While you were sleeping, President Obama continues his radical, neo-fascist takeover of America.
Politico reports:
Progressive health care reform groups demanded on Thursday that Washington’s NBC television affiliate refuse to air a 30-minute infomercial funded by a conservative group opposed to creating a public insurance plan.
The Service Employees International Union sent a letter to NBC4, arguing that the station has a responsibility to pull the documentary-style commercial paid for by Conservatives for Patients’ Rights. The ad, set to run Sunday after “Meet the Press,” “will be false, deceitful, and a distortion,” the union’s attorney wrote in the letter.
The SEIU has not seen the ad, but is drawing the conclusion from CPR’s record of running “demonstrably false” ads. The station has the duty to protect the public from misleading advertising, the letter argues.
If the ad is aired and does contain falsehoods, CPR could face a fine from the Federal Communications Commission, said Levana Layendecker, the online campaigns director for Health Care for America Now, a coalition pushing to create a public insurance plan.
The coalition, Democracy for America and the SEIU e-mailed their supporters, asking them to sign on to another letter that urges NBC and “Meet the Press” to refuse to air the infomercial. The groups plan to send another e-mail Friday to Washington-area supporters, rallying them to call the station with the same message.
Layendecker said the commercial would demean the venerable public-affairs show’s brand. At the very least, the station should run a crawler under the ad, indicating that the program is a paid advertisement and not endorsed by NBC, she said.
A NBC network spokeswoman declined to comment and referred questions to NBC4. Its general manger, Michael Jack, did not return a call for comment.
Keith Appell, a spokesman for CPR, said the infomercial was produced by Gene Randall, an award-winning former CNN anchor, and already has run on two cable channels.
“It’s no surprise that they would try to block the public from seeing any information about the dangers of government-run health care,” Appell said. “This program is full of compelling first person accounts that every American should hear.”
Progressives have accused CPR of trying to swift boat health care, a reference to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that came under fire for its ads against former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry during the 2004 campaign. CPR hired the same public relations firm as Swift Boat Veterans, CRC Public Relations.
The SEIU asked CNN and the Fox News Channel to pull an earlier health care commercial, charging it was “false, deceitful and a distortion.” Factcheck.org, run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, offered a similarly harsh critique.
Appell said the group stands by its ads.
Obama had planned for this since before the election. He established so-called "Obama 2.0" before inauguration day.
President-elect Barack Obama announced the formation of a new group known as "Organizing for America" that aims to continue the grassroots advocacy that the former Illinois Senator began in his presidential campaign.
"As President, I will need the help of all Americans to meet the challenges that lie
ahead," Obama said in a video message e-mailed to supporters (and reporters) this morning. "That's why I'm asking people like you who fought for change during the campaign to continue fighting for change in your communities."
The new group will be the flagship of "Obama 2.0" as many people have taken to calling the transformation of the political organization created during the 2008 campaign.

Organizing For America is the Obama 2.0 army of millions of Brown Shirts.
Sweetness & Light reported earlier this month on a memo issued by David Plouffe, former Obama Presidential Campaign Advisor.
Paul -
We knew health care reform would face fierce opposition — and it’s begun. As we speak, the same people behind the notorious "swiftboat" ads of 2004 are already pumping millions of dollars into deceptive television ads. Their plan is simple: torpedo health care reform before it sees the light of day by scaring the public and distorting the President’s approach.
We need the resources to take them head on with an urgent, grassroots campaign to pass real health care reform in 2009.
When the swiftboaters flood the airwaves with distortions, we’ll flood the streets with volunteers armed with facts. When they send lobbyists to tell Congress to back down, we’ll send millions of calls, letters, and stories from real Americans asking them to stand up.
Please donate $5 or more by midnight Sunday to fight back against these phony attacks and take our message of reform to the American people.
The swiftboaters are once again trying to sell the American people short…
Thank you,
David Plouffe
Sweetness & Light reported earlier this month on a memo issued by David Plouffe, former Obama Presidential Campaign Advisor.
Paul -
We knew health care reform would face fierce opposition — and it’s begun. As we speak, the same people behind the notorious "swiftboat" ads of 2004 are already pumping millions of dollars into deceptive television ads. Their plan is simple: torpedo health care reform before it sees the light of day by scaring the public and distorting the President’s approach.
We need the resources to take them head on with an urgent, grassroots campaign to pass real health care reform in 2009.
When the swiftboaters flood the airwaves with distortions, we’ll flood the streets with volunteers armed with facts. When they send lobbyists to tell Congress to back down, we’ll send millions of calls, letters, and stories from real Americans asking them to stand up.
Please donate $5 or more by midnight Sunday to fight back against these phony attacks and take our message of reform to the American people.
The swiftboaters are once again trying to sell the American people short…
Thank you,
David Plouffe
SEIU is beyond radical. They openly support OpenLeft.com, an extremely "progressive" organization.

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