UPDATE 4/2/09: My bad! Buckingham Palace defends First Lady's Actions!
Michelle Obama, the 9 foot goon with guns-for-arms, offends the Queen!
Would anyone expect anything less?
Jackie Kennedy, whom the MSM want to reincarnate in Michelle Obama, would never have been so UN-etiquette-ical.

Nice to see an devote patriot cares so much about what a socialist driven country has to say about etiquette.
ReplyDeleteObama was supposed to be given the drill by the British Embassy-very basic stuff that even most American know is that the Queen is never to be touched unless she touches your hand first. Did she think she was making some egalitarian statement by acting chummy with the Queen. She looked like an american boor.
ReplyDeleteWho really cares?? Move on to something important.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Obama is a brillant, kind, beautiful black woman, loving mother, and strong wife..Just face it..she's the Total Package and whether You like it or not She's Running The Show :)
ReplyDeleteplanet of the apes
ReplyDeleteWith all the problems in the world, it is the small minds of the world who would make such a fuss over one human being touching another. Grow up.
ReplyDeleteOh course Queen Elizabeth will be gracious about it. As an American, I don't care about royalty, but the queen is always a lady, unlike our present first "lady".
ReplyDeletenobody was offended by this infamous "touch." Most of these stupid comments stem from sheer jealousy of a beautiful black woman who is married to a gorgeous black man with two adorable black daughters. get over it!!!! or move out the country!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo Michelle!
ReplyDeleteWe love you. And so does the Queen!
This photo looks like a gigantic King Kong embracing a tiny Fay Wray, with every bit as much class and finesse as King Kong could muster. What a gigantic breach of etiquette. Don't the Usurper couple in chief know anything about manners and such at all? Bowing to a two bit Saudi prince? America, the Obama's have made us look like a nation of gouche fools and over 50% of us are, electing an arab/white man who was ineligible to run for President to this powerful leadership position. Of course those obsessed with skin color will point out that having a dark skin automatically renders the bearer not only physically beautiful, but brilliant, wise, graceful, spiritual, friendly, superior, and very possibly the son of God. Somehow, I have just never been able to buy into that delusion.
ReplyDeleteExactly what we should expect from the same morons who gave the Queen an Ipod! What's next, a fake detontor button for Russia? (Oh, I forgot... they did that one too.)
ReplyDeleteSomeone please wake me up and tell me the Obamas were just a bad dream.
Don't blame me I didn't vote for O-ne B-ig A-ss M-istake A-merica-