Thursday, January 7, 2010

President Obama Making C-SPAN Promise 8 Separate TimesPresident Obama Making C-SPAN Promise 8 Separate Times

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

So much for hopeychangey transparency.

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Bill O'Reilly: Will Al-Qaeda Destroy the Obama Administration? (Video)

Destroy Obama? Only time will tell. However, I do believe that the war on terror which Obama, Napolitano, Holder et. al. seem hesitant to acknowledge WILL, in fact, define his Presidency.

Obama has served one year in a term which he had hoped would be less about terror and more about hopeychangey socialism. The reality of terror and violent Islam Extremism is probably a huge wake up call to him.

In his mind, and the eyes of his supporters, the world was supposed to like us more with the Anointed One's arrival to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Sadly, and predictably, the world does not share in the fantastical notion of "change".

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Rick Santorum: Obama Hasn't Delivered On Anything

The fomer Pennsylvania Senator appeared on "On The Record" to discuss Obama's first year in office.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Helen Thomas Tells Robert Gibbs and White House "You Blew It" on Terror Attack Attempt (Video)

Here is video of reporter Helen Thomas telling White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs at a Press Briefing today, January 5, 2010, that many people are saying "You blew it" on preventing terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from having opportunity to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253. Gibbs was trying to give a non-answer to another reporter's question on the subject, when Thomas interrupted Gibbs and told him many people are saying "You blew it."

Ouch. This from Liberal Matriarch Thomas! Wow!

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Andrew Brietbart: Obama Took a Surfboard Accident With a Kid More Seriously Than Underwear Bomber (Video)

Misplaced priorities? You decide!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rove Criticizes Obama for Taking 4 Days to Respond to Flight 253 Attempted Bombing

Instead, he let DHS Chair Janet bite the bullet. Obama continues to throw others under the bus and continues to make our nation less safe.

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Krauthammer: "Insane" To Give Terrorist A Lawyer (Video)

How much could we have learned from Christmas Day Jihadist? Do Eric Holder and Barack Obama really want to protect terrorists "rights" more so than American Security?

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