Hilarious video I found on You Tube!
Shepard Smith of Fox News drops F bombs and battles with Jack Nicholson's Colonel Jessep character from a Few Good Mean on the subject of torture.

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Hilarious video I found on You Tube!
Shepard Smith of Fox News drops F bombs and battles with Jack Nicholson's Colonel Jessep character from a Few Good Mean on the subject of torture.
hi im ronda, i just graduate colege and i want to fucking torture shep til he wear viloet ties
ReplyDeletehi im mary from TSR (the shep report). i telled you in previous post that shep and jack nicholson is the same person, I telled you!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehi im nancy, i have a cat in a santa hat he look retarted
ReplyDeletehi im melody and shep seen me at the rebils game and he ask me to marry him and im 20
ReplyDeleteabby not normal says. pool. numeric. zebra. anatomy. salami. clouds. bong.
ReplyDeleteAll of the comments between 1:55am and 2:05am are by one psycho Shep fan/hater/something that likes to pose as people other than itself.
ReplyDeletehi im terri in temucula and i winned a spelling bee in third grade
ReplyDeleteYou are not ANY of these people you claim to be. The SAME person has posted all these anonymous posts. She was already outed by the owner of this blog on this comment thread:
This link and any others that out you will be posted wherever you post. I encourage anyone else who is getting annoyed by this crazy woman to do the same if you see her post.
Ronda says: Yea Sue Shankbone, I beleive everyhing your husband DAVID SHANKBONE says, hes proven to be so honest right?? And speaking of "outing" that was a false lie he made up about Shep, not sure i trust anything he says
ReplyDeleteTorture is using blow torches, pliers, beating the hell out of someone for no reason other that you can. To prolong pain just for kicks, that is torture. Waterboarding? Better that having your family watch you get your head cut off.