Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
"Bogus"? Who is this guy? When will the attacks on private industry cease? Coming straight outta Chicago...
President seems on the defense as his unpopular ObamaCare proposals come under fire.
Face it Mr. President: your plan sucks and Americans do not want it! You are wrong, Mr. Obama! For once in your life, put the narcissistic egomaniac aside and go back to the drawing board!
Hey! Nine months after blaming George Bush for the Katrina disaster and promising hopenchange for New Orleans, President Obama finally visits the battered city.
Isn't the campaing over? Do we still need to hear "Yes, We Can" everytime Obama leaves Washington?
Does anyone understand why African-American leaders across America are calling Rush a racist?
Allow me: since the election of Barack Obama it seems that Blacks around the country have an open forum for calling white people "racists" who disagree with the politics of hopenchange. Our "post-racial" America has become a hotbed of unfounded racial slurs and slander by Blacks.
Here we go again! I used to laugh at Gibbs fumbling through press conferences. But lately, he is starting to scare me. He truly had become the Minister of Misinformation.
I hope Americans wake up to the fact the the Obama Administration is full of lying radical Marxist who are destroying the America we grew up in.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says Senate Republicans want a real multi-week Senate debate that gives everyone on both sides an opportunity to freely amend the health care legislation.
In this 1:46 video, we point out 7 promises that then candidate Obama has already broken. We hope that all the people of the ObamaNation are happy with their president.
These people really don't get. Fox News is the highest rated cable news channel at ANY time of day.
Personally, I welcome this attack on Fox from The White House and the Leftwing media; it will only serve to fuel the awakened sleeping dragons around America!
O'Reilly and FOX News senior political analyst Brit Hume discuss the stunning and widely-mocked decision by the Obama Administration to declare public war against the highly-popular news media organization.
Wow unreal! This administration really is a bunch of crazy, maniacal Alinsky fascists! Listen to how snotty this woman is towards Fox! Are they insane? Fox News has an agenda? Do they watch MS NBC?
Never in out lifetime have we seen an administration attack a single media entity like this!
Coming soon.... state run television!
In an interview on CNN's "Reliable Sources," White House Communications Director Anita Dunn elaborates on comments she made in an interview in Time magazine, in which she commented that Fox News is "opinion journalism masquerading as news."
"The reality of it is, fox news often operates as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican party," she told Howard Kurtz.
Dunn added that Obama, who snubbed "Fox News Sunday" in making the rounds with four broadcast networks and Univision to push his health care reform plan, will appear on Fox again in the near future, because "he engages with ideological opponents," but she declined to disclose a date.
She also points out how the conservative commentators, who were "rejoicing" and "celebrating" the United States losing out on the 2016 Olympics in Chicago despite Obama's pleas, are 'somewhat bitter" in the fact that an American President, Obama, won the Nobel Peace Laureate.
In addition, Dunn also criticized the mainstream media over inaccuracies being reported, including the "death panel" claim in Obama's health care reform plan.
The 'Progressive Moment' is Over
I don't know if we're talking about just a "moment." We should be burying a
movement. And they're not "progressives." They're leftists, communists.
Nothing Trump is likely to do will affect me much
(if we can somehow avoid a major nuclear exchange).
But millions of morally hollow, economically-obtuse...
Moving Day
This is the day when we're moving to our new server! I've been working hard
to get everything updated to work with the latest versions of all the
1*Sherrie (TS CG)'s blog post was featured
1*Sherrie (TS CG)'s blog post was featured
Sarah Palin CPAC Texas August 2022
The former Governor of Alaska and US Congressional candidate is interviewed