds restaurant worker was a victim of excessive force by Deputy Matthew Paul, 26. As of late Thursday, Harris remained comatose and in critical condition at Harborview Medical Center, said Todd Keeling, his stepfather.
"Hardball" host Chris Matthews, and Dick Cheney's biggest fan this side of Keith Olbermannn, calls RNC chairman Michael Steele's statement, saying President Obama is "allowing terrorists into the United States", a "cheap shot" and "as close to a lie as I can think of."
"I'm thinking of bad names to call Michael Steele," he begins.
Lawrence O'Donnell comments, "It's breathtaking how stupid they can be in the way they talk about this," then says Pat Buchanan is the only guy left in America who believes in Dick Cheney, and then slams George Tenet.
The spin is that Cheney, like his former boss George Bush, cares more about America than he does about his own ego.
Former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino says that the media is obsessed with discussion Dick Cheney's motivation to comment on President Obama's policies. "I wish they spent half as much time going after terrorists than they do going after Dick Cheney," she said."
In addition, she told Laura Ingraham, on the integrity of the Bush administration: "Vice President Cheney doesn't give a rat's you-know-what about his own personal reputation."
MSNBC smears Dick Cheney in report on his speech. I'm not even commenting on Matthews, O'Donnell or any of the other slobbering Obama Maniacs at MS LSD.
Rush Limbaugh refers to President Obama's speech today on GITMO and national security as a Democratic Response to a State of The Union address. In this case, responding to Dick Cheney's speech earlier today.
An Italian woman, Antonietta Santopadre shows Neil Cavuto a stimulus check made out to her late father, who died in 1975... in Italy! The man was never in the U.S. system, never registered with Social Security!
The irony is that this woman once said that "the government is... pissing [our money] off."
Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee and onetime lieutenant governor of Maryland, was not always a high-achiever.
He once got kicked out of Johns Hopkins University, he allows, because of some hard-partying.
"I partied my behind off,'' Steele explains.
"I heard there were classes, and some people told me I really should go. But I was having a good time. I was freshman class president ... I just networked the heck out of that bad boy. I was getting there. I was talking. I was grooving. I was having a ball."
He says all of this, by way of imparting a valuable lesson, in the "Students and Leaders" program that C-SPAN will air next week. C-SPAN taped the RNC chairman speaking with students at Woodson Senior High School in Washington, D.C.
With "Students & Leaders," C-SPAN and Comcast are sponsoring "a unique educational experience for students at five Washington, D.C. public schools.'' Several leaders of Congress, reporters, and others are discussing leadership and service.
In his talk, Steele speaks of having to inform his mother that he was expelled, and then fighing his way back into school -- to achieve straight A's.
“You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know, under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it -- whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.” --Barack Obama, January, 2008
During the House Energy Committee hearing, Rep. Barton (R-IL) requested speed reader clerk Douglas Wilder to expedite the reading of the energy bill.
They're kidding, right? A speed reader? Am I missing something? Why is this funny to Congress?
Are they seriously saying that the Cap and Trade energy tax bill will not be read or understood by anyone in Congress? Yes, it's the dreaded "cap and trade" bill although they are calling it their famously euphemistic "climate change" bill.
Here we go again! Unreal.
They learned nothing from the Stimulus Bill, did they. What a freaking joke.
WASHINGTON -- Democrats in the House Energy and Commerce Committee have taken a novel precaution to head off Republican efforts to slow action this week on a sweeping climate bill. They are hiring a speed reader.
Republicans on the committee have said they may force the reading of the entire 946-page bill -- as well as major amendments that measure several hundred pages -- all aloud. This is a procedure lawmakers have a right to invoke. Republicans are largely against the bill, which aims to cut emissions of so-called greenhouse gases by more than 80% over the next half-century but would be costly.
Republicans haven't tried the tactic, but Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D., Calif.) is prepared.
A committee spokeswoman said the speed reader -- a young man who was on door duty at the hearing as he awaited a call to the microphone -- was hired to help staffers. After years of practice, the panel's clerks can read at a good clip. But the speed reader is a lot faster, she said.
"Judging by the size of the amendments, I can read a page about every 34 seconds," said the newly hired staff assistant, who declined to give his name. Based on that estimate, it would take him about nine hours.
Rep. Michele Bachmann recently pointed out Obama's "cap and trade" is really a tax on everyone for the use of energy. She said it will boost unemployment and drive businesses and jobs overseas to countries like China and India that don't have such a tax. In addition, she correctly points out that energy costs will double under the "cap and trade" energy tax.
Team "O" is prepared to join the international "climate change" fleecing of tax dollars and jobs in America.
Recently, Fox News obtained a UN document which details how a "climate change" plan will use fake science to induce a massive worldwide redistribution of wealth in an attempt to control the global economy.
A new study from Spain illustrates the economic detriment of the country's "green jobs" plan. For every so-called "Green Job" created, at least 2.2 jobs from related industries are lost. Net result: thousands of job losses at the expense of appeasing radical environmentalists.
A recent Heritage study suggests that Obama's "Cap and trade" energy plan may cost upwards of $7 Trillion. "
Cap and trade" programs have killed jobs in California and the European Union.
The CBO estimates that "cap and trade" generally decreases revenue to the Federal Government, leading to an increased deficit. Obama's "cap and trade" energy plan -- which he said last month he would sign -- may cost over $2 Trillion and up to 4 million jobs.
Cap and trade bills are nothing short of a government re-engineering of the American economy. With its aggressive targets to reduce emissions from fossil fuel use, it would put the nation on a path of serious economic harm not justified by any benefits.
Not to mention, science has yet to show that "cap and trade" will actually do anything for so-called "climate change".
What? Who knew? I just thought he was an idiot! But a rascist?
Visheslav Simich, director of the International Serbian Organisation, says Biden is very well recognized in Serbia as one of the most anti-Serb US politicians, noted to have said that Serbs are "degenerates" and "pigs".
Barack Obama is connected with radical leftist politics, the Amero currency is coming, and a New World Order is taking shape. Russia Today sits down with author and investigative journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi and he explains the facts to support these claims.
Let's just start with the radical politics. One of Barack Obama’s mentors, the one that he talks about in his own autobiography, is Frank Marshall Davis. He was a long-time member of the Communist party, was a very far leftist radical poet and a journalist from Chicago, and wrote two autobiographical pornographic books.
And Barack Obama openly talks about it in the autobiography “Dreams from my Father” – he and his grandfather who knew and spent time with Frank Marshall Davis, drank whisky together, smoked marihuana, and talked about Communist politics. And that's when Barack Obama was in high school.
And I trace Barack Obama’s radical leftist roots all the way through Saul Alinsky’s organization that he worked for in Chicago, developing community projects. Saul Alinsky wrote Rules For Radicals, taught that redistribution of wealth was the aim of gaining power – that’s a radical socialist ideal – and Barack Obama told the same to Joe the Plumber during the campaign: He was going to re-distribute wealth, and I think now in the presidency we’re seeing massive social welfare programs and taxation, which is really a form of class warfare, when Barack Obama says he wants to tax the rich.
So again what I predicted in terms of the radical nature of his politics is being born out in his presidency.
In teasing a story, the Fox News ankor refers to "B.K. = bankruptcy court". I kan only wonder if that was skripted on a teleprompter or if he barely finished Cindergarten?
ConservativeXpress: Fairly Balanced Mockery of Cable News Anchors
"Releasing the interrogation memos was flatly contrary to the national security interest of the United States. The harm done only begins with top secret information now in the hands of the terrorists, who have just received a lengthy insert for their training manual. Across the world, governments that have helped us capture terrorists will fear that sensitive joint operations will be compromised. And at the CIA, operatives are left to wonder if they can depend on the White House or Congress to back them up when the going gets tough. Why should any agency employee take on a difficult assignment when, even though they act lawfully and in good faith, years down the road the press and Congress will treat everything they do with suspicion, outright hostility, and second-guessing? Some members of Congress are notorious for demanding they be briefed into the most sensitive intelligence programs. They support them in private, and then head for the hills at the first sign of controversy."
In an extraordinary cross-town debate carried live across the TV airwaves, President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney battled Thursday over the Bush administration’s policies on the war on terror, with Cheney attacking the new president for seeking to dismantle practices that he said kept America safe ever since 9/11.
Cheney also says those who call Bush interrogation practices torture – as Obama has – people who engage in “contrived indignation and phony moralizing on the interrogation methods applied to a few captured terrorists.”
Obama, in turn, said President George W. Bush decimated the nation’s values and beliefs in a hastily conceived, poorly executed plan that left him a “mess” at Guantanamo Bay and American’s image abroad in tatters.
Obama declared Thursday that the only responsible way to clean up “a mess” left over by the Bush administration at Guantanamo Bay is to bring some prisoners to the U.S. for trial, despite the intense resistance to that idea in Congress.
“In dealing with this situation, we do not have the luxury of starting from scratch. We are cleaning up something that is – quite simply – a mess; a misguided experiment that has left in its wake a flood of legal challenges that my Administration is forced to deal with on a constant basis,” Obama said. “The problem exists because of the decision to open Guantanamo in the first place.”
But it was Cheney who was on the attack in his speech at the American Enterprise Institute, leveling a broadside against Obama at a time when some in the Republican party want to move forward rather than relitigate the unpopular Bush years.
“If liberals are unhappy about some decisions, and conservatives are unhappy about other decisions, then it may seem to them that the President is on the path of sensible compromise,” Cheney said. “But in the fight against terrorism, there is no middle ground, and half-measures keep you half exposed.”
“You cannot keep just some nuclear-armed terrorists out of the United States, you must keep every nuclear-armed terrorist out of the United States. Triangulation is a political strategy, not a national security strategy,” Cheney said. “There is never a good time to compromise when the lives and safety of the American people are in the balance. “
On the specific issues of the harsh interrogation practices and the Guantanamo detention center, Cheney was equally aggressive.
“The released memos were carefully redacted to leave out references to what our government learned through the methods in question,” the former vice president said of the declassified documents released last month. “Other memos, laying out specific terrorist plots that were averted, apparently were not even considered for release. For reasons the administration has yet to explain, they believe the public has a right to know the method of the questions, but not the content of the answers.”
He added: “Releasing the interrogation memos was flatly contrary to the national security interest of the United States.”
Four men sought to wage a holy war against America when they plotted to bomb two New York City synagogues and shoot down military planes in upstate New York, authorities said Thursday.
“You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know, under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it -- whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.” --Barack Obama, January, 2008
Rep. Michele Bachmann recently pointed out Obama's "cap and trade" is really a tax on everyone for the use of energy. She said it will boost unemployment and drive businesses and jobs overseas to countries like China and India that don't have such a tax. In addition, she correctly points out that energy costs will double under the "cap and trade" energy tax.
Team "O" is getting ready to join the international "climate change" fleecing of tax dollars and jobs in America.
Recently, Fox News obtained a UN document which details how a "climate change" plan will use fake science to induce a massive worldwide redistribution of wealth in an attempt to control the global economy.
A new study from Spain illustrates the economic detriment of the country's "green jobs" plan. For every so-called "Green Job" created, at least 2.2 jobs from related industries are lost. Net result: thousands of job losses at the expense of appeasing radical environmentalists.
A recent Heritage study suggests that Obama's "Cap and trade" energy plan may cost upwards of $7 Trillion. "
Cap and trade" programs have killed jobs in California and the European Union.
The CBO estimates that "cap and trade" generally decreases revenue to the Federal Government, leading to an increased deficit.
Cap and trade bills are nothing short of a government re-engineering of the American economy. With its aggressive targets to reduce emissions from fossil fuel use, it would put the nation on a path of serious economic harm not justified by any benefits.
Not to mention, science has yet to show that "cap and trade" will actually do anything for so-called "climate change".
Dr Paul was a guest on's Freedom Watch, Rand discussed his status in the senate race, the state of the Republican Party in Kentucky, talked about the Patriot Act, and discussed Guatanmo Bay with Judge Andrew Napolitano.
FBI Director Robert Mueller testified before the House Judiciary Committee about the dangers of releasing suspected terrorists from Guantanamo Bay into the United States. Unlike President Obama and Democrats in Congress, Mr. Mueller recongizes the threat posed by these detainees.
WASHINGTON -- FBI Director Robert Mueller told Congress on Wednesday that bringing Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United States would pose a number of possible risks, even if the they were kept in maximum-security prisons.
During his appearance Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee, Mueller was asked what concerns the FBI has about the prospect of transferring to the United States some of the 240 inmates currently held at the naval base in Cuba.
President Barack Obama has ordered the Guantanamo Bay detention center closed by January 2010, but that timetable may be in jeopardy. Congress is seeking to block any funding for bringing any detainees to the U.S., whether freed or imprisoned.
At the start of Wednesday's hearing, Mueller was asked what concerns the FBI has about the release of Guantanamo detainees.
"The concerns we have about individuals who may support terrorism being in the United States run from concerns about providing financing, radicalizing others," Mueller said, as well as "the potential for individuals undertaking attacks in the United States."
"All of those are relevant concerns," Mueller said.
Glenn Beck wondered how Whoopi and Barbara Walters "reserved" seats on Amtrack while traveling to the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Whoopi claims he lied and then Walters criticizes Beck for calling himself journalist. Beck slams her saying he is a "commentator" and not an investigative journalist.
It's amazing how cruel "The View" treats guests they disagree with politically and how much they slobber and fawn over their favorites.
The Global Positioning System faces the possibility of failures and blackouts, a federal watchdog agency has warned the U.S. Congress. Mismanagement by and underinvestment by the U.S. Air Force places the GPS at risk of failure in 2010 and beyond. The problem: Delays in launching replacement satellites, among other things.
According to the Government Accountability Office report, "In recent years, the Air Force has struggled to successfully build GPS satellites within cost and schedule goals" as part of a $2 billion modernization program.
"If the Air Force does not meet its schedule goals for development of GPS IIIA satellites, there will be an increased likelihood that in 2010, as old satellites begin to fail, the overall GPS constellation will fall below the number of satellites required to provide the level of GPS service that the U.S. government commits to."
Considered by the GAO to be "essential to national security" the GPS is also widely used by business and consumers and is a driver for next-generation location-based mobile applications used with smartphones and other devices.
"Such a gap in capability could have wide-ranging impacts on all GPS users," the GAO report states, "though there are measures the Air Force and others can take to plan for and minimize these impacts."
It is uncertain whether the Air Force will be able to acquire new satellites in time to maintain current GPS service without interruption. If not, some military operations and some civilian users could be adversely affected.
• In recent years, the Air Force has struggled to successfully build GPS satellites within cost and schedule goals; it encountered significant technical problems that still threaten its delivery schedule; and it struggled with a different contractor. As a result, the current IIF satellite program has overrun its original cost estimate by about $870 million and the launch of its first satellite has been delayed to November 2009—almost 3 years late.
• Further, while the Air Force is structuring the new GPS IIIA program to prevent mistakes made on the IIF program, the Air Force is aiming to deploy the next generation of GPS satellites 3 years faster than the IIF satellites. GAO’s analysis found that this schedule is optimistic, given the program’s late start, past trends in space acquisitions, and challenges facing the new contractor. Of particular concern is leadership for GPS acquisition, as GAO and other studies have found the lack of a single point of authority for space programs and frequent turnover in program managers have hampered requirements setting, funding stability, and resource allocation.
• If the Air Force does not meet its schedule goals for development of GPS IIIA satellites, there will be an increased likelihood that in 2010, as old satellites begin to fail, the overall GPS constellation will fall below the number of satellites required to provide the level of GPS service that the U.S. government commits to. Such a gap in capability could have wide-ranging impacts on all GPS users, though there are measures the Air Force and others can take to plan for and minimize these impacts.
"I'd rather have them not in the United States. These are basically enemy combatants intending on destroying us. These are not people that held up a 7-11 store," Says Barrasso.
Senate Democrats threw cold water on President Obama's plans to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center Tuesday, pulling money for the closure from a $91 billion war spending request and publicly opposing the transfer of any detainees to U.S. soil.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Democrats not only oppose the release of detainees into the United States but also oppose the transfer of detainees to U.S. prisons.
"We will never allow terrorists to be released in the United States," he said, adding: "Part of what we don't want is for them to be put in prisons in the United States. We don't want them around in the United States."
Hillary Clinton has finally addressed the international media; you know, like kind of doing her job! Unprecedented that it took months to do so. I wonder why.
"Unanswered or deflected" in her long-awaited foreign press debut.
No worries, Obama will throw her under the bus soon enough.
Laura Ingraham went nuclear on the "secular" community of Notre Dame for honoring the most radical pro-abortion and pro-infanticide president in US history at commencement on Sunday. Ingraham correctly refers to the school as a secular institution after the debacle.
Here's the deal. It matters not your personal position on abortion. What matters is that Catholicism is explicitly pro-life. As a Catholic University, Notre Dame owes it to its students and alumni to respect Catholic traditions.
Sure, it's hard to pass on having the President as a commencement speaker at any University, but why was the invitation given in the first place?
Ingraham is a passionate pro-lifer and it's nice to see her stick to her guns here.
Full disclosure: The ConservativeXpress takes no official stand on abortion. The Supreme Court ruled on abortion in 1973. It is the law of the land and above all else, this website supports the Constitution.
Dear Nancy Pelosi: It's time to give up your speakership. Yes, this example from Britain is indeed a huge scandal. Yes, Speaker Michael Martin did the right thing.
Yet, he merely led an abuse of tax payer money -- bad indeed -- but he did not put the lives of his constituents and the security of his country in jeopardy.
Do the right thing, Madame Speaker. You can retain your congressional seat -- no one is calling for the people of San Francisco to be disenfranchised -- but you must resign your leadership position.
As second in line to the highest Office in the land, your lack of commitment and understanding of national security inherently disqualifies you to retain your current post.
The speaker of Britain's House of Commons resigned under pressure Tuesday, the biggest casualty yet in a scandal over dubious expenses that has sparked a movement to impose supervision on its historically independent Parliament.
Michael Martin's resignation marks the first time in more than 300 years that a speaker has been forced from office by a formal challenge. The last time, Sir John Trevor was sacked for taking bribes during the reign of William of Orange in 1695.
Mr. Martin had become a symbol of U.K. politicians' attempts to stop the public from learning the details of lawmakers' expense claims. He led Parliament's five-year fight to block disclosure of the expenses, an effort that was torpedoed over the past two weeks by explosive newspaper articles detailing how dozens of British lawmakers -- across the country's main political parties -- charged the government for items from dog food to installments of mortgages that had already been paid off.
For Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the expense scandal is another blow in a troubled year that has seen him lose momentum he briefly gained from his popular bailout of the country's banks. While polls show that the scandal has hit both major parties, boosting smaller rivals, Mr. Brown's Labour Party trailed the Conservatives by 13 percentage points in a recent survey by pollsters Populus.
Do you realize this will cost up to $2 Trillion dollars? For a program that has failed miserably every it has been tried? It's socialism and it will fail and it will cost generations.
Mr. Orszag champions "comparative effectiveness research" -- studying the patterns of clinical practice to determine which drugs and treatments work best. The Administration thinks it can use such analysis to weed out wasteful or unnecessary care by paying more "if the treatment has been shown to be effective and a little less if not," as Mr. Orszag recently told the New Yorker.
The irony is that the history of post-1965 U.S. health care policy is littered with similar government attempts to control health spending, not least comparative effectiveness. The "managed care" movement of the 1990s grew directly out of the peer-review panels created by Congress in 1972 to monitor the quality and appropriateness of care for Medicare and Medicaid patients.
Under managed care, doctors and hospitals had to undergo prior "utilization review" by HMOs to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations, surgeries, tests, prescriptions and so on. This cost-effectiveness gatekeeping disciplined health spending. What happened next to this version of the dream is known to all.
Administrative hassles led to a consumer backlash, with patients feeling they were getting inferior care in return for insurer profits. The political class eventually forced the HMOs to dilute or end most of their cost-control strategies.
Democrats have now acknowledged that the managed care dream will work only if government is the one doing the managing. That is, we can only control costs with a new government entitlement. More is less.
But you can only allocate a scarce resource in two ways: market prices or brute force. In health care the brute force will come as price controls and waiting lines for rationed services. The implicit assumption in the providers' deal announced yesterday seems to be that the private companies will do the price controlling so the government won't have to do it for them.
But when the savings prove illusory, as in the past, the feds will step in and order them to do so. To win a false reprieve for themselves and give cost cover to the politicians, these private CEOs are offering to make themselves even more unpopular with patients. By that point, most patients will have no choice but to assent, since most of them will be in one government program or another.
Lest anyone remains in doubt about the ultimate goal here, Ralph Neas of the leftist National Coalition on Health Care got out a quick statement throwing ice water on the industry's concession. With perfect clarity Mr. Neas said: "Voluntary efforts -- without legislated requirements and enforcement -- have not worked well in the past."
The only benefit here is that it is now possible to see where this issue is headed: A new legislated entitlement for the middle class will ensure that the next great health-care argument to engulf the political system is going to be over how and when to ration care.
For starters, automobile emissions account for a mere 17% of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. These new CAFE standards will have a minimal impact on the environment.
The new standards will cause auto prices to rise $1300 more per vehicle. What is the cost benefit here? It's ridiculous.
In a nutshell, CAFE standards require any given auto maker to have an average Fuel Economy of a fixed number. So, an SUV which may get 15 -20 MPG must be offset by a "green" putt-putt car or hybrid which nobody wants -- one of the reasons why the auto makers are currently struggling.
"Partial Commen Sense"
The original Cafe Standards legislation was enacted to counter an OPEC oil embargo by making an effort to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil.
Over 30 years later, we are still dependant upon foreign oil, if not moreso. So in that sense, CAFE has failed.
In addition, one major factor in producing more fuel-efficient cars is the cars become lighter and less safe. Auto fatalities in these types of cars have increased. So what is the benefit of "saving the planet" if people are not around to see it?
Finally, statistics show that the more fuel efficient a car becomes, the more the owner will drive! So any "per mile" savings in emissions will be offset with increased driving!
Obama's proposal has nothing to do with reducing energy Independence or protecting the environment and everything to do with pandering to a very powerful, very wealthy voting block -- the Environmental Wing of the Democratic party. Make no mistake -- while Obama continues to blast Wall Street and attack "greed" as wrong, he is helping out the industry of "climate-change".
Yet again, Democrats are placing politics over principle; garnering votes ahead of actually helping Americans.
In 1975, the U.S. Congress assigned responsibility for setting automobile mileage standards to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), which is housed within the U.S. Department of Transportation.
In 2002, the State of California passed AB 1493, legislation which regulated auto carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel economy.
In 2004, the State of California finalized carbon dioxide regulations for automobiles. Automakers challenged the state action in federal court, saying only the federal government can set mileage standards to ensure a consistent fuel economy program across the country.
In April 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)should review possible dangers from CO2 emissions.
In December 2007, automakers supported Congress passing the Energy Independence and Security Act requiring automakers to increase fuel economy by at least 40% to 35 mpg -- thereby reducing CO2 by at least 30% -- by 2020.
In 2008, the Bush Administration denied California's request for a waiver from the federal Clean Air Act to implement its own CO2 program.
In January 2009, President Obama directed EPA to review the waiver decision.
In March, NHTSA raised Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for cars in model year 2011 to 30.2 mpg, and a combined standard for cars and light trucks (minivans, SUVs, pickups) to 27.3 mpg. (The standard is based on what consumers purchase. That is, the standard represents the average mileage achieved by all vehicles sold by a manufacturer.)
In April, EPA issued a proposed finding that CO2 poses a danger to health and welfare, opening the door to federal regulation of CO2 from all sources. The U.S. House of Representatives also began hearings on climate change legislation during April.
Ed Shultz calls on President Obama to weigh in on the Nancy Pelosi CIA scandal.
Ed, he won't, we has yet to take a stance on anything in his life. He will allow Leon Panetta to handle it. If all goes well, Obama will take credit for it. If something bad happens, he'll throw Panetta under the bus.
Rep. Michele Bachmann and Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank face off on ACORN with CNN's Lou Dobbs. The question is, why should the federal government and the American taxpayer be funding supposedly non-profits groups like ACORN to the tune of billions of dollars? ACORN has been indicted and its employees convicted time and time again, yet the taxpayer continues to fund their fraudulent behavior.
The U.N. will name Bill Clinton its special envoy to Haiti, according to his spokesman, in a move that could capitalize on the ex-president's years of involvement with the impoverished nation to burnish the international body's image there.
To all you Left Wing Radical terrorists who wish death and destruction upon George Bush and Dick Cheney: I hope Clinton contracts AIDS.
How you like them apples?
I don't really wish that, but I want Libs to know what it's like to hear vile hatred.
Let's face it Left Wing radicals; Obama is a pragmatist. The "gay" vote is not there. The "gay" voting block is not large enough for Obama to care. That is, his endgame does not necessitate such concern. His objective? Appeal to the folks who will re-elect him. The "gay" vote is too small of a percent for him to care. Besides, it's not like the "gay" voters will vote Republican, like, ever!
Closet homosexual Anderson Cooper posits "Has he abandoned the gay/lesbian Americans?"
It is estimated that 1 in 10 Americans are gay. That's 10% percent to you Left wingers who are not very good at math. A small percentage of the voting populous and as I said; it's not like the "gays" are going to vote for a Republican.
The result? Why should Obama give a rat's ass about the "gay community"?
President Obama won't put an "artificial deadline" on Iran to abandon its nuclear weapons program but said Monday that the Islamic Republic's obtaining a nuclear weapon would be not only a threat to Israel and the U.S. but "profoundly destabilizing" to the international community in general.
In talks with reporters after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Obama said he would not let talks go on forever, but the June election in Iran will be revealing about whether there is a chance for progress with Tehran by the end of the year.
"Iran is a country of extraordinary history and extraordinary potential and we want them to be a full-fledged member of the international community, and be in a position to provide opportunity and prosperity for their people but that the way to achieve those goals is not through the pursuit of a nuclear weapon," Obama said.
The president added that a "range of steps" are still available against Iran, including sanctions, if it continues its nuclear program.
"We are not foreclosing a range of steps ... in assuring that Iran understands that we are serious," he added.
Netanyahu said Iran's obtaining nuclear weapons would be an existential threat not only to Israel but the rest of the world.
"It could give the nuclear umbrella to terrorists or worse, it could actually give nuclear weapons to terrorists I believe it would put all of us in great peril," he said. He added that in his 59 years of life -- the modern Jewish state is only 61 years old -- he has never seen the Arabs and Jews so closely share the same threat as the one they both face from Iran.
"The New York Times is a dishonest publication in business to promote a far Left point of view. They wanted Obama elected, they didn't run the story." -- Bill O'Reilly on New Times covering up for ACORN.
O'Reilly declares war on the New York Times over the papers reaction to President Obama blocking the release of detainee abuse photos. Not surprising, they simply want to make President Bush, Dick Cheney etc. look bad simply to hurt the Republican party.
O'Reilly calls on Veteran's groups to "stand up for their comrades."
In addition, he blasts The Times for neglecting to report on connections between President Obama and ACORN.
"Clark Hoyt [New York Times Ombudsman] thinks I misled you, that is a blatant lie. Am I in the Twilight Zone here?" said O'Reilly on The Times coverup of the ACORN story.
O'Reilly and Former Speaker Newt Gingrich discuss the "war" between Nancy Pelosi and the CIA.
It's worth noting, as O'Reilly points out, that Leon Panetta's statement last week which said the CIA told Pelosi the truth in 2002, presumably had to be approved by the likes of President Obama and/or Chief of Staff Rahmbo "Dead Fish". A Cabinet member would not make such a bold statement to counter a House Speaker -- any House Speaker -- without White House approval.
Today, Panetta balked from singling out Speaker Pelosi, instead asking all of Congress to put aside petty partisan banter. He urged Congress to keep its eye on national security threats and not get caught up in alleged missteps of the past administration.
I agree completely, which is why Pelosi and other Left Wing loons in Congress should drop this entire torture prosecution case. Pelosi has already got her hands dirty and if she wishes to save her Speakership, she needs to put up or shut up.
She is arrogant, radical, dishonest and dangerous. Nauseating. View at your own risk!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi talked to John Harwood of the New York Times and CNBC about working with President Obama, the government efforts to revive the economy and the use of harsh interrogation techniques.
Fox News confirms my suspicions on why New York Times published a photo of a soldier in boxers. "Gentle Fun" at the expense of the military is part of the paper's Liberal Media Bias.
The 'Progressive Moment' is Over
I don't know if we're talking about just a "moment." We should be burying a
movement. And they're not "progressives." They're leftists, communists.
Nothing Trump is likely to do will affect me much
(if we can somehow avoid a major nuclear exchange).
But millions of morally hollow, economically-obtuse...
Moving Day
This is the day when we're moving to our new server! I've been working hard
to get everything updated to work with the latest versions of all the
1*Sherrie (TS CG)'s blog post was featured
1*Sherrie (TS CG)'s blog post was featured
Sarah Palin CPAC Texas August 2022
The former Governor of Alaska and US Congressional candidate is interviewed