Hannity discusses G20 Violence in Pittsburgh.

Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
Funny that "conservative" rallies like the 9/12 gathering in Washington are labelled by the Liberal Media as "violent".
I don't recall tear gas being used at that event.
President Obama wants to use The United Nations to dictate US foreign policy.
President Obama is buddy, buddy with Hugo Chavez.
President Obama wants to meet with Mahmoud "I Want a Jihad" "without preconditions".
Oddly enough, he told ACORN he wants the corrupt "community organizer" group to help shape his political agenda.
America... do the math! You have been had. How you like your change now?
Michael Moore jokes with Fox News' Griff Jenkins about a bet he made with the host revolving around the impeachment of former President George W. Bush.
Finance Committee members argue over health care amendments.
The Democrats want a vote on the Baucus Health Care Bill by this Friday.
Republicans have asked to take for time to read the bill and to analyze how many trillions of dollars the plan will cost.
"Is there something happening in two weeks that we cannot wait? Is it the Columbus Day Recess? What is it?", says Snowe.
It would have been nice if Snowe used this kind of caution when she voted for the CRAPulus Bill.
The NY Post reports:
Gov. Paterson's wife -- emotionally stunned at President Obama's request that her husband not run for another term -- ripped into him today, saying that it's "very unfair" the president asked New York's "first African-American governor" not to seek office.
"You never heard of that before," Michelle Paterson, in her first comments on the situation, said following a luncheon in Midtown.
"David's the first African-American governor in the state of New York and he's being asked to get out of the race. It's very unusual and it seems very unfair."
Paterson added, "I never heard of a president asking a governor not to run ... so I thought it was very unusual that this would be asked of David and I don't think it's right."
Obama aides have asked the embattled Democratic governor, who has done poorly in recent polls, not to run for governor in 2010.
Paterson said her husband was shocked at the request.
"I think he was stunned. Like I said this is very unusual," she said.
Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, criticized for her lack of foreign policy experience, emerged in Asia on Wednesday to share her views from "Main Street U.S.A." with a group of high-flying global investors.
Breitbart has another video and more:
Palin, the former governor of Alaska, gave hundreds of financial big-hitters at the CLSA Investors' Forum in Hong Kong a wide-ranging speech that covered Alaska, international terrorism, US economic policy and trade with China.
Her performance, which was closed to the media, divided opinion.
Some of those who attended praised her forthright views on government social and economic intervention and others walked out early in disgust.
"She was brilliant," said a European delegate, on condition of anonymity.
"She said America was spending a lot of money and it was a temporary solution. Normal people are having to pay more and more but things don't get better. The rich will leave the country and the poor will get poorer."
In a rant that lasted more than 100 minutes, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi waved a copy of the UN charter and said that the organization was dominated by the Security Council, which should be renamed the Terrorism Council.
He also referred to President Obama frequently as "my son".
Never one to shy away from conflict, New York Governor David Paterson takes some swipes at Barack Obama after Obama let Paterson know that Obama wants Paterson to drop his 2010 reelection bid.
Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark!
Rep. Barney Frank says new rules to dismantle large financial institutions would give Washington the power to prevent future government bailouts.
Obama apologized to the UN today for America "acting alone" and for the world's "opposition to specific policies."
Then he said he would never apologize for acting in the interest of America.
(You just did.)
The New York Times posted the transcript:
I have been in office for just nine months, though some days it seems a lot longer. I am well aware of the expectations that accompany my presidency around the world. These expectations are not about me. Rather, they are rooted – I believe – in a discontent with a status quo that has allowed us to be increasingly defined by our differences, and outpaced by our problems. But they are also rooted in hope – the hope that real change is possible, and the hope that America will be a leader in bringing about such change.
I took office at a time when many around the world had come to view America with skepticism and distrust. Part of this was due to misperceptions and misinformation about my country. Part of this was due to opposition to specific policies, and a belief that on certain critical issues, America has acted unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others. This has fed an almost reflexive anti-Americanism, which too often has served as an excuse for our collective inaction.
Like all of you, my responsibility is to act in the interest of my nation and my people, and I will never apologize for defending those interests...
Awesome! Another display of America's Finest!
Minutes after storming into the Florida home of a convicted drug dealer, some Polk county undercover drug investigators were caught on tape playing a Wii video bowling game for over an hour.
In an interview on "The Late Show with David Letterman" Monday, President Barack Obama joked about how, despite recent race-based controversies, his racial status has not changed since becoming president.
I'm glad the President can joke about this issue, while his attack dogs are ravishing anyone opposes Dear Leader.
Alinsky radicalism is in action and Obama is laughing it off!
"[I]nadequate resources will likely result in failure. However, without a new strategy, the mission should not be resourced."
--Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal,The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan
The Washington Post reports:
The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan warns in an urgent, confidential assessment of the war that he needs more forces within the next year and bluntly states that without them, the eight-year conflict "will likely result in failure," according to a copy of the 66-page document obtained by The Washington Post.
Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal says emphatically: "Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near-term (next 12 months) -- while Afghan security capacity matures -- risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible."
His assessment was sent to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates on Aug. 30 and is now being reviewed by President Obama and his national security team.
McChrystal concludes the document's five-page Commander's Summary on a note of muted optimism: "While the situation is serious, success is still achievable."
But he repeatedly warns that without more forces and the rapid implementation of a genuine counterinsurgency strategy, defeat is likely. McChrystal describes an Afghan government riddled with corruption and an international force undermined by tactics that alienate civilians.
He provides extensive new details about the Taliban insurgency, which he calls a muscular and sophisticated enemy that uses modern propaganda and systematically reaches into Afghanistan's prisons to recruit members and even plan operations.
McChrystal's assessment is one of several options the White House is considering. His plan could intensify a national debate in which leading Democratic lawmakers have expressed reluctance about committing more troops to an increasingly unpopular war. Obama said last week that he will not decide whether to send more troops until he has "absolute clarity about what the strategy is going to be."
The commander has prepared a separate detailed request for additional troops and other resources, but defense officials have said he is awaiting instructions before sending it to the Pentagon.
Senior administration officials asked The Post over the weekend to withhold brief portions of the assessment that they said could compromise future operations. A declassified version of the document, with some deletions made at the government's request, appears at washingtonpost.com.
McChrystal makes clear that his call for more forces is predicated on the adoption of a strategy in which troops emphasize protecting Afghans rather than killing insurgents or controlling territory. Most starkly, he says: "[I]nadequate resources will likely result in failure. However, without a new strategy, the mission should not be resourced."
I'm beginning to sense that Obama operates like this: the average American doesn't understand semantics and/or pay attention to much, so nobody will care about the lies.
Obama's health plan WILL amount to a tax hike on the middle class.
Brit Hume agrees with me: President Obama can stop this non-sensical race debate at any time.
He hits the nail on the head in regards to Obama's half hearted condemnation of race being injected in the debate over Obamacare, Obama's Presidency, etc...
And yet again, Juan Williams, who used to be an accredited, well-respected left wing journalist shows his true colors -- he supports Obama, simply, for being black.
ACORN thinks Americans have a Constitutional right to own a home, supports illegally breaking into homes , pressures Blue-Dog Democrats to back radical legislation and generally acts like above-the-law criminals.
ACORN was officially tapped as a Census partner in February and the CRAPulus Spending "Stimulus" Bill contains over $4 Billion for "neighborhood stabilization", i.e. community organizations like ACORN.
National Review noted prior to last fall's election the shady, if not corrupt and illegal relationship between Barack Obama and his community organizer bedfellows at ACORN.
On "State of the Union," John King asked President Obama about the criticism he's received, mostly from the right, abotu his policies, and asked if his race had anything to do with it, as suggetsed by former President Jimmy Carter.
"As I've said in the past, are they people out there who don't like me because of race, I'm sure there are," Obama said. "That's not the overiding issue here... I think we can have... passionate disagreements about issues without resorting to namecalling."
Obama also added that "the easiest way" to get on TV in this era of 24-hour cable news "is to say something rude and outrageous."
The President could put a stop to all the false claims of racism coming from politicians and media outlets -- he simply chooses not to.
On "State of the Union," John King asked President Obama about the investigation into Bush CIA people over torture.
Obama said that while he wants to "look forward" and not in reverse, "Nobody is above the law."
"I have no interest in witch hunts, but the law's the law."
I guess he really is that cocky that all former CIA chiefs are opposed to his radical anti-American mentality.