Thursday, July 2, 2009

Unemployment Rises to 9.5 Percent; Obama's Labor Secretary Says Administration "Needs To Do Better" (Video)

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis says the administration "needs to do better" to address the needs of the jobless. Her interview with The Associated Press came after the Labor Department reported that the June unemployment rate rose to 9.5 percent.

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Karl Rove Discusses New Al Franken-Induced Senate Supermajority (Video)

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Uber-Liberal Helen Thomas Mops the Floor with Baghdad Bob [Robert Gibbs]/Barack Obama (Video)

Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas, the queen of all slobbering liberal mainstream media, weighs in and slams Gibbs.

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V.P. Joe Biden Makes Surprise Visit To Baghdad, Iraq (Video)

Biden is scheduled to meet with Iraqi leaders and military leaders.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Press Secretary Gibbs Gets Beat Up...Again...By Reporters (Video)

Gibbs is grilled on how audiences are chosen for Obama's Town Hall meeting on health care.

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Obama: "Don't Let People Scare You About Health Care Reform" (Video)

Obama scares me. National healthcare "socialized medicine" scares me.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sean Hannity: Firefighters Glad Supreme Court Ruled Against Obama Pick Sonia Sotomayor (Video)

Hannity talks with vindicated firefighters in the famous "White Firefighters Case."

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court ruled against Barack Obama nominee Sonia Sotomayor in the reverse discrimination suit.

The victory for justice and the white firefighters is a devastating setback for Obama and Sotomayor and exposes their flawed, race-tinted version of justice and equality in America.

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Ready Or Not; US Troops Pull Out Of Iraqi Cities (Video)

Will this become an opportunity for Obama to celebrate? Or will in turn into a blunder? When will the Bush/Cheney bashing begin?

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Obama To Lesbian and Gay Community "Welcome To Your White House" (Video)

This is what happens when Obama's voting block protests about how he has not lived up to his end of the bargain. He won't listen to any criticism from those of us who still want America to succeed, but plenty of time to pander to his voters!

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Michele Bachmann and Sean Hannity Discuss "Cap and Trade" Disaster "Will We Choose Liberty, Or Will We Choose Tryanny" (Video)

Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on Sean Hannity's radio show yesterday to discuss the horror show that is cap and trade.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bill Kristol: "The Serious Realistic Policy On Iran Is To Help Excelerate Regime Change" (Video)

Kristol explains why Obama's foreign policy approach towards Iran is a complete joke, like the rest of his presidency to date.

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Raw Video: Moon-Walk Tribute at Eiffel Tower

Thousands of Michael Jackson fans gathered under the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Sunday for what they claimed was the world's biggest moon-walk event.

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David Axelrod On Meet The Press: Recession Worse Than We Thought (Video)

Yeah, no shit it's bad! That's why I correctly surmised the "stimulus" had nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with socialisam and establishing a permanent voting majority.

10% unemployment and rising...and if Cap and Trade passes the Senate? Look towards 15%... Thanks Obama.

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David Axelrod On Meet The Press: Cannot Bring Himself To Criticize Iran (Video)

This administration is unbelievable in its handling of the quest for democracy and freedom in Iran.

They continue to, de facto, side with the brutal totalitarian Ahmadinejad regime. It's truly amazing.

Does Axelrod remind anyone else of a bad character actor from the 80s? What's with the 'stache?

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Chairman Steele congratulates the RNC Softball Team for their victory over the DNC (Video)

Hey! I'll take whatever victory we can get these days; no matter how small!

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