Tom Ridge says Republicans need to stop blaming each other and band together in order to distinguish the party from the Democrats.
He says Rush is "offends many".
I disagree. I'm not one of those slobbering Rush Limbaugh fans, but "moderate" Conservatives have helped create this Obama Nation we now live in. Only a return to true Reagan-Conservatism will help us squash the Obama/Pelosi/Reid revolution.
Colin Powell is a sell out. Contrary to what he says; he did indeed solely vote for Obama because of his skin color. I am not black and cannot speak for blacks. However, I can say that I did not vote against Obama because of his skin color. I voted for John McCain because I don't want America to become the neo-fascist communist dictatorship as Obama sees it.
If Colin Powell, a veteran and a so-called "Republican", voted for Obama instead of McCain, he absolutely should not consider himself a true Republican.
And for Ridge to defend Powell tells me all I need to know about that RINO too.

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