The Ben Nelson "Cornhusker Kickback" is, in fact, illegal and unconstitutional.
The second the Nelson compromise was announced, I alleged it is unconstitutional for 49 States to pay for Medicaid cost increases for one State.

Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
The Ben Nelson "Cornhusker Kickback" is, in fact, illegal and unconstitutional.
The second the Nelson compromise was announced, I alleged it is unconstitutional for 49 States to pay for Medicaid cost increases for one State.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Monday claimed responsibility for the attack on a U.S. airliner bound for Detroit on Christmas Day, saying it was retaliation for a U.S. operation against the group in Yemen.
19 detainees currently being held at Gitmo are from Yemen and could be returned to this new hotbed of jihad when Obama closes the prison.
No kidding, but why did she claim yesterday that it did? Amateur Hour; Napoitano is SO under qualified for her position. It's time for Obama to give her the ax. She has no experience in national security and never should have been appointed to DHS head in the first place.
Merry Christmas you liberal radical! It's on!
Click here to send Merry Christmas curses, I mean wishes, to Dear Leader!
Nebraska (thanks to sellout Ben Nelson) is excempted from paying additional MediCaid expenses brought on by the Senate Health Care bill. All other 49 states will be forced to pay for new Medi Caid entitlements. Now how the hell is that fair? Equal Protection, no? Federal Law can now apply to only some states? Now how is that constitutional?
And here, I've been lauding Nelson's efforts. What a joke. Total sellout.
Time Magazine's choice of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as its 2009 Person of the Year has proved controversial in the US where many view Bernanke as responsible for the country's continuing economic crisis.
Ft. Hood, White House Crashers, pilots overshooting their intended airport for over an hour and no one was alerted at this...anyone getting the idea that Team Obama is not taking national security seriously?
I love the architect... more proof that the original stimulus bill was nothing more than a 30-year socialist wishlist.
Obama is lecturing us on "scoring political point"?!?!?!?
President Barack Obama outlined a series of new government stimulus and jobs proposals on Tuesday, saying for the short term the nation must continue to "spend our way out of this recession."
Great! Cuz the first "Stimulus" worked so well, right? More failed Keynesian economic theory...*sigh*
Barack Obama's Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings founded the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Recently he was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education.
In 2000 GLSEN held a conference that was not so much about tolerance as it was about teaching children about sex. In this clip one of the activists promote "fisting" to 14 year olds.
This conference was fully supported by the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Safe Schools Program, the Governor's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth, and some of the presenters even received federal money.
Via Newsbusters:
A professor at the university in the middle of the ClimateGate scandal called global warming skeptic Marc Morano "an a**hole" on live television Friday.
This marvelously came moments after Andrew Watson, a professor at the University of East Anglia, told the BBC host moderating the discussion that the controversy surrounding e-mail messages obtained from his school's computers is "a real setback not because there's anything wrong with the science, but because the character assassination and the temperature of the debate which you can just see from our colleague in America is just obsuring the important issue."
Barack Obama's Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings founded the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Recently he was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education.
In 2000 GLSEN held a conference that was not so much about tolerance as it was about teaching children about sex. In this clip one of the activists asks 14 year olds, "Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?"
This conference was fully supported by the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Safe Schools Program, the Governor's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth, and some of the presenters even received federal money.
What's worse here? The idiot who asked the question? Or the idiot who spent 9 minutes non-answering the stupid question?
When Presidents vote present...
Bill Ayers marches in Chicago against President Obama's plan to send 30,000 more combat troops to Afghanistan in 2010.
American Solutions for the Future host a Townhall event on job creation in Jackson, MS at Millsaps College - Captured Live on Ustream at
Chris "Tingle Down My Leg" Matthews... man oh man! What do you call GITMO? A Vacation home? Camp Four Seasons?
After President Obama's Speech to West Point about Afghanistan, Matthews calls West Point the "Enemy Camp".
Here's what the Lame Stream media took from tonight's speech...see... the danger or said "timeline" is already rearing its ugly head.
Arpaio is rumored to be a gubernatorial candidate in AZ.
Sheriff Arpaio cut short by protestors at Cronkite School
Tempe, AZ – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio left the stage Monday during a Meet the Press style interview Monday after being interrupted by singing protesters.
As a part of The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication’s Must See Monday series, Sheriff Arpaio agreed to come address students and faculty about his relationship with the media.
Roughly 48 minutes into the conversation, Sheriff Arpaio was cut short while talking about his stance on immigration by a group of protestors singing to the tune of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
After efforts to quell the crowd failed, Sheriff Arpaio and the panel of journalists interviewing him promptly removed their microphones and exited the stage of the First Amendment Forum.
As soon as the protestors were exiting, Dean Christopher Callahan of the Cronkite School took to the stage in an attempt to calm the crowd.
“I understand your passion about this issue,” Callahan said, “But it seems to me, misplaced.”
Mike Huckabee was on The O'Reilly Factor tonight and apologized for releasing cop killer Maurice Clemmons from prison as governor in Arkansas.
In the Governor's defense, Clemmons' sentence was commuted because he was 16 years old and sentenced to 60 years in prison. In reality, this evil man has been a life long criminal and never should have been released on bail last week.
And here comes the Leftwing giving up yet again on The War On Terror...
Maybe the $800 Billion bogus stimulus money or the $1 Trillion healthcare nonsense can be better spent elsewhere?
Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee compares his vision for the United States to President Barack Obama's.
This guy is an A hole; or as O'Reilly says "a weasel". This guy is a military veteran and has grown up to become a disgusting leftist radical?
9-11 terrorist attorney Scott Fenstermaker says that the 9-11 terrorists will put the US foreign policy on trial. He refuses to say that innocent civilians were murdered. He says he will be pleased if the terrorists are released and the rule of law is followed.
The real math; $2.5 Trillion. Harry Reid and the Dems are again, lying directly to the our faces. Unreal.
This is disgusting. And ACORN has the balls to sue the government over taking away its funding? Just who do these people think they are?
Aww....poor Hermey the Elf! Sorry, Mr. Secretary, but you suck!It's your economy now, bucko! You are part of the problem, Mr. Federal Reserve! Snap!
Deep Breath.....
Remember: A tax cheat was confirmed, the tax cheat hired a lobbyist and violated the ethics rule, another lobbyist was hired that violated the ethics rule, a tax cheat withdrew her nomination, another tax cheat withdrew his nomination. Then a nominee violated House ethics rules and is married to a tax cheat. Then another tax cheat was nominated! Then another nominee withdrew over skeletons in the closet. And then another nominee had tax issues.
Now This!
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's choice for a top job with the Treasury Department is having tax problems.
A congressional report says Obama's nominee for undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs, Lael Brainard, was late in paying real estate taxes in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
The report by the Senate Finance Committee staff also challenges the accuracy of a deduction Brainard claimed for running an office from her home. The challenge led Brainard to reduce the deduction on her 2008 return.
The committee's top Republican is unhappy that the committee staff had to submit 10 sets of questions to Brainard before getting complete information about the discrepancies.
Brainard is the fifth Obama nominee to have tax problems.
Oh my god! This had to be Miller's finest moment on "O'Reilly"! Wow! Hilarious and brilliant! Miller at his finest!
Comparing Eric Holder to Oprah Winfrey's boy toy "Stedman"? Priceless! The whole thing is on point, brilliant and wow!
"If the turban don't fit, you must acquit!"
Keep in mind, the new government policy stating that women should wait until their 50s for mammograms comes from within the Dept. Of Health and Human Services.
Welcome to rationed care.
Following a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing in which Attorney General Holder defended his decision to try 5 suspected 9/11 terrorists in federal court in New York, he spoke briefly with a family member of a victim who had attended the hearing.
From China, President Barack Obama tells CNN's Ed Henry that after "procedural hurdles" in the legislation of health care reform, "I remain confident that we're going to get this done... I'm absolutely confident."
As far as why he hasn't been like LBJ, Obama says: "LBJ didn't have the Congressional Budget Office."
Obama also fields a question from a disgruntled Obama supporter regarding the bank bailout. "I understand people's frustrations... The American people have gone through a very tough year," and as President, he's committed to help "navigate" Americans, especially those who lost their jobs. "I'd be mad, too."
Here's the difference between Palin and Obama; between conservatives and liberals -- people like Palin understand Israel's role in being our sole ally in the Middle East. Obama would rather pander and apologize to the Muslim world who will continue to wage war against Israel and the U.S. regardless of what Obama thinks he is doing.
"I don't think it will be offensive at all when he's convicted and the death penalty is applied to him," the president said of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to MSNBC's Chuck Todd.
Excuse me, Mr. Legal Scholar? Constitutional Law Professor?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? You cannot have it both ways! How can he say he is not prejudging the case? He just did!
How can Team O claim they are better, more moral and more civil then barbarians like Bush and Cheney and then taint the system like this? They claim they wish to showcase the American judicial system to the world; that were are not a Kangaroo Court. Yet by this gaffe, clearly, Obama has some explaining to do.
Read more at The Hill and Politico.
"This is an act of war!", says Rudy. I cannot, for the the life of me, understand how Barack Obama does not get that.
I thought I was angry over this cowardly, anti-American act. You can sense Rudy's anger yet he is more politically savvy than I. I would say far worse things to Obama given the chance.
This is a joke. It's Team "O"s attempt to undermine George Bush and his administration. It's Barack Obama's appeasement to his Islamic roots. This will not end well.
Please pray that we will not be attacked again before 2012.
Laura Ingraham blasted the state-run media for feigning outrage that she said Pelosi did everything but sell her body to get nationalized health care legislation passed yet they daily ignore sexually offensive remarks about conservatives.
With the US unemployment at a record 10.2% President Obama now claims that his failed policies have actually "saved or created one million jobs."
Um.... no. Is he delusional? Or is he a total liar?
A single lawnmower saved 50 jobs? Come on!
See Boston Globe article for more facts: "Stimulus job boost in state exaggerated, review finds"
Gov. Rick Perry had some pretty strong comments about the Obama administration on Wednesday in Midland, saying, “This is an administration hell-bent on taking America towards a socialist country.”
This is big. We all know it. But for a Governor to come out and use the "S" word is stunning!
Thank you Governor Perry for having the guts to say it!
After a confession on Friday by openly gay Representative Barney Frank, many are wondering today if the Congressman is a pot head.
Evidently, when Frank's boyfriend James Ready got arrested in his home on marijuana charges, Frank was there.
MyFoxBoston is reporting that Ready was charged with marijuana possession, cultivation and use of drug paraphernalia. He pleaded guilty to civil possession and paid a fine. The rest of the charges were dropped last year.
I like trash!
A 2-year-old skit on 'Sesame Street' that referenced a "trashy" news channel called POX News came under fire this week when conservative bloggers accused the long-running PBS series of a liberal bias. In the clip, Oscar the Grouch is a reporter for the Grouch News Network (GNN), but he bored one female viewer, who responds: "From now on, I'm watching Pox News. Now there's a trashy news show!"
Big Hollywood, the celeb blog founded by conservative writer Andrew Breitbart, called out the old skit (re-run this week) as a jab at the mega popular news network. "The message is clear," a blogger named Stage Right noted, "I can't even sit my kids in front of 'Sesame Street' without having to worry about the Left attempting to undermine my authority."
Since then, the ombudsman for PBS has weighed in and agrees the parody "should have been resisted" by producers.
Senator Joe Lieberman [I-CT] tells Chris Wallace of FOX News Sunday that he is going to begin a congressional investigation into what happened at Fort Hood.
Lieberman says that there are concerns that the shooting rampage suspect Major Nidal Malik Hasan had become an Islamist extremist, and that Hasan's actions may be properly classified as the worst terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001.
The friendly crowd was fired up today as the FOX Sports NFL crew broadcast their Sunday show in Afghanistan.
This was great.
The crew decided to air their show from Afghanistan in honor of Veterans Day this week.
On the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin shared his memories of the historic event with Russias NTV TV channel in their documentary film, The Wall.
Vladimir Putin was stationed in Dresden, GDR as an intelligence officer from 1985-1990 and personally witnessed the reunification of Germany. Mr. Putin says the Wall made an impression on him when he first saw it.
I had no idea he was still alive!
Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin wall, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev tells CNN's John King it was "a very important event" in which "the voters could vote in a competitive election." He also comments that United States President Barack Obama is "facing a very difficult challenge" in his current role, though his election was "unprecedented." Gorbachev also suggests that it is not necessary for additional American troops to be sent to Afghanistan.
On Fox News Sunday, Senator Joseph Lieberman (I)- CT says that the Ft. Hood Attack could very well be linked to Islamic extremists after witnesses report that the shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan shouted "Alahu Akbar!" while killing the soldiers.
Senator Joseph Lieberman (I)- CT says that if the Senate Health Care Bill includes a Public Option, he will support a Republican filibuster to prevent a final vote. Way to go, Joe.
President Obama made a trip to capitol hill to meet with House Democrats on the day the chamber is set to vote on Healthcare reform legislation.
This must be stopped! Obama/Pelosi are detrimental to our Liberty!
Too much. Tax cheat Charles Rangel says he won't answer Rep. John Boehner's question because he doesn't want to violate House Ethics rules.
Remember, as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rangel writes the tax laws.
Republicans had asked Mr. Rangel to step down last September.
Speaker Pelosi's initial response was in defense of Rangel, whom she called "a very distinguished member of the House of Representatives".
Less than a week later, Speaker Pelosi quietly asked Rangel to step aside.
In November, Pelosi said a House Ethics Committee report would be finished and released by January 3rd.
But then in early December, Pelosi said that she "I don't foresee" him losing his post.
On January 3rd, Rangel again denied any wrongdoing... ...and the report was nowhere to be found.
Rangel continues his chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee in the new, 111th Congress.
President Obama urged Americans not to jump to conclusions this morning.
Sorry, Mr. President, but it seems quite clear what happened in Texas; a crazed, radical Muslim Extremist committed Jihad: "Allah Akbar"!
Iranian security forces beat anti-government demonstrators; state-sanctioned rallies mark anniversary of embassy takeover.
You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round ...
This White House is arrogant, radical, dangerous and dishonest. It's embarrassing.
Honestly, I'm glad Team Obama is dismissing yesterday's results. I hope they continue to ignore us; it will serve us well come 2010!
Remember when the ObamaCare legislation was supposed to be passed by the August recess?
More setbacks for Team Obama and the Democrat Congress.
We cannot look to Michael Steele and Dick Cheney and John Boehner to lead us.
We must look at ourselves. Grass roots, ladies and gentlemen! We The People will save America from Obamunism!!!!!!
And you wonder why a Black man who sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years is an anti-Capitalism, anti-America racist.
Excuse me, but Rev. Wright?... I'm pretty sure that you, like "anti-Capitalist" Michael Moore, have made a pretty decent life for yourself in this country you so despise.
Liars and Hypocrites and Racists! Oh my!
For the record, Rachel Maddow is a vile, disgusting, hateful, anti-American, Obama-slobbering PIG!
Even worse, she is a Liberal.
The new Navy assault ship USS New York, built with World Trade Center steel, arrived in its namesake city Monday with a 21-gun salute near the site of the 2001 terrorist attack.
Michael Steele reacts...
Fox News reports:
Republican state Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for upstate New York's 23rd Congressional District seat, giving a possible boost to Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman against Democrat Bill Owens, Fox News has confirmed.
The move comes on the heels of a new poll that showed Scozzafava had fallen behind her two competitors in a close race.
The special election is Tuesday, and political analysts believe upstate New York could be a preview of congressional races nationwide in 2010 and 2012 as Republican leaders struggle to rebuild, redefine and regain control of Washington.
Bachmann asks for patriots to call Congress and meet up with her at the Capitol next Thursday at High Noon. Time to mobilize!
This is it; we are at the crossroads. Please, I beg all of you, if you can to rally upon DC and STOP this madness! STOP the insanity! STOP Barack Obama! STOP Nancy Pelosi!
Say No To Socialism!!!!!! You cannot force Americans to buy something against their will!!!!!
For more information, visit!
Isn't this illegal? And the DNC and Organizing for America are rewarding the desecration of our flag?
I guess since it's a spray painted flag, it is technically, legal. That said, it is equally repulsive and demonstrates how little respect Obama and Co. have for our country.
Politico reports:
One of the 20 finalists in health care video contest run by Barack Obama’s campaign arm features a mural of an America flag splattered with health care graffiti until it’s covered completely by black paint.
In the video – which is accompanied by the sound of a heart monitor pumping and then flat-lining – words such as “pre-existing conditions,” “homeless” and “death panel” ultimately obliterate the flag, which reappears on screen seconds later with the words “Health Will Bring Our Country Back to Life” on the blue field where the 50 stars usually are.
According to the Organizing for American Web site, the 20 finalists in the “Health Reform Video Challenge” were chosen by a panel of “qualified” Democratic National Committee “employee judges.”
A contestant whose video didn’t make the final-20 cut complains that a video “defacing the flag” won’t do much to help President Barack Obama or the Democrats sell health care reform.
“They should never pick that,” said the contestant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It makes the Democrats look really, really bad.”
A spokesman for Organizing for America said the group was not prepared to provide immediate comment on the video, which, according to the OFA Web site, was produced by Daniel Lahoda and Saber.
According to the OFA Web site, the 20 finalists will be judged by the public and a panel of experts that includes DNC Chairman Tim Kaine, Obama campaign chief David Plouffe, Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.), singer and Hollywood stars Rosario Dawson and Dule Hill.
Are you kidding me? What the hell is going on?!?!?!?!
In a stunning development, Speaker Pelosi Denies Public Access to Health Care Public Plan Announcement.
Um. Is it me? Or does this make no sense at all?
Isn't this akin to "negotiating with terrorists"? Bribe The Taliban? Huh?
An embarrassing moment for Sen. Barney Frank's cell phone rings during an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.
What a stupid ring tone! The Idiot doesn't know where the silence button is?
CNN's Candy Crowley reports on a new poll from CNN/opinion Research saying that only 29% of those surveyed are of the opinion that former Vice presidental candidate Sarah Palin, as Ms. Crowley puts it, "does not have the right stuff to sit in the Oval Office."
Classy lady! Fox cameras caught Sen. Barbara Boxer discarding chewing gum as a meeting at the United Nations was about to get underway! Includes a "slo-mo replay"!
First it was Britain, now apparently Michael Savage is being banned from YouTube. Unbelievably, for the second time in the last week, the most popular YT Channel dedicated to Michael Savage has been suspended without warning.
Apparently, Obamabots have been flagging Imitator's videos around the clock, and this appears to be one of the reasons his channel was suspended this time.
Beware that this could easily happen to you if your channel shows up on the Obamabots' radar. If it does happen to you, don't give up- that is what they expect you to do. Instead, come back even stronger. Don't let them win.
Here he goes again! Hey, Mr. President: your "Rules for Radicals" attack on Fox ain't wokin'!
Focus on national security, focus on the economy and frankly, do your job instead of acting like a 5 year old!
A Peoria, AZ man ran over his daughter and her friend because he was angry that she had become too "westernized".
Remember, Islam is a peaceful religion.
Iran's tentative deal with the West to upgrade its uranium outside the country is in the news spotlight. RT talks on latest developments with journalist and novelist Afshin Rattansi.
I have been saying for a year that Israel will go alone vs. Iran if the US chooses not to help. The Irani nuclear crises extends beyond political posturing in Washington; Israel is our greatest ally in the War on Terror and we must support and defend her.
As a radicalized White House goes after imagined "foes" from FOX News to the US Chamber of Commerce, Senator [R-TN] implores increasingly-reckless president not to go down the same path which Alexander's former boss, Nixon, once foolish chose.
Well this pretty sums it all up! Remember, this is the woman who launched the Obama vs. Fox News war. Not to mention, any woman who compares Mao Tse Tung to Mother Teresa has serious mental problems.
I wish I could say I'm suprised. Anyone doubt that Barack Obama is a communist yet?
Barack Obama and friends are establishing a very dangerous path in Afghanistan. I hope there does not come a time to tell America "I told you so."
Unreal that they are still blaming Bush as the cause of their delay in making a decision?
White House correspondent legend Helen Thomas punks the foolish Team Obama strategy to declare all-out war against FOX News.
Wow! Ms. Thomas still has a shred of journalistic integrity left in her old, liberal bones.
The Hill reports:
Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas on Monday advised the Obama administration to stand down and avoid further fighting with Fox News and its correspondents.
In an interview with MSNBC, the columnist -- who is promoting her new book on presidents and their campaigns -- also stressed the White House ought to "stay out of these fights."
"They can only take you down. You can't kill the messenger," said Thomas, who has covered every president from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama.
The Media Left and Hollywood Left make me vomit. Joy Behar is one of the most vile human beings to grace television in quite some time.
As for Bonaduce, was he ever relevant?
Shocking that CNN would side with Obama in the War On Fox, huh? It would be really nice if Team "O" would focus its efforts on the "War on Terror", Afghanistan, etc instead of continuing its assault on private industry.
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel engages in a spirited disucssion with John King on "State of the Union" about health care reform, saying it's about "the four C's: control costs, expand coverage, give people choice, and competition in the system." He guarantees it will bring down the deficit. Regarding the economic crisis: "I think the American people have a right to be frustrated and angry," he tells King.
King asked Emanuel why a labor leader called one possible reform proposal "a slap in the face" from President Obama. "That's his position," he argues.
Emanuel also explained why health care talks are not "transparent," i.e. behind closed doors. King accused him of filibustering that question.
If anyone still doubts Barack Obama's integrity, motivation and intentions to reshape America in his own image, this attack on Fox News ought to wake you up.
Make no mistake: Obama is arrogant, radical, dangerous, and dishonest.
White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod responds to comments Anita Dunn made about Fox News.
"They're not really a news station," he tells George Stephanopoulos. "It's really not news, it's pushing a point of view."
"Bogus"? Who is this guy? When will the attacks on private industry cease? Coming straight outta Chicago...
President seems on the defense as his unpopular ObamaCare proposals come under fire.
Face it Mr. President: your plan sucks and Americans do not want it! You are wrong, Mr. Obama! For once in your life, put the narcissistic egomaniac aside and go back to the drawing board!
Happy Halloween!
A Texas woman is receiving psychiatric care after police found her living with the corpse of her dead common-law husband.
Hey! Nine months after blaming George Bush for the Katrina disaster and promising hopenchange for New Orleans, President Obama finally visits the battered city.
Isn't the campaing over? Do we still need to hear "Yes, We Can" everytime Obama leaves Washington?
Ah yes... Alinsky 101....
Keep in mind this is the same woman who rudely talked on her cell phone during a Town Hall meeting this past summer.
Does anyone understand why African-American leaders across America are calling Rush a racist?
Allow me: since the election of Barack Obama it seems that Blacks around the country have an open forum for calling white people "racists" who disagree with the politics of hopenchange. Our "post-racial" America has become a hotbed of unfounded racial slurs and slander by Blacks.
And I'm sick of it!