I have a better idea: Punt.

Dedicated to America. Fusion of Politics and Entertainment With Respect To: Protecting Self-evident Freedoms Provided by Our Founding Fathers and The Constitution. Devoted to Personal Freedom and Liberty. Supporting Strong National Defense. Encouraging Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Market Capitalism. Favoring "Smart" Energy Independence. Exposing Liberal Media Bias.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Who is he trying to kid?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is accusing Republicans of undermining national security, saying GOP filibusters of White House nominees are leaving critical posts empty at the State Department and Department of Homeland Security.
In caustic opening remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday morning, Reid said Republicans are playing "games" while the nation remains under terrorist threat.
“Republicans have repeatedly asked fearful families to put their concerns on hold while they score political points and play partisan games," Reid said.
The majority leader, who is increasingly frustrated with his chamber's inability to confirm certain White House nominees, says Republicans have "exploited" and "abused" the rules of the Senate to grind the government to a halt.
Congressman Mike Pence gave the following speech from the floor of the U.S. House in response to the release of President Obama's budget.
Obama: I spend, therefore I am. Spending freeze: but we'll raist the debt limit and then spend more money; as long as Obama says something, it must be true, right? Isn't that how he got elected? All talk and no action.
POTUS continues to vote "present".
Axelrod is wrong. It is VERY inappropriate for POTUS to chide SCOTUS. Separation of powers: Constitution 101. Duh!
Not to mention the balls, Axelrod and Obama still show with respect to "Special Interests" and "Lobbyists" considering their track record. The hypocrisy is palpable.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito shooked his head no, and mouthed "not true," while President Obama criticized the Supreme Court for their recent decision permitting lobbyists and corporations to exert more influence on elections.
How does a President insult the Supreme Court? What a jerk.
Gee... and I thought the address was comical! Fox had a better, longer clip and I'm working on finding it.
Members of Jersey Shore Tea Party Patriots confront Rep. Rush Holt over health care.
Rock on, Patriots! Vote him out!!!!
Republican leaders offer some predictions on what they would like to hear President Obama address in his first State of the Union.
I disagree with the Governor; I continue to believe the egomaniacal ideologue-in-chief will not become "moderate" or "centrist" and correct course. He is simply too radical, arrogant, dangerous and dishonest.
Obama administration misses deadline to shut down prison. Prediction: The prison will still be open this time next year.
Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack was on with Neil Cavuto this afternoon and talked about being assaulted outside of Martha Coakley's lobbyist fundraiser by Obama Appointee Michael Meehan.
The CBS News Investigative Unit has acquired video of buildings collapsing in Port-au-Prince, Haiti during the country's worst earthquake since 1770. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0 and dozens of aftershocks.
While trying to ask Martha Coakley (D-Mass.) about her statement that there are no terrorists in Afghanistan, Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack is knocked to the ground by a campaign staffer. She never answered the question.
This man has spent a year and a half smearing Sarah Palin, any wonder why he has the lowest ratings on cable?
Chris: as if Obama has a flipping clue about foreign policy? You Lose! Good Day Sir!
Conservatives: The Party of Inclusion.
Sarah Palin was on with Bill O'Reilly tonight. She discussed Harry Reid's racial comments saying, "A lot of us don't think along those lines that a person's skin tone qualifies them for president."
Another carpet bagger...
Former U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr. began crafting his argument Tuesday for a potential bid to unseat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, reinventing himself as an independent thinker battling "Washington insiders."
I went to college with this man at The University of Pennsylvania. He penned a op/ed column for "The Daily Pennsylvanian". His musing were full of radical, anti-White sentiment. Tennessee voted him out of the U.S. House for a reason.
New Yorkers: You want NO part of this man!
Amazing how forgiving one can be when attempting to pass a bogus piece of legislation (health care reform) in order to brag about one's accomplishments during one's State Of The Union address...hypothetically speaking, of course.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will be compelled to hand over documents related to American International Group Inc.s government bailout after Edolphus Towns, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said he will issue a subpoena.
More trouble for Tim Geithner...
Read more at HerringPost.
Explosive new e-mails released last week could see Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner embroiled in criminal charges for his role in the cover up that exposes the monumental criminality behind the $182.3 billion dollar bailout of American International Corporation.
A female hippo is roaming free in a Montenegro village after escaping her enclosure at a wetland turned zoo. The zoo owner plans to wait until floodwaters recede before trying to capture the 2-ton hippo.
Scott Brown at the Massachusetts Senate debate. "With all due respect, it's not the Kennedy's seat, it's not the Democrats' seat, it's the people's seat."
Destroy Obama? Only time will tell. However, I do believe that the war on terror which Obama, Napolitano, Holder et. al. seem hesitant to acknowledge WILL, in fact, define his Presidency.
Obama has served one year in a term which he had hoped would be less about terror and more about hopeychangey socialism. The reality of terror and violent Islam Extremism is probably a huge wake up call to him.
In his mind, and the eyes of his supporters, the world was supposed to like us more with the Anointed One's arrival to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Sadly, and predictably, the world does not share in the fantastical notion of "change".
Here is video of reporter Helen Thomas telling White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs at a Press Briefing today, January 5, 2010, that many people are saying "You blew it" on preventing terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from having opportunity to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253. Gibbs was trying to give a non-answer to another reporter's question on the subject, when Thomas interrupted Gibbs and told him many people are saying "You blew it."
Ouch. This from Liberal Matriarch Thomas! Wow!
Instead, he let DHS Chair Janet bite the bullet. Obama continues to throw others under the bus and continues to make our nation less safe.
How much could we have learned from Christmas Day Jihadist? Do Eric Holder and Barack Obama really want to protect terrorists "rights" more so than American Security?