Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Michelle Malkin Takes On The Ladies Of ABC's "The View" — Obama's "Culture of Corruption" (Video)

Michelle Malkin continues her book tour for "Culture of Corruption".

Malkin had this to say on her site:

Just finished up on The View, where I sparred with the ladies about Culture of Corruption.

Best part: Every single member of the audience got a copy of the book!

Second best part: Whoopi Goldberg, who didn’t read the book, asserting that I called the administration the most corrupt ever in the book when I was on the set — and then waiting for me to leave to falsely assert that “that young lady” said it on the Today Show.

No, I didn’t. Here’s the video.

As I said on the show, my argument is that the Obama administration needs to be held to its own standards and rhetoric — and by that standard, it is one of the most corrupt in recent history — a point I made on the Hannity show last Monday when I launched.

You know you’ve won the argument when the ladies of the View are reduced to arguing how corrupt Team Obama is, and not whether.

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1 comment:

  1. I would love for someone to point out that corruption did NOT start with the Bush administration!!! Joy sounds like an old broken record..."What about Bush? What about Bush?" Thank you for pointing out that the Bush days are over, and it's time for this administration to take responsibility for their actions.
