Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Great American Sod Act, National Mall Refurbishing Dropped From Stimulus Bill, $200 Million Saved!

Stimulus you can walk on... stimulus you can water... stimulus you can invite $2 million of your closest Obama-maniacs to trample on while you take your botched oath of office.

The Hits Just Keep On Coming!

Another small victory, but something...

  • On Tuesday evening the House Rules Committee stripped two provisions from the stimulus package: the family planning money that President Obama personally lobbied Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., to remove yesterday, and the $200 million to refurbish the National Mall.
  • The move was made amidst a torrent of GOP criticism about wasteful or non-stimulative spending in the bill, including those two projects, as the president attempts to woo House GOPers.

Yesterday, Robert Peter Griffin Gibbs defended the inclusion of the $200 million National Mall Revitalization Fund in the bill, saying,

  • "when we met on the first day of our presidency, we were on the Mall. Right? 1.8 million people stood on the Mall, which happens to be the most visited national park that we have. Right? I think that you can make a very credible case and the economic team has, that reconditioning the National Mall will create jobs. Probably through spending in small businesses."

(What the F*ck Does That Even Mean? Did Gibbs attend the Joe Biden School of Communication?)

Now if we can just get rid of that whole $355 Million for "STD Education"... again, how does talking to kids about Chlamydia or The Clap stimulate the economy? Good idea? Maybe. Stimulus? Definitely not.

And before any of you Leftist Socialists say anything, keep this in mind. The above mentioned $355 Million will go to the CDC. Here is list of how the CDC has used tax payer money in the past:

A transgender beauty pageant in San Francisco that advertised available HIV testing.

Funded an event called “Men for Hire” put on by the Stop AIDS Project in San Francisco at which homosexual men learned “seven guidelines for safe and friendly relations with escorts.” The speaker, Joseph Itiel, encouraged attendees to hire male prostitutes as a “safe-sex” practice.

Funded an event, also put on by the Stop AIDS Project, called “Got Love? – Flirt/Date/Score” that taught participants how “to flirt with greater finesse.”

Funded events called “Booty Call” and “Great Sex” put on by an organization that received $698,000 in government funds.

Gave $1.6 million to an organization that hired a homosexual porn star to appear at an event in a towel and cowboy boots to promote “safe-sex.”

Why is it that every time some of the pork gets exposed from the "No Pork" Economic Spending and Un-recovery Bill it gets removed?


The Democrats really think we are all stupid, don't they? Did the really assume no one would look at this bill very closely?

They are so arrogant in their "Political Capital", the Obamamania, the "I won" mentality that they truly feel they can do whatever they want!

Thank you John Boehner, Fox News, for keeping the Liberals Spendocrats on their toes.

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