Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Potty Pork! Money Down The Toilet: CRAPulus "Stimulus" Bill Literally Flushing Tax Dollars Down The Crapper!

WASHINGTON -- The feds are spending tens of millions of stimulus dollars to repair and build toilets across the nation, in an outflow of taxpayer funds that critics have branded "potty pork."

From humble sylvan outhouses to "historic" restrooms, cash from the $787 billion stimulus is going to spruce up or completely replace aging toilets, government releases show.

In New Mexico alone, the feds are spending $2.8 million for toilets in national forests.

The bathroom bonanza runs across myriad federal agencies, from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to the Veterans Affairs Administration and the Army.

"You could definitely say this is potty pork," said Leslie Paige of Citizens Against Government Waste. "This puts a whole different swirl on money going down the drain."

Many proposals cite the need to improve accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Related: CRAPulus ("stimulus") Funds To Flush Away Illinois Town's Sewage Problem? (Video)

Change you can crap on.

CRAPulus (krap-yuh-luhs)
noun, verb CRAPulized, CRAPuloused
1. Generational Theft Act of 2009
2. Congressional Radical Anti-American Pork (CRAAP)
3. Congress Ruins America With Pork (CRAP)
4. Congress Raped America People (CRAP)
5. Slang: Sometimes Vulgar.
a. nonsense; drivel.
b. falsehood, exaggeration, propaganda, or the like.
6. refuse; rubbish; junk; litter: Will you clean up that crapulus!


1.crapulus around, Slang: Sometimes Vulgar.
a. to behave in a foolish or silly manner.
b. to avoid work.
2. crapulus on, Slang: Sometimes Vulgar.
a. to treat badly, esp. by humiliating, insulting, or slighting.
b. to cause misery, misfortune, or discomfort.
3. crapulus up, Slang: Sometimes Vulgar. to botch, ruin, or cheapen; make a mess of.

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