Joe Biden served as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee for nearly 30 years.
Biden set the groundwork that "judicial philosophy" disqualifies a candidate for the Supreme Court during his past blasting of Republican nominees.

Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
Joe Biden served as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee for nearly 30 years.
Biden set the groundwork that "judicial philosophy" disqualifies a candidate for the Supreme Court during his past blasting of Republican nominees.
While you were sleeping, President Obama continues his radical, neo-fascist takeover of America.
Politico reports:
Progressive health care reform groups demanded on Thursday that Washington’s NBC television affiliate refuse to air a 30-minute infomercial funded by a conservative group opposed to creating a public insurance plan.
The Service Employees International Union sent a letter to NBC4, arguing that the station has a responsibility to pull the documentary-style commercial paid for by Conservatives for Patients’ Rights. The ad, set to run Sunday after “Meet the Press,” “will be false, deceitful, and a distortion,” the union’s attorney wrote in the letter.
The SEIU has not seen the ad, but is drawing the conclusion from CPR’s record of running “demonstrably false” ads. The station has the duty to protect the public from misleading advertising, the letter argues.
If the ad is aired and does contain falsehoods, CPR could face a fine from the Federal Communications Commission, said Levana Layendecker, the online campaigns director for Health Care for America Now, a coalition pushing to create a public insurance plan.
The coalition, Democracy for America and the SEIU e-mailed their supporters, asking them to sign on to another letter that urges NBC and “Meet the Press” to refuse to air the infomercial. The groups plan to send another e-mail Friday to Washington-area supporters, rallying them to call the station with the same message.
Layendecker said the commercial would demean the venerable public-affairs show’s brand. At the very least, the station should run a crawler under the ad, indicating that the program is a paid advertisement and not endorsed by NBC, she said.
A NBC network spokeswoman declined to comment and referred questions to NBC4. Its general manger, Michael Jack, did not return a call for comment.
Keith Appell, a spokesman for CPR, said the infomercial was produced by Gene Randall, an award-winning former CNN anchor, and already has run on two cable channels.
“It’s no surprise that they would try to block the public from seeing any information about the dangers of government-run health care,” Appell said. “This program is full of compelling first person accounts that every American should hear.”
Progressives have accused CPR of trying to swift boat health care, a reference to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that came under fire for its ads against former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry during the 2004 campaign. CPR hired the same public relations firm as Swift Boat Veterans, CRC Public Relations.
The SEIU asked CNN and the Fox News Channel to pull an earlier health care commercial, charging it was “false, deceitful and a distortion.”, run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, offered a similarly harsh critique.
Appell said the group stands by its ads.
President-elect Barack Obama announced the formation of a new group known as "Organizing for America" that aims to continue the grassroots advocacy that the former Illinois Senator began in his presidential campaign.
"As President, I will need the help of all Americans to meet the challenges that lie
ahead," Obama said in a video message e-mailed to supporters (and reporters) this morning. "That's why I'm asking people like you who fought for change during the campaign to continue fighting for change in your communities."
The new group will be the flagship of "Obama 2.0" as many people have taken to calling the transformation of the political organization created during the 2008 campaign.
The All Spin Zone!
The President discusses the breadth and depth of experience held by his nominee for the Supreme Court. In the course of a life that began in a housing project in the South Bronx and brought her to the pinnacle of her profession, Judge Sonia Sotomayor accumulated more experience on the federal bench than any incoming Supreme Court Justice in the past 100 years, touching nearly every aspect of our legal system.
White House Transcript:
WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Barack Obama called for a rigorous, principled and swift confirmation for his Supreme Court nominee, Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Judge Sotomayor’s extraordinary professional career, as a New York City prosecutor, a litigator, and as a judge for 17 years, is matched only by her remarkable life story, from growing up in a housing project to graduating from Princeton University and Yale Law School. With the depth of her experience, she will be a prudent Justice who respects and adheres to the Constitution and the law.
Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Washington D.C.
This week, I nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the U.S. Court of Appeals to replace Justice David Souter, who is retiring after nearly two decades on the Supreme Court. After reviewing many terrific candidates, I am certain that she is the right choice. In fact, there has not been a nominee in several generations who has brought the depth of judicial experience to this job that she offers.
Judge Sotomayor’s career began when she served as an Assistant District Attorney in New York, prosecuting violent crimes in America’s largest city. After leaving the DA’s office, she became a litigator, representing clients in complex international legal disputes. She was appointed to the U.S. District Court, serving six years as a trial judge where she presided over hundreds of cases. And most recently, she has spent eleven years on the U.S. Court of Appeals, our nation’s second highest court, grappling with some of the most difficult constitutional and legal issues we face as a nation. She has more experience on the federal bench than any incoming Supreme Court Justice in the past 100 years. Quite simply, Judge Sotomayor has a deep familiarity with our judicial system from almost every angle.
And her achievements are all the more impressive when you consider what she had to overcome in order to achieve them. Judge Sotomayor grew up in a housing project in the South Bronx; her parents came to New York from Puerto Rico during the Second World War. Her father was a factory worker with a third grade education; when she was just nine years old, he passed away. Her mother worked six days a week as a nurse to provide for her and her brother, buying the only set of encyclopedias in the neighborhood and sending her children to Catholic school. That’s what made it possible for Judge Sotomayor to attend two of America’s leading universities, graduating at the top of her class at Princeton University, and studying at Yale Law School where she won a prestigious post as an editor of the school’s Law Journal.
These many years later, it was hard not to be moved by Judge Sotomayor’s mother, sitting in the front row at the White House, her eyes welling with tears, as her daughter – who had come so far, for whom she sacrificed so much – was nominated to the highest court in the land.
And this is what makes Judge Sotomayor so extraordinary. Even as she has reached the heights of her profession, she has never forgotten where she began. She has faced down barriers, overcome difficult odds, and lived the American dream. As a Justice of the Supreme Court, she will bring not only the experience acquired over the course of a brilliant legal career, but the wisdom accumulated over the course of an extraordinary journey – a journey defined by hard work, fierce intelligence, and the enduring faith that, in America, all things are possible.
It is her experience in life and her achievements in the legal profession that have earned Judge Sotomayor respect across party lines and ideological divides. She was originally named to the U.S. District Court by the first President Bush, a Republican. She was appointed to the federal Court of Appeals by President Clinton, a Democrat. She twice has been overwhelmingly confirmed by the U.S. Senate. And I am gratified by the support for this nomination voiced by members of the legal community who represent views from across the political spectrum.
There are, of course, some in Washington who are attempting to draw old battle lines and playing the usual political games, pulling a few comments out of context to paint a distorted picture of Judge Sotomayor’s record. But I am confident that these efforts will fail; because Judge Sotomayor’s seventeen-year record on the bench – hundreds of judicial decisions that every American can read for him or herself – speak far louder than any attack; her record makes clear that she is fair, unbiased, and dedicated to the rule of law. As a fellow judge on her court, appointed by Ronald Reagan, said recently, "I don’t think I’d go as far as to classify her in one camp or another. I think she just deserves the classification of outstanding judge."
Congress returns this week and I hope the confirmation process will begin without delay. No nominee should be seated without rigorous evaluation and hearing; I expect nothing less. But what I hope is that we can avoid the political posturing and ideological brinksmanship that has bogged down this process, and Congress, in the past. Judge Sotomayor ought to be on the bench when the Supreme Court decides what cases to hear this year and I’m calling on Democrats and Republicans to be thorough, and timely in dealing with this nomination.
As President, there are few responsibilities more serious or consequential than the naming of a Supreme Court Justice. The members of our highest court are granted life tenure. They are charged with applying principles put to paper more than two centuries ago to some of the most difficult questions of our time. And the impact of their decisions extends beyond an administration, but for generations to come.
This is a decision that I have not taken lightly and it is one that I am proud to have made. I know that Justice Sotomayor will serve this nation with distinction. And when she ascends those marble steps to assume her seat on the Supreme Court, bringing a lifetime of experience on and off the bench, America will have taken another important step toward realizing the ideal that is chiseled above its entrance: Equal justice under the law.
When did Carbon Dioxide become a "greenhouse gas" anyway? It's the foundations for life on this planet!
In the weekly Republican address, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels calls for comprehensive energy reform rather than a cap and trade energy tax proposed by Democrats.
The White House recently lied about the economic impact of so-called "green jobs". Read more on the legislation here.
You might recall the words of Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the former head of the Energy & Commerce committee, who said in April: "Nobody in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax, and it's a great big one."
Last Thursday, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) made the following admission regarding the Waxman-Markey energy tax: "Whether you call it a tax, everyone agrees that it's going to increase the cost to the consumer. At the end of the day ... if there's nothing there to repay [consumers] for their financial expenditures, it might be difficult to fight Republicans who call this a tax."
The Liberal Congress is in a such a hurry to pass this outrageous legislation, that they hired a speed reader!
Rep. Michele Bachmann recently pointed out Obama's "cap and trade" is really a tax on everyone for the use of energy. She said it will boost unemployment and drive businesses and jobs overseas to countries like China and India that don't have such a tax. In addition, she correctly points out that energy costs will double under the "cap and trade" energy tax.
Team "O" is prepared to join the international "climate change" fleecing of tax dollars and jobs in America.
Recently, Fox News obtained a UN document which details how a "climate change" plan will use fake science to induce a massive worldwide redistribution of wealth in an attempt to control the global economy.
A new study from Spain illustrates the economic detriment of the country's "green jobs" plan. For every so-called "Green Job" created, at least 2.2 jobs from related industries are lost. Net result: thousands of job losses at the expense of appeasing radical environmentalists.
A recent Heritage study suggests that Obama's "Cap and trade" energy plan may cost upwards
of $7 Trillion. "
Cap and trade" programs have killed jobs in California and the European Union. The CBO estimates that "cap and trade" generally decreases revenue to the Federal Government, leading to an increased deficit. Obama's "cap and trade" energy plan -- which he said last month he would sign -- may cost over $2 Trillion and up to 4 million jobs.
Cap and trade bills are nothing short of a government re-engineering of the American economy. With its aggressive targets to reduce emissions from fossil fuel use, it would put the nation on a path of serious economic harm not justified by any benefits.
Not to mention, science has yet to show that "cap and trade" will actually do anything for so-called "climate change.
Rush Limbaugh on Sonia Sotomayor: " How Do You Get Promoted in the Obama Administration? By Hating White People"
Obama says Sotomayor chose her words poorly and was taken out of context.
From Gawker:
Last evening our night watchman Cajun Boy reported that Chicago radio talker Erich "Mancow" Muller may have faked his waterboarding for publicity. We talked to both Muller and his waterboarder this morning, and the whole thing is a farce. Muller wasn't waterboarded.
"We went into this thinking it was going to be a joke," Muller said very quickly when we called him. "But it was not a joke—it was horrible. 'Hoax' is probably not the right word, but we did think it was going to be a joke."
According to e-mails from Muller's publicist obtained by Cajun Boy, on the day before the heavily promoted stunt was supposed to happen, Muller was frantically looking for anybody to perform the waterboarding:
It is going to have to look "real" but of course would be simulated with Mancow acting like he is drowning. It will be a hoax but have to look real. Would be great if they could dress in fatigues and bring whatever is needed. We will supply the water.
"It was a marine who did it," Muller said. "I don't know his training. Is he a professional interrogator? I don't think so. But he knew what to do. If I wanted to fake it, it would have lasted for six minutes—I lasted six seconds. I'm on the air, bud, I'm on the air." Then he hung up.
So we called Klay South, the marine Mancow found at the last minute to perform the waterboarding. He says he had no idea what he was doing! To wit:
I know nothing about waterboarding. I had never done it before, I have no formal training in it, and I've never had it done to me. The only thing I knew was what I saw on the internet. I went to and looked it up. I just did what I was told—poured the water on his face and that was it. I'm probably the last person they should have had do it. I didn't know what I was doing.
That settles it for us! South is the founder of Veterans of Valor, a nonprofit that helps out wounded vets, and he said he agreed to the gig just to gain a donation and publicity for the organization, a noble enough reason.
According to South's main resource,, waterboarders should "restrain the interrogation subject on a board" and "incline the board about 15-20 degrees so that the feet are above the head." South says Muller's feet were bound, but his arms were not. And although his feet were elevated, he was laying on a flat surface.
We asked South if it seemed like Muller was faking it: "I don't know. I couldn't tell you if he was in distress or not."
Only in California...
From Town Hall:
"Blurring the lines of moral, gender, economic, and religious distinctions seem to be the status quo. There are no right or wrong ways to live; there is no ugly or beautiful; there should be no rich and no poor; two women or two men are just as good as a man and a woman; the list goes on." Indeed, the list goes on, and Garcia's (the prom queen) statement in the final seconds of this video say everything that needs to be said.
BTW: Why do people always have to give the, "I have a best friend who is (fill in blank)" line, whenever there is a discussion pertaining to minorities (see high school girl in video)? When the discussion is about race you can expect someone to proclaim something like this: "I'm not racist because My nephew is half black." C'mon! Quit with the sissy apologies! Make your piece and get over your white guilt. Hold firm to your convictions, but do so in a loving matter. Whatever you do, stop apologizing and
covering your butt before some jerk tries to tag you with a racist, homophobic, bigot, or racist label. Grow up!
Here we go again! Another "hiccup". Another "misspeak". Amazing how much of a double standard the Liberals have towards these incidents. Unreal. The President is so full of crap I can't take it anymore!
Seriously, Obama must really be feeling pressure to cheapen himself to go on "Nightly News" to defend his racist nominee.
Wow! I'm speechless!
From the South Paws at Think Progress. who can't understand how anyone to dare to challenge the Anointed One!
Yesterday on his radio show, conservative host G. Gordon Liddy continued the right wing’s all-out assault on Judge Sonia Sotomayor. First, just like Tom Tancredo, Liddy slammed Sotomayor’s affiliation with the civil rights group La Raza — and referred to the Spanish language as “illegal alien“:
LIDDY: I understand that they found out today that Miss Sotomayor is a member of La Raza, which means in illegal alien, “the race.” And that should not surprise anyone because she’s already on record with a number of racist comments.
Finished with the race-based attack, Liddy moved on to denigrate Sotomayor’s gender:
LIDDY: Let’s hope that the key conferences aren’t when she’s menstruating or something, or just before she’s going to menstruate. That would really be bad. Lord knows what we would get then.
Finally, Liddy disputed the entire idea that there’s anything wrong with the paucity of women and total lack of Hispanics on the Court:
LIDDY: And everybody is cheering because Hispanics and females have been, quote, underrepresented, unquote. And as you pointed out, which I thought was quite insightful, the Supreme Court is not designed to be and should not be a representative body.
From Gallup:
Immediate reaction to President Obamas nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court is slightly less positive than when former President George W. Bush nominated John Roberts in 2005, but slightly more positive than when Bush nominated Samuel Alito and Harriet Miers.
Americans' first reactions to the news of President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court are decidedly more positive than negative, with 47% rating the nomination as "excellent" or "good," 20% rating it "only fair," and 13% rating it "poor."
Kickin' it old school with Sugar Hill Gang and Grandmaster Flash and Rerun from "What's Happening!"
Matt Lauer interviews Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham regarding the qualifications of Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Alito's 2006 comments about using "life experience" in rulings.
Here is the Alito comments she refers to:
Um...if it's non-lethal force then how did it become lethal? I'm not saying the victim is innocent in this case; he fled police. Yet he ran due to his disability.
Another case of police abuse? You decide.
President Barack Obama says the nation for too long has failed to adequately protect the security of its computer networks, and he will name a new cyber czar to take on the job.
Anyone else think this is simply a disguise to allow Team O to police the Internet? Cyber-censorship, cyber-Brown Shirts patrol?
Call me paranoid, but this sounds suspicious. Don't we already have the FBI, CIA, NSA, and the Department of Homeland Security to handle all this? No, we need another czar because Rahmbo and the Arrogant One needs to have a White House staffer involved in everything.
Here's the link to the White House report "Cyberspace Policy Review".
Fox News reports:
WASHINGTON -- President Obama announced on Friday the creation of a "cyber czar" to oversee an enhanced security system for U.S. computer networks.
He also released a report recommending how to safeguard the nation's cyber network -- a review that was headed by former Bush administration official Melissa Hathaway.
"We're not as prepared as we should be, as a government or as a country," he said, calling cyber threats one of the most serious economic and military dangers the nation faces.
Obama said this is "a transformational moment" for America, when computer networks are probed and attacked millions of times a day.
Obama said he will pick the person he wants to head up a new White House office of cyber security soon, and that person will report to the National Security Council as well as to the National Economic Council, in a nod to the importance of computers to the economy.
Officials say a handful of experts -- both in and out of government -- are under consideration for the post.
Obama depicted the U.S. as a digital nation that needs to provide the education required to keep pace with technology and attract and retain a cyber-savvy work force. He laid out broad goals for dealing with cyber threats and called for a new education campaign to raise public awareness of the challenges and threats related to cyber security. But the president added that his administration will not dictate cybersecurity standards for private companies.
"The task I describe will not be easy," Obama said. "Protecting our prosperity and security in this globalized world is going to be a long, difficult struggle demanding patience and persistence over many years.
"But we need to remember we're only at the beginning," he said, asserting the information age is only in its infancy.
Obama has called digital security a top priority, whether it's guarding the computer systems that keep the lights on in a city and direct airliners to the right runway or those protecting customers who pay their bills online.
"Make no mistake, this world, cyberspace is a world that we depend on every single day," he said. "Cyberspace is real. So are the risks that come with it."
Slammin' and rammin'? What the hell is he talking about?
This Michael Steele moment brought to you by the RNC.
Ted Olson and David Boies interviewed by Chris Matthews over California's Same Sex Marriage ban. The two lawyers have joined forces despite once arguing against one other in the Bush/Gore recount battle in 2000.
On CNN's Rick Sanchez former Republican Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo says Sonia Sotomayor is a member Of "Latino KKK" without the hoods or the nooses!
Read below for more on "La Raza"; a seemingly racist organization to which radical socialist Sotomayor belongs. One of the group's mottos is "For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing." Unreal.
The Atlantic reported this statement from Tancredo:
It is incredible to me. There is no one else I can think of who could have possibly said the kind of things she said, if they were reported accurately, about the benefits of being a brown woman as opposed to being a white man in interpreting the law, and nobody could look at that and say that that was not a racist, sexist statement that would disqualify anybody else...[s]he is a Hispanic woman, and therefore we can't say things like this...I'm telling you, she appears to be a racist. She said things that are racist--in any other context, that's exactly how we would portray it, and there's no one that would get on the Supreme Court saying a thing like that except for a Hispanic woman.
To most of the mainstream media, most members of Congress, and even many of their own members, the National Council of La Raza is no more than a Hispanic Rotary Club.
But the National Council of La Raza succeeded in raking in over $15.2 million in federal grants last year alone, of which $7.9 million was in U.S. Department of Education grants for Charter Schools, and undisclosed amounts were for get-out-the-vote efforts supporting La Raza political positions.
The Council of La Raza succeeded in having itself added to congressional hearings by Republican House and Senate leaders. And an anonymous senator even gave the Council of La Raza an extra $4 million in earmarked taxpayer money, supposedly for "housing reform," while La Raza continues to lobby the Senate for virtual open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.
Behind the respectable front of the National Council of La Raza lies the real agenda of the La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions.
Key among the secondary organizations is the radical racist group Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the
American West.
One of America's greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are Americans first, and only, in our national loyalties.
This is totally opposed by MEChA for the hordes of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, to whom they say:
"Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we...should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot...Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas ... It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny." (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)
MEChA isn't at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in "El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan" (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan):
"In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. ... Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. ... We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."
That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: "For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing."
What exactly did she do wrong? Secret Service is denying it was them and are saying it was airport security. Look at the suits! Since when to airport security guards dress like that? Looks like Secret Service to me!
Regardless, what exactly did she do wrong? is where she says she works.
NBC Los Angeles reports:
A reporter for a small newspaper was forcibly removed from a press area near Air Force One shortly before President Barack Obama arrived at Los Angeles International Airport to depart California early Thursday.
Airport security officers carried the woman away by the feet and arms as she protested her removal.
She later identified herself as Brenda Lee, a writer for the Georgia Informer in Macon and said she has White House press credentials. The newspaper's Web site says it is a monthly publication, and a Brenda Lee column is posted on it.
Calls to the newspaper and the White House press office were not immediately returned.
Lee said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that she wanted to hand Obama a letter urging him "to take a stand for traditional marriage."
She said she asked a Secret Service agent to give the president her letter, but he refused and referred her to a White House staffer. Lee said she refused to give the staffer the letter.
"I said, 'I'll take my chances if (the president) comes by here,'" said Lee, who identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess who lives in Anaheim, Calif. "He became annoyed that I wouldn't give him the letter."
Lee, who was wearing what she described as a cassock, said she protested when she was asked to leave.
"I said, 'Why are you bothering me?' They escorted me outside the gate," she said.
She said security officers allowed her to return when she promised she would not yell or wave, but then other officers arrived and told her to leave.
"I said, 'I'm not leaving,'" she said. "They tried to drag me out."
Two officers then picked her up and carried her out. An Associated Press photographer photographed the incident.
"I was afraid you could see under my clothes," she said, her voice choking up.
Lee, who said this was the second presidential event she has covered, was later released.
The incident occurred about 10 minutes before Obama arrived at the airport by helicopter to board Air Force One. He had been in Los Angeles to attend a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Beverly Hills on Wednesday.
The White House recently lied about the economic impact of so-called "green jobs". Read more on the legislation here.
Video and the following from American Solutions:
In the ongoing saga revolving around the cost of cap-and-trade to the American economy, those of us saying it will increase costs and questioning whether the government would actually rebate the money were seconded by the most unlikely of individuals: The chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, Charles Rangel (D-NY).
You might recall the words of Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the former head of the Energy & Commerce committee, who said in April: "Nobody in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax, and it's a great big one."
Well Mr. Dingell, it seems people are taking note. Last Thursday, Rep. Rangel made the following admission regarding the Waxman-Markey energy tax:
"Whether you call it a tax, everyone agrees that it's going to increase the cost to the consumer. At the end of the day ... if there's nothing there to repay [consumers] for their financial expenditures, it might be difficult to fight Republicans who call this a tax."
The Liberal Congress is in a such a hurry to pass this outrageous legislation, that they hired a speed reader!
Rep. Michele Bachmann recently pointed out Obama's "cap and trade" is really a tax on everyone for the use of energy. She said it will boost unemployment and drive businesses and jobs overseas to countries like China and India that don't have such a tax. In addition, she correctly points out that energy costs will double under the "cap and trade" energy tax.
Team "O" is prepared to join the international "climate change" fleecing of tax dollars and jobs in America.
Recently, Fox News obtained a UN document which details how a "climate change" plan will use fake science to induce a massive worldwide redistribution of wealth in an attempt to control the global economy.
A new study from Spain illustrates the economic detriment of the country's "green jobs" plan. For every so-called "Green Job" created, at least 2.2 jobs from related industries are lost. Net result: thousands of job losses at the expense of appeasing radical environmentalists.
A recent Heritage study suggests that Obama's "Cap and trade" energy plan may cost upwards of $7 Trillion. "
Cap and trade" programs have killed jobs in California and the European Union. The CBO estimates that "cap and trade" generally decreases revenue to the Federal Government, leading to an increased deficit. Obama's "cap and trade" energy plan -- which he said last month he would sign -- may cost over $2 Trillion and up to 4 million jobs.
Cap and trade bills are nothing short of a government re-engineering of the American economy. With its aggressive targets to reduce emissions from fossil fuel use, it would put the nation on a path of serious economic harm not justified by any benefits.
Not to mention, science has yet to show that "cap and trade" will actually do anything for so-called "climate change".
Well won't you lookee here! Now the truth has been revealed about why Barack Obama loves Sonia Sotomayor so dang much—-She's a pinko socialist just like he is, as evidenced by her quoting a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America in the 1976 Princeton yearbook.
Steven Waldman at Beliefnet cold busted the White House press office distributing the image of Sotomayor quoting Norman Thomas, "the leading American Socialist politician of the 20th century," in the little gay press packet they compiled on their SCOTUS nominee. The quote itself—-"I am not a champion of lost causes, but of causes not yet won."—-and the thinking behind the White House's inclusion of it in its press materials left Waldman flummoxed, which then led him to doing some serious speculating.
"Perhaps they figured it would come out eventually so they wanted to be able to say, 'That's old news. We thought it was so inconsequential, we mentioned it ourselves.' Or perhaps they felt that substantively didn't matter; Norman Thomas was a pretty mainstream figure, as socialists went. Or perhaps they didn't notice."
Yeah, or perhaps the White House planted it there knowing that it'd send the wingnuts into a hysterical frenzy, thereby distracting the sane wing of the party, what little there is left of it anyway, from forming any sort of cogent opposition to Sotomayor, making them all look like rabid fools in the process, just as they have each and every time they've tried to throw the socialist card on Obama in the past?
Then again, maybe Obama's just so confident in his nominee that he doesn't care about trivial horseshit like her quoting a socialist over 30 years ago in her college yearbook?
Charles Krauthammer is the best!
Down with Sonia! Down with Sonia! Say it with me; it's fun I promise!
Fight the radicals!!
so⋅cial⋅ism [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] –noun
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
GM’s equity would be majority-owned by the U.S. Treasury once the automaker’s restructuring plan is in place. It is estimated that the U.S. and Canadian governments will owe up to 70% of the company.
That folks, is socialism. Socialism refers to any one of various economic theories of economic organization advocating state or cooperative ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.
Next stop: communism. Get the bunker stocked up!
Read more at Bloomberg.
The interview is part of Charlie Rose's travelling Speaker Series.
"Speaker Series: The Minds That Move The World," a timely and important series of events that will provide attendees with a unique framework for understanding America's current political landscape and place in world politics, through the insights of some of the most prominent political figures of our time. In light of the new political environment that faces our nation, the "Speaker Series: The Minds That Move The World" will undoubtedly generate heated discussion as the best political minds of our day examine the most talked about topics surrounding current events
The not so Artful Dodger strikes again! He is such a snarky liberal (Read: Jerkoff).
This afternoon, Gingrich Gingrich has called for Sotomayor to withdraw her nomination and wrote on Twitter: "Imagine a judicial nominee said 'my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman' new racism is no better than old racism."
Gingrich today joined the chorus of conservatives such as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, who called Sotomayor a "reverse racist."
The accusations are aimed at comments Sotomayor made during a 2001 lecture at the University of California-Berkeley. Referring to former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's saying that "a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases," Sotomayor said, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
On Wednesday afternoon, Gingrich wrote on Twitter: "Imagine a judicial nominee said 'my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman' new racism is no better than old racism."
"White man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw," Gingrich wrote.
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) explains how Senate Judiciary Committee will approach Sotomayor nomination.
He says they will review her record and his vote will not be "based on politics" or race. He adds that the GOP is "not looking for a reason to oppose her".
Maybe Kyl isn't looking to oppose her, but I am.
"Judge Sotomayor is a liberal judicial activist of the first order who thinks her own personal political agenda is more important than the law as written. She thinks that judges should dictate policy, and that one's sex, race, and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench.
"She reads racial preferences and quotas into the Constitution, even to the point of dishonoring those who preserve our public safety. On September 11, America saw firsthand the vital role of America's firefighters in protecting our citizens. They put their lives on the line for her and the other citizens of New York and the nation. But Judge Sotomayor would sacrifice their claims to fair treatment in employment promotions to racial preferences and quotas. The Supreme Court is now reviewing that decision.
"She has an extremely high rate of her decisions being reversed, indicating that she is far more of a liberal activist than even the current liberal activist Supreme Court."
Wendy E. Long, counsel to the Judicial Confirmation Network in a statement issued yesterday.
Miss California Carrie Prejean co-hosted Fox & Friends with Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade Wednesday. The beauty queen talked about Tuesdays California Supreme Court ruling that upheld the recent gay marriage ban.
Im not the bad guy, concluded Prejean.
More unfair and completely unbalanced reporting from Andrea Mitchell. North Korea essentially declared war on South Korea and The United States today.
Mitchell says Obama "inherited this North Korea policy and conundrum" from Bush!
Good grief! When is MS MBC going to officially change its name to White House TV.
Comrades! Get Ready For State Run TV!
Coulter On Sotomayor: Clarence Thomas & Miguel Estrada's Backgrounds Didn't Impress Democrats
Here's the deal. All around the media and the blogosphere, Republicans are being warned not to challenge Sotomayor's nomination simply because it would be construed as the GOP being racist and sexist.
Referring to Thomas and Estrada, Coulter makes the case that attacking minorities didn't hurt Democrats vis a vis the voting populous.
I would not go as far as to call Sotomayor a racist, but her "race" comments make it fair game to challenge her. Not based on race, but simply based on her qualifications and judicial philosophy.
But therein lies the proverbial rub; another fine example of the double standard of Liberals. The media will in fact throw out the race card when Republicans challenge Sotomayor, whereas no mention was made when Liberals challenged Thomas, Estrada or Alberto Gonzales.
For the record, I agree the California Supreme Court botched this ruling. Allowing 18,000 same-sex couples to maintain marital status while future couples cannot marry is a bad precedent. It's the antithesis of hoping to prosecute people for "torture" during a time when "torture" was legal.
But since when did Libs ever consider consistency to be important.
This is simply more Sean Hannity bashing. Madcow's "this is torture" reaction was immediately after his experience.
I'm not saying waterboarding is pleasant, but Madcow should have waited a bit before making his assessment. Not to mention, Madcow drown as a child and had to be revived.
Not a valid source is all I'm saying.
Regardless, if a terror suspect has information that could lead to saving the lives of Americans than I favor throwing the book at them.
Complete bullshit. Mancow is a sellout and a hack!
Ugh... I'm fresh out of anti-Madcow Mancow jokes.
It's amazing how much time she wastes on alcohol metaphors; not just in this instance but in general.
I guess being a slobbering Obama hack would lead one to drink. Just saying.
She totally has her facts wrong; another complete social distortion. MS NBC is off its rocker! Is Sotomayor a conservative, Maddow wonders? Is Hitler a Zionist? Seriously, WTF!?!?!?
And Barbara Boxer as the analyst? This is news? Wow!
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh responds to President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court:
"Here you have a racist - you might want to soften that, you might want to say, a reverse racist" because Liberals are dense. "Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist, and now he's appointed one."
I love how Andrea Mitchell snickers at Rush saying "appointing" instead of "nominating". News flash Andrea: there is no chance in hell Sotomayor's nomination will be blocked so Rush is correct!
Here we go again!
Activists are protesting the California Supreme Court's decision to uphold a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. Flag-waving demonstrators are blocking intersections with banners and signs as they vow to continue their fight.
From Breitbart:
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The California Supreme Court upheld a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage Tuesday, but it also decided that the estimated 18,000 gay couples who tied the knot before the law took effect will stay wed. Demonstrators outside the court yelled "shame on you!"
The 6-1 decision written by Chief Justice Ron George rejected an argument by gay rights activists that the ban revised the California Constitution's equal protection clause to such a dramatic degree that it first needed the Legislature's approval.
The court said the Californians have a right, through the ballot box, to change their constitution.
"In a sense, petitioners' and the attorney general's complaint is that it is just too easy to amend the California Constitution through the initiative process. But it is not a proper function of this court to curtail that process; we are constitutionally bound to
uphold it," the ruling said.
The justices said the 136-page majority ruling does not speak to whether they agree with Proposition 8 or "believe it should be a part of the California Constitution."
They said they were "limited to interpreting and applying the principles and rules embodied in the California Constitution, setting aside our own personal beliefs and values."
The announcement of the decision set off an outcry among a sea of demonstrators who had gathered in front of the San Francisco courthouse awaiting the ruling. Holding signs and many waving rainbow flags, they yelled "shame on you." Many people also held hands in a chain around an intersection in an act of protest.
Gay rights activists immediately promised to resume their fight, saying they would go back to voters as early as next year in a bid to repeal Proposition 8.
The split decision provided some relief for the 18,000 gay couples who married in the brief time same-sex marriage was legal last year but that wasn't enough to dull the anger over the ruling that banned gay marriage.
This is a big problem! The woman not only thinks policy is made by judges, but that female, Latina judges are more qualified than white males!
Indeed, her story is wonderful and the quintessential American Dream: but that does not qualify her to be a Supreme Court Justice!
Like Obama, Sotomayor is radical beyond our wildest expectations.
Fox News analyst Tucker Carlson disapproves President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. He thinks that race and gender were "major calculations" in that decision, and thinks she should explain comments she made about those qualifications being factors in making wiser decisions. "That's a racist statement... I'm not attacking her personally, and I said dumb things myself, many, many times...I still think she must explain why she went on the record saying that because of your race or gender you are a better judge. That female, Latina judges are more likely to render wiser decisions than white, male judges"
Bill Press defends the nomination, saying "we are achieving the greatness of the American dream," to which Tucker immediately called "absurd." Then he added, "I don't care if she's green, and a Buddhist..." Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum finishes his thought: "He wants Yoda for Supreme Court judge."
Other famous quotes from Sotomayor proving how "supremely" unqualified she is to be an impartial Justices:
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor in 2001 at the annual Judge Mario G. Olmos Law and Cultural Diversity Lecture at the University of California, Berkeley.
“Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences,” she said, for jurists who are women and nonwhite, “our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.”
She also approvingly quoted several law professors who said that “to judge is an exercise of power” and that “there is no objective stance but only a series of perspectives.” “Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see,” she said.
Judge Sotomayor questioned whether achieving impartiality “is possible in all, or even, in most, cases.” She added, “And I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of color we do a disservice both to the law and society.”
In a forward to a 2007 book, “The International Judge” (U.P.N.E.), Judge Sotomayor seemed to put a greater emphasis on a need for judges to seek to transcend their identities, writing that “all judges have cases that touch our passions deeply, but we all struggle constantly with remaining impartial” and letting reason rule. Courts, she added, “are in large part the product of their membership and their judges’ ability to think through and across their own intellectual and professional backgrounds” to find common ground.
President Obama announces that he nominates District Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace Justice Souter to the Supreme Court. In doing so, he refers to her injunction in the 1994-95 baseball strike. "Some say Judge Sotomayor saved baseball."
He later added that he hopes Sotomayor's allegiance to the New York Yankees "will not disqualify her in the eyes of the New Englanders in the Senate."
Yuck yuck yuck; nothing funny at all about this SCOTUS pick!
I'd rather have this guy on the bench!(Pun intended.)
"What I want is not just ivory tower learning. I want somebody who has the intellectual firepower but also a little bit of a common touch and a practical sense of how the world works."
-- President Obama this past weekend.
"Judge Sotomayor is a liberal judicial activist of the first order who thinks her own personal political agenda is more important than the law as written. She thinks that judges should dictate policy, and that one's sex, race, and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench.
"She reads racial preferences and quotas into the Constitution, even to the point of dishonoring those who preserve our public safety. On September 11, America saw firsthand the vital role of America's firefighters in protecting our citizens. They put their lives on the line for her and the other citizens of New York and the nation. But Judge Sotomayor would sacrifice their claims to fair treatment in employment promotions to racial preferences and quotas. The Supreme Court is now reviewing that decision.
"She has an extremely high rate of her decisions being reversed, indicating that she is far more of a liberal activist than even the current liberal activist Supreme Court."
Wendy E. Long, counsel to the Judicial Confirmation Network, on nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
Personally, I am impressed with the life story of Ms. Sotomayor. I give her a world of credit for rising to this level from where she began her life in The Bronx. In addition, I applaud the President's quest for diversity on the Court and congratulate Sotomayor for being the first Hispanic Justice.
However, despite her personal successes, she is not Supreme Court material. Even worse, thanks to the moronic voting populous in this nation, there is nothing we can do to stop this nomination from being confirmed.
Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Sotomayor, said on tape saying that the "court of appeals is where policy is made".
Really? Judges make policy? With all due respect, that's a complete and total misrepresentation of the Constitution! She even admits it, but if this isn't a prime example of judicial activism, I don't know what is!
But even worse, this is exactly the kind of radical mentality Liberals like Barack Obama support.
Elections have consequences!
From Conservative Nation:
Somebody needs to tell Sonia Sotomayor that the US Court Of Appeals is not a policy-making body.
Obama’s leading Supreme Court candidate said in 2005 that the “Court of appeals is where policy is made”. But it gets better, because she said it on tape. But wait, it gets even better, because she knew she was being taped and postscripted her comment with “…and I know this is on tape and i should never say that..”
Sotomayor is, apparently, not known to be among the brightest in her field, but to say something that is just so….counter to what the job of a court of appeals judge really is goes to demonstrate both her lack of respect for the judiciary and the degree to which she is unfit to sit on the Supreme Court.
Glenn Beck explains the 10th Amendment and State's rights; the antithesis of the Obama Federal Socialism doctrine.
This is what Texas Governor Rick Perry and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford have been pushing for. Nobody is suggesting secession from The Union; the State's just want to run their State without the Feds sticking their fingers in everyone's business.
President Barack Obama took part in the traditional Memorial Day wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery.
America is facing some hard economic times, but Papa Roach frontman Jacoby Shaddix says that's the inspiration behind the band's latest record, "Metamorphosis", pecifically, the new single "Life Line".
Kudos to Papa Roach, Buckcherry and Avenged Sevonfold for putting together a kick ass concert for a reasonable $40 ticket price. Shaddix says the price tag was determined because of the state of the economy.
To quote Bill O'Reilly, these three bands are "patriots"
Lyrics:When I was a boy
I didn't care about a thing
It was me and this world
And a broken dream
I was blaming myself
For all that was going wrong (going wrong)
I was way out there
On the wrong side of town
And the one's that I loved
I started pushing them out
Then I realized
That it was all my fault
I've been looking for a lifeline
For what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain
Breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline
So I put out my hand
And I asked for some help
We tore down the walls
I built around myself
I was struck by the light
And I fell to the ground
I've been looking for a lifeline
For what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain
Breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline
Is there anybody out there
Can you pull me from this ocean of despair
I'm drowning in the pain
Breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline
You know a heart of gold
Won't take you all the way
And in a world so cold
It's hard to keep the faith
I'm never gonna fade away
I've been looking for a lifeline
For what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain
Breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline
Is there anybody out there
Can you pull me from this ocean of despair
I'm drowning in the pain
Breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline
Buckcherry kicking ass!
Avenged Sevenfold kicking more ass Live In LBC!