Friday, March 27, 2009

VIDEO: "Idiot" Chris Matthews Calls Gambling "The Idiot Tax" While Interviewing NJ Governor Jon "Idiot" Corzine

MSNBC's Chris Matthew Calls Gambling "The Idiot Tax" while interviewing New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine.

A couple points here.

I live in New Jersey and it's a toss up who the bigger idiot is, Matthews or Corzine.

Thankfully, Corzine is currently behind in the polls for the gubernatorial election this year.

I also think Matthews should recuse himself from discussing gambling; after all, he supported the largest gamble in U.S. History -- the election of Barack Obama.

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1 comment:

  1. "I also think Matthews should recuse himself from discussing gambling; after all, he supported the largest gamble in U.S. History -- the election of Barack Obama."

    Gambling the Idiot tax? How they will discuss this thing?" It's good to hear that Matthew supported casino portals on the internet.
