I really hope this bill does not pass today. If it does, we are screwed. Americans are so stupid.

Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
Is this the future of America? State run media (i.e. ABC, MS NBC)? Communism still exists and is very real! This is where Obama and the Sociopaths, ahem, Socialists in Congress are taking us! Wake up!
Rep. Bachmann appears on the Glenn Beck show to talk about the looming economic fallout if cap-and-trade becomes law, as well and the 2010 census and American Community Survey.
"Largest tax in history."
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has told Congress that he didn't pressure Bank of America into acquiring Merrill Lynch in a deal that ultimately cost taxpayers $20 billion.
Rep. Bachmann appears with Rep. Jackie Speier (CA) and Rep. Brad Sherman (CA) on CNBC to discuss the need for increased transparency in the Federal Reserve, as well as the accusations that Fed. Chairman Ben Bernanke strong-armed the Bank of America into buying Merrill Lynch.
Newsmax reports:
WASHINGTON -- If 2008 was a tough year for Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, 2009 is looking no easier as political battles pile on top of tough economic challenges.
With the end of his term looming in January, Bernanke's skill in avoiding pitfalls on both fronts will influence whether he wins another four years at the helm of the Fed.
First, there's the economy: with the U.S. unemployment rate at 9.4 percent and rising, Bernanke faces the challenge of fostering a recovery from an 18-month-old recession with unconventional policies that some worry will ignite inflation.
Then, there's politics: he must convince Congress the Fed deserves a leading role in a restructured financial oversight system even as he addresses criticism of Fed failings before the financial collapse and some actions since.
The political heat was in evidence on Wednesday as a Republican lawmaker charged that the Fed inappropriately threatened to fire Bank of America's chief, Kenneth Lewis, if he balked at going forward with a planned purchase of wounded brokerage Merrill Lynch late last year.
Bernanke is to testify on his behind-the-scenes role in the merger before the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday. It was the top Republican on the panel, Representative Darrell Issa of California, who accused the Fed of a "cover-up."
It is against these crosscurrents that President Barack Obama will need to decide whether to reappoint Bernanke when his term as chairman expires on January 31. Bernanke's main rival, White House National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers, who is a former Treasury secretary, will advise Obama on that move.
"He is fighting fires that he does not want to fight, that are way out of his usual domain. I'm sure he'd rather just worry about the fed funds rate," said Torsten Slok, an economist with Deutsche Bank Securities in New York.
This is a good ruling. I believe this girl's right to privacy and unlawful search were violated and the Supreme Court ruled correctly.
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
WASHINGTON (June 25) - The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a school's strip search of an Arizona teenage girl accused of having prescription-strength ibuprofen was illegal.
In an 8-1 ruling, the justices said school officials violated the law with their search of Savana Redding in the rural eastern Arizona town of Safford.
Redding, who now attends college, was 13 when officials at Safford Middle School ordered her to remove her clothes and shake out her underwear because they were looking for pills — the equivalent of two Advils. The district bans prescription and over-the-counter drugs and the school was acting on a tip from another student.
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"What was missing from the suspected facts that pointed to Savana was any indication of danger to the students from the power of the drugs or their quantity, and any reason to suppose that Savana was carrying pills in her underwear," Justice David Souter wrote in the majority opinion. "We think that the combination of these deficiencies was fatal to finding the search reasonable."
In a dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas found the search legal and said the court previously had given school officials "considerable leeway" under the Fourth Amendment in school settings.
Officials had searched the girl's backpack and found nothing, Thomas said. "It was eminently reasonable to conclude the backpack was empty because Redding was secreting the pills in a place should thought no one would look," Thomas said.
Thomas warned that the majority's decision could backfire. "Redding would not have been the first person to conceal pills in her undergarments," he said. "Nor will she be the last after today's decision, which announces the safest place to secrete contraband in school."
The court also ruled the officials cannot be held liable in a lawsuit for the search. Different judges around the nation have come to different conclusions about immunity for school officials in strip searches, which leads the Supreme Court to "counsel doubt that we were sufficiently clear in the prior statement of law," Souter said.
"We think these differences of opinion from our own are substantial enough to require immunity for the school officials in this case," Souter said.
The justices also said the lower courts would have to determine whether the Safford United School District No. 1 could be held liable.
This is unreal. The whole Appalachian Trail excuse, the adultery, the lies from a man who was an up and coming Conservative leader.
Shame on you Governor. You have lost the respect of your family, your state and Conservatives across America.
Fox News reports:
In a stunning confession, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford admitted Wednesday to being "unfaithful" to his wife during a press conference meant to account for his mysterious week-long absence.
"I've let down a lot of people. That's the bottom line," he said. "I've been unfaithful to my wife."
Sanford, who just returned from Argentina, said he developed a "relationship with what started out as a dear, dear friend from Argentina."
The governor "apologized" profusely to his family, his staff and the people of South Carolina.
The first-hand account was meant to settle mounting questions over the governor's whereabouts.
Confusion only intensified Wednesday morning after The State newspaper reported that Sanford had just returned from Argentina, even though his staff claimed the disappearing governor was hiking on the Appalachian Trail a few hours away from the state capital.
"Mohammed," a student protester/reformer from Iran asks the international community, and specifically Barack Obama, to help the Iranian protesters and "don't leave us alone."
Mohammed's plea to Obama starts at about the 5:08 mark of the video.
Major Garrett slammed the President on this one. Listen how Obama bullshits his way through this answer. Again, he thinks we are really stupid. There has been no "consistency" whatsoever in Obama's response to the Iranian protests. He has simply changed his tune in response to pressure from men like John McCain on Capitol Hill.
Conservative New Media:
New Republican National Committee ad "Bipartisan" crushes ABC for willingly becoming state-run media for Barack Obama's ill-conceived health care plan.
ABC's Obama health care plan infomercial is set to run tonight. Opposing voices -- including paid advertising -- have been shut out.
ABC, and Obama, should be ashamed of using such non-democratic methods to try to swindle Americans into supporting the terrible idea that ObamaCare represents.
Megyn Kelly talks with Rick Scott, a man whose group wished to run a paid commercial during the Barack Obama health care infomercial but was denied by ABC.
Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) questions White House economic advisor Christina Romer about the Democrats' claim that "if you like the health care plan you have, you can keep it."
Dr. David Scheiner took care of Obama for 22 years. But they don't see eye-to-eye on how to fix the health care system.
Forbes reports:
David Scheiner, an internist based in the Chicago neighborhood of Hyde Park, has a diverse practice of lower-income adults from the nearby housing projects mixed with famous patients like U.S. Sen. Carol Mosely Braun, the late writer Studs Terkel and, most notably, President Barack Obama.
Scheiner, 71, was Obama's doctor from 1987 until he entered the White House; he vouched for the then-candidate's "excellent health" in a letter last year. He's still an enthusiastic Obama supporter, but he worries about whether the health care legislation currently making its way through Congress will actually do any good, particularly for doctors like himself who practice general medicine. "I'm not sure he really understands what we face in primary care," Scheiner says.
Scheiner takes a few other shots too. Looking at Obama's team of health advisors, Scheiner doesn't see anyone who's actually in the trenches. "I have a suspicion they pick people from the top echelon of medicine, people who write about it but haven't been struggling in it," he says.
Scheiner is critical of Obama's pick for Health and Human Services secretary--Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who used to work as the chief lobbyist for her state's trial lawyers association.
"He doesn't see all the pain, it's so tragic out here," he says. "Obama's wonderful, but on this one I'm not sure if he's getting the right input."
What should the president be focused on? Scheiner thinks that a good health reform would be "Medicare for all," a single-payer system where the government would cover everyone and pay for it by cutting out waste in the system. "A neurosurgeon gets paid $20,000 for cutting into the neck of my patient. Have him get paid $1 million a year instead of $2 million or $3 million. He won't starve," Scheiner says.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate sources say the latest cost estimates for health care legislation are around $1.6 trillion over 10 years. Two Senate staffers, one Democratic and one Republican, said Congressional Budget Office estimates put the cost of the Finance Committee version of the bill at around $1.6 trillion.
A third staffer, a Finance Committee Democratic aide, indicated committee members are working to lower the cost to less than $1 trillion over 10 years, a level preferred by the Obama administration.
The staffers spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of negotiations over the legislation.
Cost problems have slowed work on the sweeping legislation.
In Great Britain last year, a 24-year old woman named Katie Hilliard was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The disease has since spread to her lungs and lymph nodes. In October, she took time off from her course of chemo and radiation therapy to marry her fiancée because, in her words, “We didn’t know how ill I would get.”
The family of Claire Everett does know. She died in September, of the same disease, with her parents, husband, and two-year old son by her side. She was 23.
Both could have been diagnosed early and possibly saved by a routine screening test. But the British National Health Service does not allow women under the age of 25 to receive that test.
These kinds of stories are commonplace in nations with government-controlled health care, with good reason. As the miracle workers in the global medical research field develop treatments to keep us alive and healthy much longer than ever before, the costs of health care inevitably rise. Government health services looking to cut costs usually choose to ration coverage.
In Great Britain, Canada, Sweden, and elsewhere, government bureaucrats decide which patients may receive which treatments based on how beneficial the treatment will be – beneficial to the government, that is, not the patient.
The process by which government health departments decide who gets what is called “Comparative Effectiveness Research” (CER). And you might be surprised to know there was more than $1 billion allocated for CER in the so-called economic stimulus bill passed last month by Congress.
Well here's some encouraging news...
The Associated Press:
SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea threatened Wednesday to wipe the United States off the map as Washington and its allies watched for signs the regime will launch a series of missiles in the coming days.
Off China's coast, a U.S. destroyer was tailing a North Korean ship suspected of transporting illicit weapons to Myanmar in what could be the first test of U.N. sanctions passed to punish the nation for an underground nuclear test last month.
The Kang Nam left the North Korean port of Nampo a week ago with the USS John S. McCain close behind. The ship, accused of transporting banned goods in the past, is believed bound for Myanmar, according to South Korean and U.S. officials.
The new U.N. Security Council resolution requires member states to seek permission to inspect suspicious cargo. North Korea has said it would consider interception a declaration of war and on Wednesday accused the U.S. of seeking to provoke another Korean War.
"If the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea will ... wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all," the official Korean Central News Agency said.
The warning came on the eve of the 59th anniversary of the start of the three-year Korean War, which ended in a truce in 1953, not a peace treaty, leaving the peninsula in state of war.
From CNBC:
In a live interview on CNBC today, Warren Buffett said there has been little progress over the past few months in the "economic war" being fought by the country. "We haven't got the economy moving yet."
While the economy is a "shambles" and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
Buffett says the nation should concentrate on creating jobs.
Buffett also noted that he had a cataract operation on his left eye about a month ago. He joked that he thought it might help him see "green shoots" for the economy, but so far he hasn't seen any hopeful signs.
The U.S. Military has released video of an air weapons team engaging and killing insurgents when responding to the insurgents' complex attack on a small patrol base in Paktia province on May 27.
This is always cool stuff when our GIs beat down some Taliban a holes! Keep in mind how much caution the military used to avoid civilian casualties.
House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) made remarks from the House Floor on the Washington DC Metrorail accident which killed 9 people.
ACORN must be stopped; the government won't do it. It is up to all of us.
You must contact your Congressman and Senators.
This has nothing to do with politics or government. This is not about Republican vs. Democrat. This is corruption. This is voter fraud. And it goes all the way to the top; The President of The United States is directly involved with ACORN!
What do you think ACORN stands for? The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now!
What was Barack Obama's career before politics? Community Organizer! Do the math!
ACORN is the largest radical Leftist group in America today. ACORN thinks Americans have a Constitutional right to own a home, supports illegally breaking into homes , pressures Blue-Dog Democrats to back radical legislation and generally acts like above-the-law criminals. ACORN was officially tapped as a Census partner in February and the CRAPulus Spending "Stimulus" Bill contains over $4 Billion for "neighborhood stabilization", i.e. community organizations like ACORN. National Review noted prior to last fall's election the shady, if not corrupt and illegal relationship between Barack Obama and his community organizer bedfellows at ACORN. Obama has also been caught on tape telling ACORN organizers that the group will help shape his Presidential agenda.
The best trained, best equipped military in action.
Missiles, machine guns and strafing runs from fighter jets destroyed much of a Taliban compound in Now Zad, Helmand province, in Afghanistan on Saturday.
Remember when Joe Biden promised the world would test Obama? Well, here it comes. The world is becoming a very scary dangerous place and The President continues to vote "present". While he continues to try to push his radical, socialist domestic agenda, the world is erupting into violence everywhere from Iran to North Korea and our President is sitting back and watching.
We can only hope that he or his advisers wake up to reality and begin to address the real issues of the world of 2009.
Breitbart reports:
North Korea has accused US President Barack Obama of plotting a nuclear war on the communist nation by reaffirming a US assurance of security for South Korea, the North's state media said.
In a first official response to last week's US-South Korean summit, the state-run weekly Tongil Sinbo said in its Saturday edition Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak "are trying to ignite a nuclear war".
"The US-touted provision of 'extended deterrence, including a nuclear umbrella' (for South Korea) is nothing but 'a nuclear war plan,'" Tongil Sinbo said.
It said it wasn't a coincidence that the United States has brought "nuclear equipment into South Korea and its surroundings and staged massive war drills every day to look for a chance to invade North Korea."
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - President Barack Obama assured Americans in an interview broadcast Monday that the U.S. is prepared for any move North Korea might make, amid reports that Pyongyang is planning a long-range missile test to follow up its provocative nuclear test last month.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has ordered additional protection for Hawaii as a precaution, though experts say North Korea doesn't yet have a ballistic missile that can reach Hawaii and has not mastered mounting a nuclear bomb on a long-range missile.
Still, North Korea declared itself a "proud nuclear power" and warned it will strike if provoked.
"It would be a grave mistake for the U.S. to think it can remain unhurt if it ignites the fuse of war on the Korean peninsula," the country's main Rodong Sinmun said in a commentary.
The U.S., which has 28,500 troops in South Korea, has said it has no such intentions.
Obama assured Americans that "this administration—and our military—is fully prepared for any contingencies." His interview with CBS News' "The Early Show" was taped Friday for broadcast Monday.
Video of a boat on Lake Ontario captured from 19,000 feet above (John Moore, NewsWatch50)
WWTI reports:
A monitor inside an operations trailer shows a close-up view of a boat skimming across the water on Lake Ontario.
The image was taken from an unmanned aircraft more than three miles away.
A Predator B Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) has been temporarily based at Fort Drum since early June in an experiment by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office.
The Department of Homeland Security is using the extensive restricted air space over Fort Drum to test whether the drone could be a good fit along this stretch of the northern border.
The Massachusetts model, a precursor to "Obamacare" has failed to produce the intended results. The premium costs have risen dramatically and the coverage is not up to par.
Wow! This is protest in action! A mob armed with only rocks forces the Irani police force to retreat!
In an interview taped Friday at the White House which was scheduled for broadcast on Sunday by Dawn News, Pakistan's first 24-hour English-language news channel, President Obama discussed a myriad of Middle Eastern topics including the current chaos in Iran.
Dawn.com reports:
Asked to comment on Ayatollah Khamenei’s statement that the US was interfering in Iran’s internal affairs, Mr Obama said what’s happening in Iran was remarkable. ‘To see hundreds of thousands of people in peaceful protest against an election that obviously raised a lot of doubts tells us that this is an issue that the Iranian people care deeply about.’
The US and the West, he said, had been very clear that this was not an issue between the West and Iran; this was an issue about the Iranian people seeking justice and wanting to make sure that their voices were heard.
‘And it’s unfortunate that there are some inside Iran and inside that government that want to use the West and the United States as an excuse,’ he said.
‘We respect Iran’s sovereignty, but we also are witnessing peaceful demonstrations, people expressing themselves, and I stand for that universal principle that people should have a voice in their own lives and their own destiny. And I hope that the international community recognises that we need to stand behind peaceful protests and be opposed to violence or repression.’
Mr Obama said that since there were no international observers in Iran, he could not say if the elections were fair or unfair. ‘But beyond the election, what’s clear is that the Iranian people are wanting to express themselves. And it is critical, as they seek justice and they seek an opportunity to express themselves, that that’s respected and not met with violence.’
‘Your speech in Cairo indeed was a speech that created a lot of stir, both in the US and in the Muslim world. Was it the beginning of something bigger to come, or was it just a one-off thing? He was asked.
‘No, I think that this is going to be a sustained process. As I said in Cairo, one speech is not going to transform policies and relationships throughout the Middle East or throughout the world,’ Mr Obama responded.
‘But what I wanted to do was to describe very clearly that the United States not only respects Muslim communities around the world but that there’s an opportunity for I think a new day, where there’s mutual understanding, mutual tolerance; where the United States is seen as somebody who stands with people in their daily aspirations for an education for their children, for good jobs, for economic development,’ he said.
‘And just as the United States at times has, I think, not fully understood what’s happening in Muslim communities, sometimes there have been countries that haven’t understood the rich history of Muslims in America,’ he added.
Dr. David Scheiner took care of Obama for 22 years. But they don't see eye-to-eye on how to fix the health care system.
Forbes reports:
David Scheiner, an internist based in the Chicago neighborhood of Hyde Park, has a diverse practice of lower-income adults from the nearby housing projects mixed with famous patients like U.S. Sen. Carol Mosely Braun, the late writer Studs Terkel and, most notably, President Barack Obama.
Scheiner, 71, was Obama's doctor from 1987 until he entered the White House; he vouched for the then-candidate's "excellent health" in a letter last year. He's still an enthusiastic Obama supporter, but he worries about whether the health care legislation currently making its way through Congress will actually do any good, particularly for doctors like himself who practice general medicine. "I'm not sure he really understands what we face in primary care," Scheiner says.
Scheiner takes a few other shots too. Looking at Obama's team of health advisors, Scheiner doesn't see anyone who's actually in the trenches. "I have a suspicion they pick people from the top echelon of medicine, people who write about it but haven't been struggling in it," he says.
Scheiner is critical of Obama's pick for Health and Human Services secretary--Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who used to work as the chief lobbyist for her state's trial lawyers association.
"He doesn't see all the pain, it's so tragic out here," he says. "Obama's wonderful, but on this one I'm not sure if he's getting the right input."
What should the president be focused on? Scheiner thinks that a good health reform would be "Medicare for all," a single-payer system where the government would cover everyone and pay for it by cutting out waste in the system. "A neurosurgeon gets paid $20,000 for cutting into the neck of my patient. Have him get paid $1 million a year instead of $2 million or $3 million. He won't starve," Scheiner says.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate sources say the latest cost estimates for health care legislation are around $1.6 trillion over 10 years. Two Senate staffers, one Democratic and one Republican, said Congressional Budget Office estimates put the cost of the Finance Committee version of the bill at around $1.6 trillion.
A third staffer, a Finance Committee Democratic aide, indicated committee members are working to lower the cost to less than $1 trillion over 10 years, a level preferred by the Obama administration.
The staffers spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of negotiations over the legislation.
Cost problems have slowed work on the sweeping legislation.
In Great Britain last year, a 24-year old woman named Katie Hilliard was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The disease has since spread to her lungs and lymph nodes. In October, she took time off from her course of chemo and radiation therapy to marry her fiancée because, in her words, “We didn’t know how ill I would get.”
The family of Claire Everett does know. She died in September, of the same disease, with her parents, husband, and two-year old son by her side. She was 23.
Both could have been diagnosed early and possibly saved by a routine screening test. But the British National Health Service does not allow women under the age of 25 to receive that test.
These kinds of stories are commonplace in nations with government-controlled health care, with good reason. As the miracle workers in the global medical research field develop treatments to keep us alive and healthy much longer than ever before, the costs of health care inevitably rise. Government health services looking to cut costs usually choose to ration coverage.
In Great Britain, Canada, Sweden, and elsewhere, government bureaucrats decide which patients may receive which treatments based on how beneficial the treatment will be – beneficial to the government, that is, not the patient.
The process by which government health departments decide who gets what is called “Comparative Effectiveness Research” (CER). And you might be surprised to know there was more than $1 billion allocated for CER in the so-called economic stimulus bill passed last month by Congress.
Judge Andrew Napolitano comments on snake oil salesman and Federal Reserve lackey, Ben Bernanke. Obama's scheme with the privately held Federal Reserve to 'overhaul' the financial system is a catastrophe which appears to be a blatant attempt to pull off the biggest ripoff in world history.
Who is "regulating" the Fed? No one and that is truly dangerous. Wake up to reality folks! Obama is destroying America right in front of our eyes and the mainstream media is too blinded by love to figure it out!
Philosophy 101, by Bill Maher. It's amazing that Maher can consider Obama and the Democrats in Congress "center-right". He says Obama calling Obama a "socialist" is ridiculous because The President is not even a "Liberal". Say what?
Clearly Maher has smoked way to too much weed throughout his life. He just doesn't get and remains a Left Wing nut case. It's amazing how Maher once considered himself a "libertarian".
Maher represents the worst kind of Liberal. The kind, like Obama and Pelosi, who absolutely despise the American way of life, hate capitalism and seek its destruction for reasons unknown to me.
Though the White House released a written statement Saturday in which President Obama used his strongest language to date to condemn what he called a "violent and unjust" government crackdown on protesters, critics say he needs to show more leadership on the issue.
Fox News reports:
"The president of the United States is supposed to lead the free world, not follow it," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said on ABC's "This Week." "He's been timid and passive more than I would like."
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the president's opponent in the 2008 election, said Obama should "be stronger than he has been" with Iran and suggested European heads of state were showing more leadership than Obama on the issue.
"I think we ought to have America lead. When you look at the statements by President Sarkozy, Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Brown have been much stronger. We should lead. And I also think he should point out that this is not just an Iranian issue. This is an American issue -- what we're all about," McCain said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
He said he's not in favor of "sending arms" or "fomenting violence," but that the United States needs to "be on the right side of history." Protesters view last week's election as rigged.
Both McCain and Graham said Obama was moving in the right direction with his written statement Saturday but needs to do more.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., told "FOX News Sunday" that Obama, in person, needs to address the Iranian and American people -- he called the election backlash a potential "game changer" in Iran which Obama should leverage.
"This president is a great orator. This president needs to come out, he needs to speak to the American people, but more important he needs to speak to the people of Iran, the people of the Middle East and he has to make a forceful statement on behalf of the people on the streets for freedom and democracy," Hoekstra said. The top Republican on the House intelligence committee said Obama needs to follow up on the groundwork he laid with his recent address to the Muslim world in Cairo.
Fox News reports:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that the Iranian regime's repressive nature has been "unmasked" by the turmoil over the country's disputed election last week.
He spoke as the official death toll in Iran rose to at least 19, as protesters continued to march in the streets and clash with regime forces.
"You see a regime that represses its own people and spreads terror far and wide," Netanyahu said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "It is a regime whose real nature has been unmasked and it's been unmasked by an incredible act of courage by Iran's citizens. ... You see the Iranian lack of democracy at work."
Israel considers the Iranian regime, with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president and hard-line clerics at the top, as a monumental threat. Ahmadinejad, known for his bellicose rhetoric, has called for the destruction of Israel and is suspected of pursuing nuclear weapons technology.
Netanyahu declined to predict where the protests would lead, but said they represent a "fundamental" event for the country.
"I cannot tell you how this thing will end up. I think something very deep and very fundamental is going on," Netanyahu said. "There is an expression of the deep desire amid the people of Iran for freedom. ... This is what is going on."
Though President Obama has come under criticism in the United States for not being more forceful in his support for the protesters, Netanyahu said he would not "second guess" the American president.
"I know President Obama wants the people of Iran to be free," he said.