The Queen weighs in on the Tea Parties. At least she acknowledged the existence of today's events, unlike her buddy in The White House.
Funny; MS NBC said the same thing earlier this week.

Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
The Queen weighs in on the Tea Parties. At least she acknowledged the existence of today's events, unlike her buddy in The White House.
Funny; MS NBC said the same thing earlier this week.
"we call it astro turf". I dunno, sounds to me like she is threating that this posse of marxists is going to be wiping their feet all over us.
ReplyDeleteTalk about being out of touch
ReplyDeleteI suppose we'll be eating cake, Nancy?
ReplyDeleteWhat an insult to hard working American's who are in touch with reality. How dare you challenge the American Dream.
ReplyDeleteSo what she is saying is that there are thousands of rich people that don't make up the great middle class? Seems to me she has yet again miscalculated. Maybe she needs a tutor.
ReplyDeleteWell said from one of the most clueless people in DC. Please do us all a favor and retire!
ReplyDeleteHere again, the White House Hot Shots have no idea what they are talking about. They do not know what their citizens think or how they feel. Wealthy people of America? Yea, that's why I work 3 jobs. MS NBC said the same thing earlier this week. Can't she think for her self?
ReplyDeleteShe needs to get off her horse and see the real people, I went to the tea party and I am not rich so stop thinking this was something put on by the rich. This was middle class people trying to get you and others crap heads in the white house to see what you are doing to us.
ReplyDeleteFIRST BOOK OF DEMOCRAT - 2008-2012
ReplyDeleteObama Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.
He Leadeth Me Beside Still Factories,
He Restoreth My Faith In The Republican Party,
He Guideth Me In The Paths Of Unemployment.
Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Bread
Line , I Shall Not Go hungry.
Obama Has Anointed My Income With Taxes,
My Expenses Runneth Over My Income,
Surely, Poverty And Hard Living Will Follow Me All
The Days Of My Life.
The Democrats And I Will Live Forever In a Rented
I Am Glad I Am an American,
I Am Glad That I Am Free.
But I Wish I Was A Dog
And Obama Was A Tree.
Nancy is the best thing that has happened to our cause of returning the power to the people of this great nation....keep up the good work Nancy, your stupidity and arrogance assures us a victory in the near future!! If we can just manage to get her more air time!!!
ReplyDeleteNancy Pelosi is an idiot. To have this woman as 3rd in line to the Presidency is beyond belief. On second thought, look at the 2 bozos in front of her.
ReplyDeleteSaying it doesn't make it so, Nancy. We don't believe the words that come out of your mouth.And you talk about rich people pushing this agenda????? How about the rich people pushing YOUR agenda? And don't tell me how I feel or why I attended a tea party.My main issue is the assault on the constitution.
ReplyDeleteSeems to me she wasn't looking out her window....people at the rallys were not the rich, but are truely the working families. They spoke of being upset of spreading their hard earned money on bailing out the rich at companies in Detroit, Washington and NY.
ReplyDeleteShe really doesn't get it.
I guess George Soros and the liberal elite in NY and Hollywood are just regular people. Those of us who actually have real jobs and complain about being over taxed are Right wing extremists. This woman is the most dangerous person in America. She must have weekly conference calls with Chavez, Morales and the Castro brothers.
ReplyDeleteWith such a put on smile, she really doesn't know whats going on. Vote her out. Along with the rest of them!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Crack head,,,,thanks for the $9.00 I got in my paycheck each week in your big TAX CUT. That oughta help pay for a lot. WAKE UP AMERICA AND READ BETWEEN THE LINES! These people use lovely words and statements to make you THINK one way, while they back door you the other. A good way to see what the white house is thinking???Watch big ol Robert when he does his weekly address and see how he stutters so much and cant come up with answers. It's coming whitehouse,,ya might wanna look and pay attention because America has finally wised up, and we're coming your way......
ReplyDeletePelosi needs to switch places with one of us who have lost their job and still has to pay their morgage and feed their family. Maybe a dose of reality would "change" her mind?
ReplyDeleteNancy - you frighten me.
ReplyDeleteFolks - all the more reason to keep voicing our opinions!
Hey Stretch:
ReplyDeleteYou can wipe your 80 year old but with your astro turf!!
Nancy Pelosi is a stupid white B@#$H.
ReplyDeleteThis "woman" thinks she is at the JEFFERSONS! LOL.. astroturf!
ReplyDeleteshe is aweful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletelets still throw out the george bush
but g-d forbid we criticize them...
was she at a tea party????
she has no clue.....
hey, hey, ho, ho... nancy has got to go!!!!!!
I didn't think it possible but every time she opens her mouth she sounds even more stupid and ignorant. She's totally clueless and doesn't even care.
ReplyDeleteHarry Reid was on the Bill Manders show yesterday, he was asked what country in the history of the world has spent their way to prosperity? Harry's answer was NONE. So why are Nancy and Harry so intent on doing something that history shows doesn't work? He also said 250 were at the Tea Party in Carson City - let's downplay the response Harry. The number was 2500.
ReplyDeleteThe tea parties are about "freedom" and how politicians (especially Democrats)are taking more of it away. The Democrats want control of every aspect of your life and they don't want to be criticised while doing it! Sound familiar?
ReplyDeleteIn the military we call tactics like this a Diversion. She again wants to divert the opinions of Americans away from the Truth that Her Spending Spree and Earmarks she is calling Stimulus has angered Americans.
ReplyDeleteAlso another thought,since we are quote"no longer fighting a war on terrorist" she should no longer have a need or right to fly in a military plane for free.
Ron on Politics
Yes, Ms. Pelosi, it is a conspiracy . . . against the likes of you and your anti-American cohorts. Be gone, witch.
ReplyDeleteNancy Pelosi is a fake, phony and a fraud. just repeating the same old line of crap. if you stand back, way back and look at what the dem propose, its not a different course from the past, it is the same course just quad-down from the previous admin. this course in the future will mean the destruction of our culture and country. if you don't believe me just stand back an watch you have a front row seat.
ReplyDeleteThis woman works for us?? She certainly doesn't speak for our house! What an embarrassment to the people with half a brain of common sense!
ReplyDeleteSomebody needs to kick her in the ASS!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow much more brainwashed can a woman sound while trying to brainwash other people? I did not see a single "rich" person there. I went to a tea party and I don't thing I am even in the middle class but in the lower class. While we own our home I don't work and my husband has to go on unemployment in the winter due to the fact that he works for a landscaping company. I don't want the rich people to have tax cuts, in fact I want them to have a higher tax rate then the middle class.
ReplyDeleteThese nit wits think that $20.00 a week is going to make a difference to a "middle class" american. With tax increases being implemented on everything else (property, state income, etc)the Obama tax cut means NOTHING. It is a joke ! Meanwhile spending goes on willy nilly and all the kings men celebrate their new fouond power...
ReplyDeleteWas this a advertisement for birthcontrol? If it was where do I buy it? I dont want to raise a child to be like her!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat so the dragon idiot speaks and we are to listen? About time to get the airforce to supply you with another plane to fly your ugly butt home girl. I mean why pay for it yourself when you can stick it yet AGAIN to the taxpayers............ time its time to vote...exercize your right...Vote congress out..starting with Nancy..put new blood in the white house and if they cant do better then they get voted out..Term limits for Congress should be put in place ..
ReplyDeleteNo somebofdy needs to kick her ass out of office
ReplyDeleteAstroturf! That's what this sorry excuse for a congresswoman has between her ears.
ReplyDelete"They" keep talking about the 95% of American's getting tax cuts. Guess what it doesn't make up for the increase in cigarette tax & liquor tax and guess who is the biggest user of these? Yup, lower income Americans so where really are these tax cuts?
ReplyDeletems. Pelosi - you are the rich!! I am a single mother trying to make it in this great country and I am scared of you, our president and 95% of the officials that surround you on a daily basis. I don't seem to get much of your money but boy do you get an awful lot of mine!
ReplyDeletePelosi has to go! She twists things for her own agenda to "help" the poor and illegals, but throws a fit when she can't jet across the world when she wants and where she wants. Wealthy liberals "helping" the poor by taking from the so-called "rich" or middle class. She will not admit that middle-class people are hurting, too, which was displayed at the tea parties. What a Fraud!
ReplyDeleteWhat a out of touch tool, nothing new under the sun there.
ReplyDeleteMy hope is that a viable third party will emerge from all of this. The two we have are total failures with little hope of redemption in my eyes.
...ha ha ha! Nancy "barbie-barbwire" Pelosi, its gotta be those too shiny never-blinking eyes...yikes, perhaps there really are some among us, the 'alien'atiors that is! this evil clueless self-serving "RICH" free-flyin on my money "THING" just wigs me out...Time out, time to go....NO Pelosi!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was there yesterday, I didn't see any rich people. Quit blaming Bush. Dems have had the majority since 2006. You work for us Pelosi, and all of your pink slips are coming whether you are Democrat or Republican... if you are out of touch, you will be out of jobs.
ReplyDeleterich people i was at our tea party and i didnt see any rich people i saw hardworking americans trying to save our lives
ReplyDeletei think my head is about to explode.
ReplyDeletefrom what I recall, she was speaker of the house for 2 yrs. during the Bush Admin. I'm sick of these people not taking ANY responsibility whatsoever. She makes me sick. She can talk about the failed this and failed that of the past 8 years. Yet, she was a part of it. Just like Reid, Dodd and Frank. These people are spineless
ReplyDeleteShe must be from the Land of Oz. No, that would be San Fransisco. Her arrogance is beyond belief. Madam Speaker, take note: We are not stupid.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, her constituents will send her back to congress. So we must elect representatives that will boot her out of a power position in the House.
Get a clue.
ReplyDeleteSince 2003 (and I have copy to prove it) Pelosi was informed of a huge problem with a major corporation hiding upwards of 400 million dollars of negative cash. This information was buried in their 10K reports (as far back as 1994)with a well hidden paragraph that is a clear violation of GAAP. After talking with their people, and finding out this treatment of negative cash was a quarterly occurrence, I looked into their 10Q reports and found no mention of this action; yet the CEO and CFO swore to no material omission of fact.
ReplyDeleteThis discovery and subsequent inaction by Pelosi, the SEC, and other's in D.C. clearly proves things are so broken. Given that the mainstream media (including CNN) have said nothing goes a long way to prove 'We the People' are ill informed of what is going on.
all the more reason to continue the grass roots tea party movement.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I invite that brow beating rude "reporter" from CNN to come talk to me. Bring it on!
I've grown so tired of Nancy Pelosi and her like. She makes women look stupid by holding a position of higher office in government and being so clueless in everything she talks about. Everytime I see her, she comes across as a bitter and vindictive individual pushing her own agenda and doesn't care what the real people think. She knows alot about the rich elitie as she is one of them. Nancy, do America a favor and just go away. Here's a thought, maybe us hard-working taxpapers should quit our jobs and live off the system; maybe then the Democrats would hear us. Who would pay their taxes and pay their salaries then?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you all so surprised at her comments? Elections next year lets make our voice heard. When we sit and do nothing this is what happens, I for one am done sitting.
ReplyDeleteI am a twenty year retired vet, I am a republican,I enjoyed my tea party. Oh ya i'm not rich,but ole nanc could give me some of her wealth she's a dem she dosn't need it.
ReplyDeleteout of touch. the far left will never get it, because their ideolgy is not based on a faith.
ReplyDeleteNancy, me thinks thou dost protest too much and giveth away thine own M.O.
ReplyDeleteIt must be very hard for the far left - orchestrated & bank-rolled by the likes of the mega-rich, puppet master, Soros, not to assume, that the same is the case on the right.
It is laughable that Nancy Pelosi tries to make anyone believe she has a single concern for the "great middle class".
To refer to Ms. Pelosi as merely out of touch is an insult to the truly out of touch.
I dont believe it . There were NO rich Americans at the tea party I was at . We are all hard working people, families, Veterans, small business owners, BUT I did not see a RICH American like Trump, B. Franks, etc.... this woman is out of touch and I would love to hear an apology.
ReplyDeleteNazi Pelosi is a MORON. So was here father TOMMY DELESANDRO when he was mayor of Baltomore. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
ReplyDeleteWow! Enough from this blowhard already. Hey Nancy- How's all this working for you in the great state of California? The crap is right under your nose in your own home state and you still don't see or get it. Talk about being blind and way out of touch. What- did you stick yourself in the eyes with the botox needle? Wake up lady! Seems you care more about the beloved California swamp rats than your own people. Just go away please. Rob in SC
ReplyDeleteThis female animal personifies the DUMB blond. (we don't know her real color) She would be funny if she wasn't such an arogant, self absorbed, lying witch..She is a danger to this country..and the idiots who keep electing her..
ReplyDeleteIt's a fake grass-roots effort -- what politicos call an AstroTurf campaign -- that provides a window into the sleight-of-hand ways of Washington." The Journal reports Armey is pulling down a comfortable $500,000 salary at Freedom Works, and that he lives on 78-acre spread in Texas valued at $1.7 million
ReplyDeleteOut of touch and apparently only capable of parroting the same old/tired blatherisms “ . . . the failed policies of the last eight years . . . “.
ReplyDelete2010 folks!
Please email Pelosi and express your discontent.
ReplyDeleteI just did ..
Ms. Pelosi will find herself a member of the minority party in the next Congress!
ReplyDeleteRick Johnson
Constitutional Republican
It sounds like shes the 1 out of touch....
ReplyDeletePelosi is a disgrace to this Country. She is typical of the liberal idiots we have in Washington.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy it while you can. November 2nd 2010 is coming up fast Nancy.
ReplyDeleteDon't be offended by this statement! Aside from the fact that she's an airhead, it's sort of a compliment. Nancy didn't stop to realize that astroturf sticks around for a VERY long time!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bimbo!
ReplyDeleteI am ASHAMED to be an American today! Can you picture our Adverseries watching this TOTAL IDIOT Pelosi (AKA Jack in the BOX w/a STUPID SMILE) who is SO OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY? I want ALL of you to consider and comment on the possibility of this INSULT TO FEMALES and the HUMAN RACE in general, being "The President Of the UNITED STATES" OMG,DUH!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope the people in her district get their heads out of the sand and vote her out in 2010. Then she can downplay what is really going on in America when she is standing in the unemployment line. Add Reid, Frank, Dodd, Rangel and everyother career politician. The Gov't wants to fire the CEO's of the Automobile Industry because they are not doing their job. Lets fire all of Congress and The Senate for not doing their jobs, ie. not reading the stimulus before they signed it.
ReplyDeleteShe is a failed PEABRAIN!!Gee how fast her memory seems to go. Where was she in 2007 & 2008?? Her fake smiles and condisending attitude toward Americans. I wish that they would vote her out and get someone who knew what they were doing in there for the American people!
ReplyDeleteIt is time to stage a nationwide protest against the MSM. We should start by focusing on NBC. Pick a day, protest at every local NBC affiliate across the country and announce the boycott of their main sponsors until they start responsibly reporting the news. The other stations will show up to cover that. The idea is to put pressure on the local station who will in turn put pressure on GE, their parent company. Meanwhile we also boycott GE. A sustained effort would put ABC, CBS, and CNN on notice that we are fed up. This is a battle we must win so that we might win the larger culture war.
ReplyDeletePelosi's too busy spending taxpayer money on jet fuel to know what hardworking middle class American's think.
ReplyDeleteGeez I went to tea party, I went there because of high taxes, but thank God Pelosi corrected me on why I went, instead of being an unemployed millwright, I am now rich and long for tax cuts for my kind. Than You Ms. Pelosi for making me rich
ReplyDeleteWhat about the government sponsored activist group ACORN, not to mention Geroge Soros. They have created their own funding source for their liberla agenda. AND WE HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. Pelosi has to go.. along with Napolitano!!
ReplyDeletePelosi is just another puppet on the strings of the liberal extreme left who has to put a negative spin on it. We all know thats all the main stream media will air. We must keep of fight!!! The liberals will spin themselves into oblivion!!!!!! We the people are to powerful, and they know it!!!
ReplyDeleteMORON. Perhaps she and Anderson Cooper can get together and compare liner notes to form a cogent, RELEVANT statement that has a (ANY!) degree of applicability.
ReplyDeleteGood God. OUT OF CONTROL. THe whole lot of them!
Really? Really? Unbelievable. Is this ignorant Bi#@h hiding something else (Diversion... well put). What's Hillary up to right now? Three women on this planet scare the hell out of me. Hillary Clinton, Nancy Grace and (the scariest) Pelosi. Put them all in a box, throw in one microphone and watch the hair fly....
ReplyDeleteSmoke and mirrors, Nancy. I see fear in your eyes. You know it, we know it and you know that we know it. I was at a rally in San Diego yesterday and I'd say it was almost entirely middle class. This is not about the rich.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone truly believe this ugly woman has ever has a grip on reality??
ReplyDeleteAnother idiot speeks
ReplyDeleteThe message is so very clear. The time is now to form the new party for the REAL people of America! We banded together in great numbers for the Tea Parties. Just think what can be done to form a party that will truly represent the core of America. It is so needed and people are so ready for it!! Let's go people! I'm willing to help as I am sure many others are. Show us the way. Let's show the "incompetent ones" that now waddle through the halls of Congress, thinking they are invinceable and that the so called "silent majority" has no basis, tha we are alive and ready for TRUE change. They should have never awakened the "Sleeping Giant!"
ReplyDeleteMy God, every time I see this woman she looks crazier and more bug-eyed than before. WHAT is her deal? She has to be on they drug test up there on the hill cause she needs it badly. Either that or she hasn't taken that stick out of her a$$.
ReplyDeleteI CAN NOT wait for her to get the boot....when she is a "common folk" and has to live in squalor like more jetting about for her on tax payer money.
Rich? I was at a tea party, right after I hade to take a loan to pay my taxes! I cannot tell you how much this hacks me off.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what she will call it when 10 million people show up in Washington.
ReplyDeleteWhat happens to these people when they get inside the beltway? Do they all get stupid and arrogant? If the Speaker is representative of what happens in DC, I suggest we move the capitol to another location and elect all new people who will uphold the Constitution and do the people's bidding rather than serve political parties and lobbyists.
ReplyDeletefor Gods sake , She is ONE of the very people shes blaming it on !!!
ReplyDeleteRun this lying whitch out of town !!!!
What a TOTAL FOOL...this woman is!
ReplyDeleteIf you want truth about taxes and tea parties please visit
ReplyDeleteHer comment that 95% will receive a tax cut - note that Rasmussen polls show only 14% of Americans think taxes will go down, not 95% - and that 14% is down from 18% a week ago. So that means 95-14= 81% of Americans know she and Obama lied about tax cuts. Also any boob knows that increasing the size of government and government spending will lead to higher taxes. Sales tax in Califronia went UP 1% April 1, not down, and other taxes will also go up to fund this royalty in the new government and Pelosi's $5.5 million per year jet needs for her weekly home trips.
ReplyDeleteI hate this woman all the way to my bowels
ReplyDeleteKeep talking....these fakers in Washington are just firing us up with their lies about us. This is going to be a huge movement. Keep on talkin!!! I am sick to my stomach with how they are covering the tea parties. I am poor, laid off and still had to pay taxes I can't afford. And newsflash, it is not just about taxes, it is a ton of other things!! They are clueless and they are just adding fuel to the fire. Bring it on!! And, Nancy, you might want to ease up on the plastic surgery, pretty soon you won't have enough skin to cover your eyeballs.
ReplyDeleteApril 16, 2009 9:32 AM
ReplyDeleteDave said...
Hey Crack head,,,,thanks for the $9.00 I got in my paycheck each week in your big TAX CUT. That oughta help pay for a lot. WAKE UP AMERICA AND READ BETWEEN THE LINES!
The reality is after that "little" tax cut so they can say they kept their word they hit you with so many other taxes that takes that away and you have to cough up more.
The so called fair tax is not the answer either, what pelosi and other government officials don't want you to know is the tax code we have right now is what we do want; we just don't know how to follow it "yet". If you legally follow the tax code you owe no tax on your wages. Thousands have already learned the facts and follow the law. The IRS is teeted off and they will try to scare you back into "their" compliance but if you know the law then you are free.
Find the true answer at before it is to late and we have a "fair tax" which we will be required by law to pay. Once you learn the truth pass it on to others.
We can see through Miss Bug-Eyes and their left-wing propaganda.... smoke & mirrors, bait & switch, hoodwinking & blindsiding. Remember when she screamed 'the sky is falling' in October 2008? We now know she did it to divert our attention away from her criminal activities and the usurper and fellow partners in crime. The dems were terrified 'We The People' would figure out their evil agenda before the election.
ReplyDeleteNow I've got a NEWSFLASH for the dems ...
Invest in the future with money borrowed from China that you cant pay back ?? What a idiot she is.
ReplyDeleteThe tea parties were all about getting tax cuts for the rich ???? So they must have been held for her millionaire husband and Obama who filed 2.6 million on his 2008 tax return.
If the "failed" economic policies of the Bush administration are to blame for the current woes (OK, I'm with you so far), then why--WHY--are you continuing them at an accelerated pace? TARP was bad enough, but for Obama, that's just warming up. If some is bad, more is...what? Good?
ReplyDeleteAs you read these posts where were you on election day? There were candidates who told you this would happen, but like blind sheep we listened to rally cry we need a democrat for president and in a hurry we wound up seduced by smart words and lies.Get ready the worst is yet to come, we have been told that over and over from the ones who are to blame. What I want to know if they(elected officals)are so smart how come it will be worse, is it by design or do they admit they are not smart just talkers not doers.
ReplyDeleteWe're getting ma-ma-ma-ma-mad to the bone!!!
ReplyDeleteShe and the rest of our elected representatives had better start doing what is right for America or prepare to get kicked out just like we kicked out Dole in NC.
ReplyDeleteThe tea partys were just a warning people, We want a fiscally responsible govt now!!!
One of FOX news people keep saying Obama is a smart guy. What I want to know if he is so smart why does he appoint so many Idiots to important jobs?
ReplyDeleteHow do we seem to get so many idiots in the federal government? They lie to us while runing for office and then realize that they control the money, they just take all they can. It would be nice to have the IRS audit each and every congressman and senator. Oh, the IRS is part of the government also. Oh well!!! We lost!!!
ReplyDeleteIf Pelosi watched the Tea Parties she would have seen the signs. It wasn't just about taxes we pay it's the way they are spending. About Pork,Bailouts,payback for campaign support. The promise of no earmarks. WE THE PEOPLE WANT A FAIR AND HONEST GOVERNMENT. One that will look out for us and our future.
ReplyDeleteObama needs to get the meassage alone with the Congress and Senate. And get their new Budget cut, before we have more debt.
Their ludicrous comments, policies, and Democratic mindset will be the Republicans best advertisement for the 2010 and 2012 elections. I bet the GOP has more footage in the last 3 months than in any ever time in history. I think they are already starting their ads. It should be a mop-up in 2010!!
ReplyDeleteThis from the woman who thought she was a Theologian of the Roman Catholic Church. Yea, sure I trust her opinions. She is either telling a lie or she is an idiot. You choose.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't this type of arrogance just piss you off? The nerve of these people really gets me sometimes !PMS? bet she is way beyond that?
ReplyDeleteNasty Pelosi is in immediate need of full cranial derectumotomy!
ReplyDeleteI always thought she was on some kind of drug, now I know she is.
ReplyDeleteI think they should do random drug testing on all our "honest" politicians.
ReplyDeleteEvery time this idiot opens her mouth she showes just how much her drug addiction and alcoholism has destroyed her brain! I feel empathy for anyone else that suffers from these problems, but in her case I have no sympathy at all because she is just one of a myriad of so called public officials that are nothing more than corrupt drug addicts, feeding their habits with our tax dollars! She and her buddy Barney Franks and Chris Dodd belong behind bars, not in public office! I say IMPEACH THE PARASITES AND THROW THEM IN JAIL AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!!!
ReplyDeleteDo you think, when they stuck the needle in her head with all that botox, that the needle was inserted too deep and went into her brain? i'm just sayin'
ReplyDeleteIt's about the out-of-control spending, Ms. Pelosi, that you and your cohorts (Democratic and Republican) are engaged in, led by a President who has never run anything except a foundation that gave away $100 million dollars of foundation money to improve Chicago schools with NO discernible improvement in test scores (transation = wasted money). Taxpayers are sick to death of their money being wasted. You and your kind will bankrupt this country at our expense - that is what we are protesting. And, it appears that the 10th Amendment is being violated in the process, i.e. the federal governments' actions (by the Treasury Dept. and Congress)are unconstitutional.
ReplyDelete2010, AND THEN AGAIN!
This woman is beyond belief. The problem is, is that they have billions, thanks to George Soros et al to buy the 2010 elections. She has no concept of what real people think both Dems & Repubs. However when the rich people she represents start seeing their money goig to all these entitlement programs then they'll take action. She and Harry and Barney & Chris are the most dangerous people in our governmemt today. "OBAMA LIED AND FREEDOM DIED"
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that a person with a negative IQ would know what Astro Turf is. How can this administration claim to want to help the middle class if they don't know who we are?
ReplyDeleteP.S. We spoke yesterday all over this nation, yea, we are the middle class. Now can they help us?
And so go the muzements of Nasty Pelosi. Please continue to refuse to accept responsibility for your actions Nasty, your reign will be short and regretable!
ReplyDeletepelosi is a complete idiot spewing the same vile crap that 95% of Americans will receive a tax cut - what an IDIOT and Traitor she is to America...
ReplyDeleteWake Up Californians, you have a Traitor amongst you and her name is pelosi.
we don't want their kind of help. they help themselves to our childrens resources, their future debt? is our regret! time to trow the bums out! on their ear or on their rear!
ReplyDeletethanks for all the tea!
this liberal is one crazy broad.
ReplyDeleteThis is why we pay and get nothing in return. They dont care about the people, they just continue to blow their smoke to hide what they are doing. I hope we can see some real Americans who want to run and keep this country the way it was meant to be kept. It this country was so bad, why is it that so many want to be here. Leave this country alone Pelosi and your gang. If this wasnt government and was a business, these people would have been arrested for something by now. Their as bad as Madoff except they steal by passing bills.
ReplyDeleteThe wicked witch of the west has spoken
ReplyDeleteThis message is to everyone that believes yesterday's Tea Party was the beginning of a new era. Since there are 15-20% of Americans on the far left and probably as many on the far right, that leaves at least 60% somewhere in the middle that can make a real difference in the next election.
ReplyDeleteWho wouldn't agree that with all the polls taken each and every day that yesterday would have been a perfect opportunity to obtain valuable information to determine all the reasons that brought these people to the Tea Party. If we had a government that really cared they WOULD WANT to know the real reasons and would use the information to make necessary changes. Were they there just to protest taxes and excessive spending? No way!! How many that attended want illegal immigrants sent home so our schools won't be overcrowded and illegal's jobs can be filled with unemployed Americans? How many are fed up with Government programs that pay people for disability when they are not disabled, welfare when they don't want to work or pay for their home when a hurricane, flood or tornado destroys it because they chose to buy a car or tv instead of homeowners insurance? How many were there because money wasted in the bailout was not used to fund the Social Security deficit? How many were there because they are afraid that after paying FICA taxes for 50 years that they won't receive Social Security benefits? How many were there because the lack of oversight on government regulations already in place caused millions of Americans to lose much of the retirement funds they have saved over many years. How many were there because they are unhappy that if they have saved money for a rainy day in a savings account that they can only make 2% interest, but have to pay 15% tax on the interest gained?
Hopefully, the Americans in the middle can get behind a strong candidate and carry them to the White House like the minorities and liberals did for Obama. The republicans were too divided in the primaries and allowed McCain get the nomination when others might have had a better chance to win. Is it time to start a new party? It appears from many responses many want to find Representative and Senatorial candidates that believe in term limits and will vote to make that happen. To allow continuation of the way our government is run now with the old boys and Nancy Pelosi controlling the fate of the Americans- with no real regard for anyone but their own political and monetary gain has to end or so will our freedom.
Additionally, real change will be impossible as long a candidate's campaigns are being financed by special interest groups (Acorn, UAW, Wall Street companies, and many others) The amount of money spent for just the Presidential candidates during the last campaign alone was staggering and shameful with the economy going downhill, not to mention the cost of House and Senate races.
Campaign financing must be reformed if anyone ever expects the government to be run by the people, not the rich, famous, and corrupt.
So, stay focused, don't let the opposition divide us or stop the momentum.
What an idiot. This is exactly what a Communist, socialist,fasctist leader would say. It's not the people protesting it is someone leading the puppets. I would love to listen in on the morning conference call with Chavez, Castro, Morales, etc.
ReplyDeleteANNON, APR16,2009 2:05 PM!
I know what will get thier attention. Lets plan a "Blue Monday" strike. On an agreed upon date, lets all not report for work.Let the working people strike and see how fast they pay attention. I realize this might be hard to do but it looks like we are going to have to do something to make these idiots know we are serious! Nancy Pelosi makes me want to puke!
ReplyDeletevote them out in 2010. Seriously folks we need to work as hard as possible to clean the house and the senate in 2010. Don't become complacent, they refrain from this stupidity in hopes of gaining reelection don't fall for get them out. We are gaining momentum down slow down down roll all over them. Let them known who really owns this country. If any arrogant snobbish b#&^@* ever needed to be brought up on charges of treason her and dingy Harry her partner in crime. Nancy has got pictures just look at Harry not buck her for any reason.
ReplyDeleteYes, Yes, Yes!
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote the post April 16, 2009 2:03 PM should run for office.
Who are you?
Pelosi is so delusional that she believes if she denies the validity of our movement it will simply go away. We must do everything in our power to replace her in California.
ReplyDeleteThe brain is an amazing thing.... too bad Nancy was only given a script!!
ReplyDeleteYes, Yes, Yes!
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote the post April 16, 2009 2:03 PM should run for office.
Who are you?
oops...correction -- post of 2:05PM which states in part..
This message is to everyone that believes yesterday's Tea Party was the beginning of a new era. Since there are 15-20% of Americans on the far left and probably as many on the far right, that leaves at least 60% somewhere in the middle that can make a real difference in the next election.
I don't think she knows what she is talking about.
ReplyDeleteIt is called Nancy opens her mouth and inserts foot everyday.
if he tells you, won't he be branded an extreamist, or terrorist?
ReplyDeleteFrom Anonymous 2:05 p.m. I'm just an honest hard working middle class woman that is tired of Washington as usual. What else do you want to know?
ReplyDeleteMore Fed rhetoric meant to play down the movement that's sweeping this country. Stop trying to turn our volume down and blurring our's only adding fuel to the fire Pelosi...We all know the truth so do the world, and the citizens of this great country a favor and disappear from the political scene.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous 2:05 ... what state do u live in?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 2:05 The Show me State- Missouri Why do you ask?
ReplyDeletePlease sign Petition for US Sovereignty
From Anonymous 2:05 to Anonymous 2:45 -- Who are you and where do you live?
ReplyDeleteWho cares if there were "rich people" there or not? Are they not Americans, too? Not to Nancy, I guess. BTW, how much money do we pay you, Nancy? Aren't you considered rich by your own standards?
ReplyDeleteNancy Pelosi is an absolute disgrace and embarassment for America. She has no idea what the real world is like.
ReplyDeleteShe must use barry o's TelePrompTer. All I heard was barry o's same ole bs. What is the new definition of "great middle class"? Suckers?
ReplyDeleteNazi Botoxi - is the name for Nancy Pelosi. we need to get her out of office any way possible. Maybe she should be our UN representative at the "East River Fudge Factory" she would fit in perfectly there
ReplyDeleteElectro Convulsive Therapy would do the woman with the plastic face some good IMHO!
ReplyDeleteNancy has one agenda and one agenda only. Euro Socialism, and running the country into the ground. No wait, that's 2 things she's trying to do. Wow, 1+1=2. I figured that out all by myself, which makes me smarter than Nancy Bologna. lol.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, what does Bush's tax policy have to do with the TEA party or NoBama's runaway spending?
ReplyDeleteSecond of all, she is endorsing wealth redistribution, which penalizes success.
Third of all, the "middle-class tax cut" is so minor that most Americans don't notice it.
Fourth of all, somebody has to pay for all of these pie in the sky programs, so taxes will eventually go up to cover the cost of "Obamanomics". No doubt sky high as well.
Lastly, blaming Bush for the economy is a joke when the Dems have controlled the House since '06 and Barney Frank (D) was the Chair of the House Financial Services committee.
All I can add is, how far out of touch can they get?
ReplyDeleteNancy the only thing fake(Astro Turf) is you surgically altered face.
ReplyDeleteall america needs is some people in D.C. with some common sense. its obvious that pelosi, reid, obama and the rest od the socialit party dont have any sense common or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteNancy Pelosi - The Poster Child for Term Limits
ReplyDeleteI got news for Queen Pelosi, I was at the Tea Party in Phoenix and I am not rich. I make less than $60K per year. I cannot believe how out of touch our govt is. I say we keep protesting. I know many cities and towns are already planning similar events for July 4th, maybe since this is a holiday and most people will be off work we can get an even bigger turn out than yesterday's events. Let's turn tens of thousands of people protesting into hundreds of thoudands of people protesting. GOD BLESS AMERICA.......Let's take our country back!!!!
ReplyDeleteObama did not cut taxes - he only cut the withholding rate. You still have to pay taxes!!
ReplyDeletePress (Fox the only legitamate outlet left) please stop allowing this lie to spread. Call out people who call reducing the withholding rate "a tax cut".
You would think with eyes like hers she could see what is going on. She is so plastic.
ReplyDeletePeople in Texas are openly talking about seceding and this dolt has the bravado to keep spouting the leftist propaganda and call it "astro" turf. Wow, what stupiditiy. Do you think they'll notice when half of the union secedes? Especially, the tax paying half.
ReplyDeleteWhat plant did this talking head learn math on? What math formula would you use to take a large debt, lower income, increase spending and that = economic recovery???
ReplyDeleteTypical BS from a politician, EITHER side of the isle. I say throw all the politicians (and news media) out and use the buildings as a homelesss shelter. At the rate we are going, we are going to need all the homelesss shelters we can find.
Nancy Pelosi and her boss thinks we are all idiots who believe anything they say. Wake up and smell the coffee. People are fed up with the bull. Quit spending money like there is no tomorrow. And quit talking to us like we are stupid and don't have a clue. You people are the ones who don't have a clue. I hope one day you see the light.
ReplyDeleteDonna - PA
Fire PIGlosi. The only rant she has is to defame George Bush. She is totally insane.
ReplyDeleteShe needs to be FIRED by the people who employ her!
Obviously, Ms. Nancy wants to reflect on the failed policies of Mr. Bush. Oh, by the way, the DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CONGRESS passed all the legislation Mr. Bush supposedly wanted, so in the end, it was their policies. Spin is still a great distorter of reality! Anyway, I digress... It is really clear that they (DEMS/LIBS) want a change in course from people led America to Government led America. What she and no one else will admit is that we do not have the money they are spending. We will borrow it, print it and we will then suffer the pain of paying it BACK. On top of that, if you take the money, you have to add to government in your state. Then when the "free" money runs out you CAN'T stop the programs they started! YOU have to increase taxes again to pay for the continuation of the programs! What a concept! Why didn't WE think of that? Great way to take over Americe without a shot being fired!
ReplyDeleteOle Nancy will not be happy until the rest of the country looks like her home state!!! Flat broke, and so taxed business is leaving as fast as they can... remember 2010-2012.
ReplyDeleteI think Pelosi needs to get off her thown atop the Ivory Tower and catch a Greyhound bus to San Francisco and see what real America is all about.
ReplyDeleteShe's just mad cause people who work actually to off from work to do this. The left always protest cause they have nothing else to do, they don't hold jobs.
ReplyDeletePS - Nice plastic surgery and dye job Nancy
She has got to go vote her out on the next election! It's that's simple.
ReplyDeleteHey Ms. Pelosi! I'm middle class and I understand that you cannot pay for trillions of dollars in spending AND universal health care AND Cap and trade without increasing taxes, printing money out of thin air and causing inflation. You and the democrats are looking at the past and not the future.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, good leaders don't continue to blame others...they lead. You folks quadrupled his spending so it is your issue now and NOT Bush. That is so much like a 4th grade mentality.
I think that Nancy Pelosi is out of touch with reality she needs to resign immediatly along with Reid , Dodd , Barney Frank , charles Shummer it is a disgrace that these people are still in office.
ReplyDeletePS I am not rich nor uninformed
This lady is a complete idiot!
ReplyDeleteKeep on talking Mme Speaker, eventually, everyone will figure out how out of touch you are with the American people. The 10,000 strong at the Houston area TeaParty were organized by a part-time teacher whose husband was out of work. I call BS on AstroTurf, and we ought know in Houston!
ReplyDeleteWe tried to make our voices heard and we was ignored. Now it is time to pick up ARMS and show Pelosi and the rest of Congress the DOOR
ReplyDeleteTime to take up ARMS
ReplyDeleteHer comments are about as dumb as the mainstream media(CNN,NBC).. wakeup..
ReplyDeleteThe idea that ANYONE can take this idiot seriously anymore is a sure sign of insanity!!
ReplyDeletenazi pelosi!! not nancy
ReplyDeleteThe following is copy of a e mail that I sent to MADAM Speaker Princess PELOSI,on 4/16/09
ReplyDelete(I Think I might get into a little trouble on this one)
I saw your comments on KTVU channel 2, on the April 15th Tea Parties. I will have you know that it is comments like these that make hard working AMERICAN CITIZENS feel UNREPRESENTED as well as Unappreciated.REMEMBER WE PAY YOUR SALARIES AS TAX PAYERS.
Further more the Tea Party events that I attended were arranged by a husband and wife, that like the rest of the people in attendance, were NOT raised with a silver spoon, as it seem that YOU WERE.
We know it as manipulating the laws to suit your political needs.
Shes out of her mind! Why cant they see it for what it really is! Oh right we're all right winged extremists anyways... silly me
ReplyDeleteWhere was ICE when she was holding a town hall with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS telling them how much she love's them to come in ILLEGALLY
ReplyDeleteShe should be in prison for harbouring.
Pelosi, You can dismiss the tea parties for only so long by burying your head in the astro-turf. We are fed up with you and your cronies from both sides of the aisle.
ReplyDeleteThis is only the beginning as you will hear from this growing movement until you cannot deny our existence.
2010 cannot come fast enough
she is truly a dumba$$, i'm not rich or wealthy monetarily but i was at a tea party and i hate to see my money being wasted in so many fruitless ways!
ReplyDeleteNancy Peloski and Harry Reid are the CONS in CONgress. She comes from a great district in California San Fran where they have all the tea baggers
ReplyDeletePelosi is such a hack.
ReplyDeleteI would choke the life from this c*nt if given the opportunity. Get out of my country!
ReplyDeleteWell Ms. Pelosi, we will see how astroturf this is come november 2010 and we wipe our feet all over your turf. See ya. Wouldn't want to be ya.
ReplyDeleteSo Pelosi, hows that jet treating you anyway? $510k a month flying back and forth to CA? enough to pay two mortgages off completely every month? Yeah, we'll astroturf you come 2010.
SO let me get this Str8. Borrowing 44% of next years Budget from China is "an Investment in the Future". How does that make since.
ReplyDeleteWho cares what this botox using hag thinks. She is so out of touch she does not even know what planet she is on. She is pathetic excuse for a human being and she has so much botox in her wrinkled face watch her smile sometimes. LOL
ReplyDeleteThis woman is a fool!
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm in the wealthiest 2% of Americans....Damn, why can't I buy a new car. This womoan is so out of touch, her plastic surgeon needs to loosen her facial skin so her brain can breath! I am a 45 y.o. woman with two small children, own a small business and live in a very middle class neighborhood...and I will be at every demonstration against the gross misuse of my tax dollars and the sprint toward socialism that this administration is doing. Keep talking just make the "American People" even more pissed!
ReplyDeleteThis Lady should be watched by homeland security
ReplyDeleteShe and her monkeys in Washington work for US the American People; I say it is time we fire the whole bunch of them. Forget term limits VOTE THEM OUT!!!
ReplyDeletefuel up that broom girl and head home, you are out of touch!
ReplyDeleteTake back America from the left-wing tax and spend radicals who are spending our country into bankruptcy. Vote them all out in the midterm elections next year!!!!
ReplyDeletethe queen is pathetic and so far to left that she is off the chart
ReplyDeleteI think we should all go to washington dc on the 4th of july and let them all know who we are. AMERICANS!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTake a dem to lunch and feed them the same pile of crap that there pushing on us.
ReplyDeleteIt's apparent that too much botox, smoothes out the wrinkles that a person needs. The botox has seeped onto the surface of her brain, and smoothed out the convolusions.
ReplyDeleteThose are necessary for memory, retention, and recall. The more of them you have, and the deeper they are, the better.
This is why we in the East call her the Wicked Witch of the West...
ReplyDeleteThe title says Queen Pelosi that's wrong Is Witch Pelosi or as we say THE wicked witch of the west. furthermore, Bush in 2002 and 2004 told this nuts in the Senate that if they didn't stop Fanny &Freddie it would start to a problem today we see her passing the buck just the liberal way Tea party great let keep them going