Wow, just like his boss!
Guess Obama and Gibbs missed this point from one of Our Founding Fathers.
"No government ought to be without censors & where the press is free, no one ever will."
--Thomas Jefferson, letter to George Washington, September 9, 1792
What is it with these guys getting irritated at the press for trying to do its job?
Oh that's right, they're all supposed to get a "tingle " when The Bama speaks.
How dare we challege The Word!
From the Media Research Center President and News Busters Publisher Brent Bozell:
“Now we know what Barack Obama means by ‘unity’ and a nation working ‘as one.’ It means it’s his far left way and no other way. If he had his way, the President would have us all reading the New York Times and listening to left-wing Air America. He knows his only opposition to enacting a radical left-wing agenda is conservative talk radio.
“Further, there’s something eerie, Big Brother-like in Obama’s actions. He will deny it, of course, but this is an attack on Limbaugh’s and all conservatives’ right to free speech. He wants to set the stage for the Fairness Doctrine. And he’s doing it through character assassination.
“I said the day after the election that Rush Limbaugh would become public enemy #1 if the Obama administration had its way. The attack on him personally and on all of conservative talk radio generally has officially begun.”
Sign the Petition to Stop The Fairness (Censorship) Doctrine
I am signing this petition to urge members of Congress and government officials to reject any and all efforts to censor, limit, or restrain the right of conservatives to participate freely in the marketplace of ideas through the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” or other similar efforts.
Additionally, I am joining with other American citizens who want their individual Free Speech Rights defended and protected from government intrusion! Our great nation was built upon free and open discourse, and to remain a great nation this ideal must be protected and preserved at all costs.
Please note that I will be watching closely and taking action when necessary to directly combat the liberal bias of the media.

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